
fēn lù qì
  • Splitter;shunt
  1. 第三,研究了PLC分路器的封装工艺,同时介绍了几种不同的封装方式。

    Third , the package process is researched . And we introduce several different packaging modes , including the glue selection .

  2. 基于FPGA和LVDS的AOS高速合路器/分路器研究

    Study of AOS Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Based on FPGA and LVDS

  3. 特别在波分复用系统(wavelength-division-multiplexedsystem)中,分路器(合路器)有着广泛的应用。

    Especially in DWDM ( wavelength division multiplexed system ) area , Optical Splitter ( Optical Combiner ) has been applied universally .

  4. 其中分路器采用无源LC带通滤波器,它能将接收线圈耦合到的信号一分为二。

    Wherein the splitter uses a passive LC bandpass filter , it can divide signals coupled by the receiving coil into two .

  5. 包括封装胶的选择,使得封装后的分路器经过高低温循环实验后,IL值仍然能够符合产业标准之内。最后,文章研究了PLC分路器的高温高湿实验。

    After high and low temperature cycle experiment , the parameter still can meet industry IL standard . Finally , the high temperature and humidity test is researched .

  6. 基于CCSDS标准的帧同步分路器

    A Frame Synchro-Division Set Based on CCSDS Standard

  7. 光纤CATV传输系统包括光发射机、光接收机、光纤和必要的光通路器件(如光分路器、光纤连接器)等。

    Optical fiber CATV system includes optical transmitter , optical receiver , optical fiber , and essential optical path devices , such as optical splitter , optical connector etc.

  8. 介绍了基于Altera公司FPGA的高速DMUX(数据分路器)设计。

    The high speed DMUX ( data demultiplexer ) based on FPGA ( Field Programmable Gate Array ) from Altera is introduced .

  9. 为AOS在空间站数据系统型号研制中的应用提出了高速链路控制器、信道合路器/分路器的可行的设计方法。

    The research raises an available design method of high-speed link controller and multiplexer / demultiplexer for the application of AOS in the space station data system research .

  10. 无源1:N分路器的使用会带来严重的损耗(例如一个1:32的分路器引入插入/分割损耗大于17dB)并且限制了可达到的连接长度。

    Passive 1 : N splitter in use will cause serious wear and tear ( for example , the introduction of a 1:32 of the splitter insertion / split loss greater than 17dB ) and to limit the length of the connection can be achieved .

  11. 全息分路器的二维像差平衡和相位补偿函数的计算

    Two-dimensional aberration-balancing and computation of phase compensation function for holographic wavelength demultiplexer

  12. 可调光分路器/耦合器的实现技术及其应用

    Realization technology of tunable optical splitter and its applications

  13. 波分复用系统自聚焦棒光栅型分路器的研究

    On SELFOC Lens Grating Demultiplexers of Wavelenght-Division-Multiplexing Systems

  14. 该部分电路由分路器和解调器组成。

    The circuits of the part are composed of a splitter and a demodulator .

  15. 设计了一种混合集成波导多波长合波-功率分路器。

    The designing of hybrid integrated guided wave optical wavelength multiplexer and divider is presented .

  16. 非对称Y分支光波导分路器的设计

    Design of Asymmetric Y-branching Waveguide Splitter

  17. 有线电视光缆传输网中光分路器的设计与使用

    The Design and the Usage of the Splitter in the CATV Fiber Optic Cable Delivers Net

  18. 目前,光纤分路器已形成一个多功能、多用途的产品系列。

    At present , the fiber optic splitter has formed a series of multi-functional and purpose products .

  19. 光纤分路器是光通讯领域应用的最为广泛最为基础的光无源器件。

    The optical fiber splitter is the most extensive and basic passive component in the field of optical communication .

  20. 在这种结构中,光分路器和波长变换器为所有入端口和出端口共享。

    In this structure , optical splitters and wavelength converters are shared by all input ports and output ports .

  21. 本文用像差平衡的方法求出优化的全息分路器光路结构参量。

    Optimized parameters of the optical configuration of holographic wavelength demultiplexer ( HWD ) have been obtained with aberration balancing .

  22. 通过实验,在磷酸盐玻璃基质上制作出了不同比例的平板波导,沟道波导和Y型分路器。

    Through experimentation , some planar waveguides , channel waveguides and Y-splitters in different scales are fabricated in er-doped phosphate glass substrate .

  23. 同时对几个Y分支级联所构成的非对称分路器进行了研究,结果表明利用非对称光分路器分配光功率,可以满足不同用户的需求。

    The calculation results show that using asymmetric optical splitter to divide the optical power can meet the demand of different users .

  24. 理论与实践表明,这种光分路器完全可以满足系统载噪比与非线性失真质量指标的要求。

    The C / N and nonlinear distortion are provided to be contented with the two-output optical distributor by theory and practice .

  25. 光纤产品主要有光纤跳线、光纤适配器、光纤衰减器、光分路器和光纤信息面板等光纤通信产品。

    The main products for the fiber optics include optic fiber patch cords , adapters , attenuators , optical splitters , fiber optic panel etc.

  26. GB/T13713-1992纤维光学分路器第一部分∶总规范(可供认证用)以实现认证安全性,及认证和业务数据流的分离。

    Fibre optic branching devices-Part 1 : Generic specification The safety authentication , separate of authentication and data flow from network service was realized with authenticator .

  27. 但每个光分路器都是特制的,没有通用性,不利于设计、生产、备用和维修。

    However , every optical distributor is specially designed , not to be used universally , which is disadvantageous for design , production , backup and maintenance .

  28. 设计了泵浦光和信号光分开传输的双总线结构,利用光源分路器为每个传感单元单独提供泵浦,实现最大化利用泵浦能量。

    We designed Double Bus Topology Structure which separated the signal and pump light . Using coupler we pumped every sensing element separately which used pump power farthest .

  29. 通过对每一部件采用合理的技术形式和优化设计,最后实现设计出小型化、高性能、低成本的集群分路器。

    According to adopting reasonable technique style and optimization design , at last , the Trunk splitter with high performance and low cost , will be worked out .

  30. 本文围绕InGaAs/InAlAs多量子阱多模干涉光分路器/耦合器展开工作,以光分路器/耦合器的理论分析、优化设计为主要研究内容。

    This dissertation studies the InGaAs / InAlAs Multiple Quantum Well optical splitters / couplers based on multimode interference , including their theoretical analysis , optimal designs , and experiments .