
  • 网络line profile
  1. 恒星的较差自转和谱线轮廓

    Differential rotation of stars and spectral line profile

  2. 色球耀斑Hα谱线轮廓不对称性研究进展

    H α Line Profile Asymmetry in Chromospheric Flare

  3. ICP-AES中光谱干扰的计算机模拟&Ⅲ.有效谱线轮廓模型的建立

    Computer simulation of spectral interferences in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy & ⅲ . the mathematical model for the effective line profiles

  4. 运用ICP-AES谱线轮廓图功能,消除常量元素产生的基体背景干扰。

    The base line background noise interference caused by the main elements ' emission lines was eliminated by using the profile function of the ICP-AES .

  5. Zeeman原子吸收光谱分析法中谱线轮廓的研究Ⅰ.原子发射谱线、原子吸收谱线和Zeeman原子吸收谱线轮廓间重叠关系图的建立

    Studies on the Spectral Line Profiles in Zeeman Effect Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy I. The Overlapping Relationship of Calculated Line Profiles for AE , AA and ZAA

  6. 通过改变一束泵浦光的偏振状态,研究了DFWM信号强度及其谱线轮廓的变化特性。

    DFWM signal intensity and its line shape were studied by altering the polarization state of one pump field .

  7. 当湍动元长度小于40km时,中介湍动场可以用微观和宏观湍动的组合来模拟,对大气模型及谱线轮廓的计算基本无影响;

    The micro-and macro-turbulence approximation can be safely used when the correlation length is less than 40 km , and it has no great influence on the model calculations .

  8. 倾角对吸积环谱线轮廓的影响

    Influence of the Inclination on the Line Profile of an Accretion Ring

  9. 阿尔文波与太阳黑子谱线轮廓

    Alfven Waves and Profiles of the Spectral Lines of Sunspots

  10. 振镜扫描光谱仪用于托卡马克等离子体谱线轮廓测量

    Measurement of Spectral Profiles in Tokamak Plasma with an Optical Scanner Spectrometer

  11. 本文提出一个能统一描述多种谱线轮廓的新函数。

    A new function of spectral line shapes is represented .

  12. 有吸积盘时径向运动云的谱线轮廓

    Line Profile of Radially Flowing Clouds with Accretion Disk

  13. 相对论性开普勒环的谱线轮廓

    Line profile of relativistic Keplerian rings

  14. 得到的结论为:(1)常源函数与常速度场结合的谱线轮廓为对称轮廓;

    The results are : ( 1 ) The line profile is symmetrical for constant velocity distribution ;

  15. 黑洞发光环谱线轮廓的精确解

    Precise Solution of Line Profiles for a Black Hole with a Luminous Ring in Its Accretion Disk

  16. 大质量中微子晕内相对论性开普勒环的谱线轮廓

    Line Profile of Relativistic Keplerian Rings in a Massive Halo of Neutrinos a good [ bad ] sailor

  17. 塞曼原子吸收光谱法中谱线轮廓研究Ⅲ.π成分作用

    Studies on the Spectral Line Profiles in Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy & ⅲ . The Role of π Component in ZAAS

  18. 根据多样性的13CO(1→0)谱线轮廓,分析了大质量年轻星成协分子云核的运动和结构。

    The kinematics and structures of molecular cloud cores associated with massive YSOs were analyzed from the various 13 CO ( 1 → 0 ) line profiles .

  19. 在非饱和增长期间,谱线轮廓的宽度将减对心直动滚子从动件盘形凸轮廓线长度的计算

    During unsaturated growth , the width of the spectral profile will decrease . The Calculation of Outline for Disc Cam about Roller Follower of Linear Motion along the Axis

  20. 获得的光谱谱线轮廓具有典型的对称性线型,测得的谱线半宽度为3.2千兆赫。

    The obtained profile of spectral line has a typical and symmetrical shape of line . The line width ( FWHM ) was measured to be 3 . 2 GHz .

  21. 本文介绍了近几十年来国内外对太阳光谱分析方法研究概况,特别关注对太阳耀斑等活动现象的非对称谱线轮廓的定量或半定量研究。

    The studies of solar spectral method made during recently years on the world are introduced briefly , especially on the study on asymmetric profile of solar flares quantitatively or quasi-quantitatively .

  22. 用转镜式扫描光谱仪获得了微型环流器放电中不同时刻的氢等离子体的扫描光谱及氢原子光谱的Hα和Hβ谱线的瞬时轮廓。

    Using a rotating mirror scanning spectrometer the scanning spectra and the transient profiles of H α and H β lines of the hydrogen plasma in Mini-Torus during the discharge have been obtained .

  23. 从本质上来说,谱线强度和轮廓的计算是一个量子力学的问题。

    Intrinsically the calculation of line strength and shape is a quantum mechanical problem .

  24. 采用干涉成像光谱技术对被探测源谱线为高斯轮廓时风场的速度、温度的测量进行了分析和计算。

    Variation of path difference velocity and temperature of wind field are analyzed and calculated applying interference image spectroscopy .

  25. 最后对康普顿谱线位置和康普顿轮廓的理论研究和应用前景作了展望。

    At last the authors draw a conclusion and make a prospect for the research of the theory and its applications of Compton line and profile .

  26. 在Schwarzschild度规下,针对洛仑兹发射谱线,将黑洞吸积环谱线轮廓的计算推广到倾角为任意值的一般情形。

    The calculation of line profile for the light , originally in Lorentz spectral type , emitted from an accretion ring around a Schwarzschild black hole is generalized to the ordinary case with an arbitrary inclination angle .

  27. 日珥谱线不对称性的研究Ⅰ.视向速度对谱线轮廓的影响

    An investigation on the symmetry of the line profile of a solar prominence I. The effects of the line of sight velocity on the line profile

  28. 分析了601800波长区内的谱线,用光电方法得到了550580波段光谱以及OV193谱线轮廓。

    Spectral lines in the wavelength range of 60-1800A have been analysed . The spectrum in the wavelength range of 550-580A , as well as the spectral profile of OV 193A line have also been obtained by means of the photoelectrical method .

  29. 计算并测量了谱线半宽度,结果表明单色仪是可行的。获得的光谱谱线轮廓具有典型的对称性线型,测得的谱线半宽度为3.2千兆赫。

    The results show that the new type of monochrometer can be used . The obtained profile of spectral line has a typical and symmetrical shape of line . The line width ( FWHM ) was measured to be 3 . 2 GHz .