
pǔ kuān
  • spectral width
  1. 用微机制作的R计测量多普勒谱宽

    Measuring Doppler spectral width by using R meter on Microcomputer

  2. 本文选定以保偏膜式光学玻璃电流传感器(BulkGlassOpticalCurrentSensor:BGOCS)为研究对象,研究了光源谱宽对其输出的影响。

    This paper focuses on the effect of spectral width of the optical source on the output of Bulk Glass Optical Current Sensor ( BGOCS ) .

  3. 杂波谱中心Doppler频率和谱宽的快速估计算法

    Fast method for estimating center Doppler frequency and bandwidth of clutter spectrum

  4. 长波长LEDs谱宽压缩滤波器的研制

    Development of Filter for Compressing Spectral Width of Long Wavelength LEDs

  5. 本文报道用于长波长LEDs光源谱宽压缩滤波器的研制过程,重点说明GRIN棒状透镜在光纤传输轴向分离耦合中的重要作用。

    The important rule of GRIN rod-lens in axial separation coupling of fiber optic transmission is also highlighted in the paper .

  6. 测量了调Q后激光输出的能量、动静比、脉宽、谱宽等,并从理论上进行了一些分析。

    The laser output energy , dynamic to static ratio , pulse bandwidth ana spectral line width etc. by Q-switching ware mea-sured and analysed theoretically .

  7. 对于具有一定谱宽的X射线源,应选择谱宽尽量小的源,以获得含信息量丰富、分辨率高的图像。

    For X-ray source with a certain spectral width , the source with minimum spectral width as possible to get the high resolution images with rich information should be selected .

  8. 为了能有效地抑制机载下视雷达的地杂波,需要对这类杂波的中心Doppler频率和谱宽进行精确地估计。

    In order to suppress the ground clutter in down scan airborne radar , the center Doppler frequency and the bandwidth of the clutter spectrum must be estimated precisely .

  9. 利用MonteCarlo方法模拟计算了该系统的测量精度,结果表明,在90%的光子数探测几率下,多普勒测量精度约是单个CCD探测通道谱宽的10%;

    The simulation with the Monte-Carlo method shows that the accuracy of Doppler measurement is better than a tenth of the spectral width of a single CCD component in 90 % detection probability .

  10. 半导体光放大器(SOA)有非线性系数高、增益谱宽、体积小和易于集成的优点,因此在全光信号处理领域受到了广泛的关注。

    Semiconductor optical amplifier ( SOA ) has been widely applied in all-optical signal processing , because it has benefits of high nonlinear coefficient , wide gain spectrum , small size and can be easily integrated .

  11. 本文利用肝B超直方图对正常人84例、高血脂99例、脂肪肝45例探查,发现直方图近场与远场之距0位点数、谱宽、平均灰阶(AV)有明显的规律性变化。

    Histogram patterns of hepatic B-ultrasonography was used to observe 84 cases of normal controls , 99 patients with hyperlipidemia and 45 patients with fatty liver .

  12. 层状云降水的速度谱宽均值为2.1m/s。

    The average width value in stratum precipitation is 2.1 m / s.

  13. 本文针对化学位移各向异性相互作用,讨论了反对称分量的NMR性质,指出在MAS情形下,反对称分量对频移和谱宽的贡献仍是二阶小量。

    This paper deals with the NMR properties of the antisymmetric constituent of chemical shift interaction . The antisymmetric constituent under MAS effects both the line position and the linewidth in second order .

  14. 理论和实验表明,由此组合脉冲组成的去耦序列:NEW16、NEW32,去耦谱宽比常用的去耦序列:MLEV16、WALTZ16的去耦谱宽增加约30%。

    Theory and experiments show that the decoupling sequences . NEW-16 and NEW - 32 , which are incorporated by the new composite pulse , have about 30 % wider decoupling bandwidth than the sequences : MLEV-16 and WALTZ-16 , which are usually used for broadband decoupling .

  15. M2代诱变效果显著,突变谱宽,有益突变(早熟、矮杆、穗形)频率明显高于γ射线,且较易诱发早抽穗性状变异。

    Wider mutational spectrum and higher useful mutation frequencies ( earlier earing , dwarf stem , spike form ) were observed in M2 generation by heavy ions treatment than in that by γ - ray treatment .

  16. 整形后的光谱形状变为平顶,谱宽增加了2nm。

    The shape of the spectrum becomes flat at its top and the FWHM bandwidth broadens 2 nm .

  17. 结果表明,多色高斯谢尔模型光束通过球差透镜后的轴上光谱与空间相关参量β,球差系数C4,源光谱谱宽σ0,位置z有关。

    It is shown that the on-axis spectrum of polychromatic GSM beams passing through the spherically aberrated lens depends on the spatial correlation parameter β, spherical aberration C4 , band-width σ 0 of the source and position parameter z in general .

  18. 另一套系统利用飞秒激光脉冲激发半导体表面,辐射出谱宽较大(0.2-2.6THz)的THz电磁波,应用于THz时间分辨光谱研究。

    Another uses a femtosecond laser pulse to excite semiconductor surface and generates the broadband THz radiation with the spectral range between 0.2 THz and 2.6 THz , which is suitable for the study on THz time resolved spectroscopy .

  19. 光源谱宽通过光纤色散对AOCS输出的影响

    Effect of the Spectral Width of Optical Sources upon the Output of an Active Optical Current Sensor by Fiber Dispersion

  20. 本文从理论公式出发,计算和分析了不同方位平均、距离平均、不同谱宽σV等因素对差传播相移ΦDP测量精度的影响。

    The measurement accuracy of differential propagation phase shift Φ DP is calculated with various sample pairs M , range average intervals and spectrum widths σ V by using theoretical formula . Then , the effect of those factors on the measurement errors of Φ DP is analyzed .

  21. 报道了由电吸收调制器(EAM)和半导体光放大器(SOA)构成的10GHz光纤锁模激光器,可输出脉宽为10ps,谱宽为04nm近变换极限的锁模光脉冲序列。

    It is demonstrated that an actively mode locked fiber ring laser consisted of electro absorption modulator ( EAM ) and semiconductor optical amplifier ( SOA ) . A 10 GHz , 10ps pulse trains with 0.4 nm spectrum width were obtained .

  22. 提出了利用变栅距反射光栅实现中心波长1053nm,谱宽6nm啁啾脉冲的光谱整形。

    A new method , based on the spatial grating with variable line-space for spectrum shaping of chirped laser pulse with the central wavelength at 1053 nm and line width 6 nm , is presented .

  23. 光源谱宽变化对系统输出的影响小于0.025%,在考虑三者的联合影响时,Verdet常数色散的影响占主导地位,而且整体上系统输出随光源谱宽的增加而有微弱增加。

    The effect of the change of source spectral width on the output of the system is less than 0.025 % . The effect of Verdet constant is dominant in the combined effect , and the system output is increased with the increase of the source spectral width .

  24. 结果表明,所制备的量子点粒径分布均一,紫外吸收谱宽而连续,荧光发射峰窄且对称,发射范围几乎覆盖了整个可见区(480-760nm)。

    The results show that the quantum dot size distribution is homogeneous , the UV absorption spectrum is broad and continuous , the fluorescence emission peaks are narrow and symmetric , and the emission range covers almost the entire visible region ( 480-760nm ) .

  25. 扩宽OMA-Ⅵ同时谱宽的新方法

    A New Method to Broaden Simultaneous Spectra for OMA ⅵ System

  26. 窄线宽半导体激光器谱宽测试技术研究

    Research of Linewidth Measurement of Narrow Linewidth Semiconductor Laser

  27. 变态氧杀菌力强,菌谱宽;

    The modified oxygen has a high bactericidal power with a wide bactericidal spectrum ;

  28. 光纤损耗测量中对光源谱宽误差的修正

    Elimination of Errors Caused by Spectral Width of Light Source in Optical Fiber Loss Measurements

  29. 半导体激光器谱宽的测量研究

    Measurement of spectral linewidth of semiconductor lasers

  30. 光纤损耗使增益的谱宽变窄.脊髓受压变窄。

    Research also shows that fiber loss reduces the frequency range of the gain spectrum .