
  • 网络distribution index;PDI
  1. 旋风分离器的速度分布指数n的分析

    Analysis of the speed distribution index n of the cyclone separater

  2. 聚合物相对分子质量分布指数ID为50~80。

    The relative molecular mass distribution index ( I D ) was 50 ~ 80 .

  3. 出口角度、混合腔长度对分布指数K有一定的影响。

    The length of mixer and the transition angle o also have influence on atomization level .

  4. 结果表明,成分分布指数的增大以及金属W厚度的增加均使表面工作温度提高;

    The results showed that the surface working temperature increased with increasing compositional exponent and tungsten layer thickness .

  5. PVC接枝共聚物的特性粘度随接枝率增加而增加,其重均分子量和分子量分布指数均大于接枝所用的PVC树脂。

    The intrinsic viscosity , weight average molecular weight and index of molecular weight distribution of PVC-g-BA copolymer increased with increasing grafting degree .

  6. 计算结果表明,通过梯度复合可以有效地缓和梯度材料制备过程中所产生的残余热应力,当梯度材料分布指数P值为1.2时,热应力缓和的作用最显著,缓和效果达60%。

    The outcome indicates that the graded composite can effectively reduce the residual thermal stress . When the distribution p is 1.2 , the relaxation effect is most conspicuous and up to 60 % .

  7. 采用GPC测定WPU的分子量分布指数为2.58。

    The dispersion exponent of WPU , 2.58 , was determined through GPC .

  8. 通过Matlab仿真分析流速分布指数和流速分布系数的计算方法及其对流速测量的影响。

    The calculation method of velocity distribution index and velocity distribution coefficient is illustrated , and influence of velocity distribution on flow velocity measurement is analyzed with Matlab .

  9. 本文综述了闪光灯光谱分布指数SDI值的计算方法,并对闪光光谱测试系统的组成、性能及测试结果进行了介绍与分析。

    And analysis of components property and test result for the flash spectral measurement system .

  10. 通过凝胶渗透色谱法和红外光谱法证实该反应方法可合成分子量分布指数低于1.5的PAM。

    It is identified that polyacrylamide with low polydispersity (≤ 1.5 ) can be synthesized by infra-red absorption spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography .

  11. 结果表明,G1和G2的相对分子质量分布指数为1.0081和1.0110,呈现很窄的相对分子质量分布;

    The results show that G1 and G2 have narrow relative molecular weight distribution with 1.008 1 and 1.011 0 respectively ;

  12. 利用凝胶渗透色谱法(GPC),建立了最佳测试条件,测试了松香改性特辛基酚醛树脂的分子量(重均、数均、分布指数)。

    It was quickly accomplished to determine the molecular weight and its distribution of modified rosin n octyl phenolic resin by gel permeation chromatography method .

  13. 高温凝胶渗透色谱法不适于测定UHMWPE的分子量,其分子量分布指数可作为近似相对参考值。

    High temperature gel permeation chromatography is not suitable for molecular weight determination of UHMWPE , and the molecular weight distribution index can be used as approximate relative references .

  14. 度分布指数介于1~2之间的复杂网络中存在数量较多的HUB节点,其边数与节点数之间的关系是非线性的,节点数的增加将导致边数的大幅度增加;

    There exist plenty of hub nodes for complex networks whose degree distribution exponents are between 1 and 2 , the edges and nodes have nonlinear relations , and the increase of nodes will result in much more increase of edges ;

  15. 以四普和五普数据为依据,利用人口密度、人口再分布指数、区位商、Lorenz曲线、人口集中指数等指标和方法分析了广东省劳动力人口的空间分布、变动特点及主要影响因素。

    Based on fourth and fifth census data , using population density , population redistribution index , location quotient , Lorenz curve , population concentration index , this paper analyzes the changes and spatial distribution of the labor force in Guangdong province .

  16. 采用粉末冶金法中的叠层法在2000℃、40MPa的热压烧结条件下制备了几类不同层数及成分分布指数的SiC/C功能梯度块体材料(FGM)。

    SiC / C block Functionally graded materials ( FGMs ) with different layers and compositional distribution factor ( P ) are designed and fabricated successfully by power stacking and hot-press sintering under a pressure of 40 MPa at 2 000 ℃ .

  17. 由此得到的平均加合数为3的C12~14醇醚产品,其分布指数大于98%,游离醇质量分数低于16%,选择性接近100%,醇醚收率达79%以上。

    For the ethoxylation of C 12-14 alcohol , which average adduct number was 3 , distribution index was over 98 % , free alcohol of the product lowed 16 % , selectivity approached to 100 % , and the yield of product was over 79 % .

  18. 闪光灯的光谱分布指数及其测定

    Spectral Distribution lndex of Flash Lamp , and its Measurement

  19. 滚动轴承疲劳寿命分布指数的验证

    Validation for Distribution Exponent of Fatigue Life of Rolling Bearings

  20. 旋风分离器速度分布指数及压降计算通用模型

    General Modeling of Calculating Pressure Drop and Exponent of Vortex Profile in Cyclone Separator

  21. 固壁紊流流速分布指数型公式和阻力规律&(Ⅰ)粗糙区紊流混合摩擦区的水力计算

    Power Type Velocity Distribution Formula and Skin Friction Laws for Wall Turbulence :(ⅰ) Hydraulic Rough Region

  22. 建立了计算旋风分离器压降及速度分布指数的通用计算式。

    A semitheoretical modeling to calculate pressure drop and exponent of vortex velocity profile is deduced .

  23. 度分布指数3构成了复杂网络中病毒防治方式的临界点。

    The degree distribution exponent 3 is a critical point for the prevention of virus propagation of complex network .

  24. 研究表明,度分布指数等于2是无标度网络中度分布指数的一个临界值。

    It is found that scaling exponent equal to2 is a typical cutoff of scaling exponent for scale-free networks .

  25. 这种介质中的气体渗流同时受到介质的特征粒径、粒径分布指数和孔隙率的影响。

    The gas seepage in the medium is influenced by characteristic particle size , particle size distribution index and porosity simultaneously .

  26. 本研究还考察了半连续聚合反应进程中苯丙树脂分子量和分子量分布指数的变化规律。

    The changes in the molecular weight and molecular weight distribution index of the resin during the semi-continuous polymerization were also researched .

  27. 所得三嵌段共聚物有低的分布指数(1.36)与两个玻璃化温度&75℃与170℃。

    The triblock copolymers obtained had low polydispersity index ( 1.36 ) with two Tg ( & 75 ℃ and 170 ℃) .

  28. 分布指数用于描述某种组分的实际分布与标准分布的差异,可以排除面积的干扰,户县耕地和建设用地在低地形位上的优势明显。

    Distribution index was developed to describe the discrepancy between actual and standard distribution of one component , overcoming the disturbance caused by area .

  29. 地形分布指数能够准确表征地形对森林景观空间格局及其变化的影响,并获得格局及其变化的多种信息。

    ◆ Nondimensional distribution index was able to describe the spatial pattern of each landscape patch type and indicate the affection of the topography on the change of the pattern .

  30. 提出了以组分质量分布指数评价粉碎物料主要组分的粒度分布状况,该指数反映了粒度分布对组分分离的影响。

    A component mass index was put forward to evaluate particle size distribution of main components of crushed material . This index illustrates the effects of particle size distribution on separation of main components .