
  • 网络total absorption
  1. 根系活跃吸收面积(AAAR)、根系总吸收面积(TAAR)随着pH值的升高而上升;

    The active absorption area of roots and the total absorption area of roots also increased in this pH value range .

  2. 再生区吸收与总吸收之比

    Blanket to total absorption

  3. 另外在总吸收图和CompareCorrelation图像的基础上得出共混样品各组分的混合图层图像。

    Otherwise we got layer image of each component in blend base on Compare Correlation image .

  4. 盆载试验表明,在水稻养分吸收过程中K-Mg和Mg-Ca通常表现为颉颃作用,但K-Ca-Mg的结合施用,增加养分的总吸收量,显示协同作用。

    Pot culture experiment showed an antagonistic effect between K-Mg and Mg-Ca in the process of nutrient uptake by rice plane However , combinative use of K-Ca-Mg increased the total uptake of nutrient showing a synergistic effect .

  5. 施磷也促进了油麦菜对Cu,Zn,Mn的总吸收量,且其增加幅度随Cd污染程度的加深呈先增加再减小趋势;

    P fertilizer application also promoted the amount of uptake of Cu , Zn , Mn of plant , and the degree of increase ascended at first and descended later with the aggravation of Cd polluted ;

  6. 根系总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积,在水平方向和垂直方向的变化与TTC还原量相同。

    Changes of total root absorbing area and actively absorbing area had the same trend as those of TTC reductive amounts either in the horizontal or the vertical range .

  7. 5月2日~5月16日,是植株吸收K2O最多的时期,占总吸收量的28.63%。

    K_2O was mainly absorbed from March 2nd to 16th , which was 28.63 % of the total value of assimilation .

  8. 方法以60Coγ射线照射大鼠右后肢,每次每只大鼠吸收剂量为2Gy,总吸收剂量为30Gy。

    Methods Each one of the mice was irradiated for 2 Gy every time and 30 Gy in total on the right leg .

  9. 根系生理反应与地上部有所不同,在短期的水分胁迫(24h)下,根系中硝酸还原酶活性、可溶性蛋白质含量、根系活力及根系总吸收面积增加,随着胁迫时间的延长,各指标呈下降趋势;

    Root physiology response was different from top . Soluble protein content and NR activity of root , root vigour , root total uptake area increased under short-term water-stress ( 24h ), but the indexes declined along with the process of water-stress .

  10. 臭氧9.6μ带总吸收比的实验测定

    The experimental measurement of total absorptance by the ozone 9.6 micron band

  11. 根系总吸收面积及活跃面积均随生育进程而增加。

    The total and active absorbing area of roots increased with plant growth .

  12. 吸收量则随着生育过程而逐渐增加,菜薹形成期间的吸收量占总吸收量的3/4以上。

    The uptake during flower stalk formation constituted 3 / 4 of the total amount .

  13. 根系活力与根系总吸收面积、活跃吸收面积呈极显著正相关。

    The root activity was significantly correlated with both total roots absorbing area and actively absorbing area .

  14. 结果表明,滴状吸收过程约占总吸收量的30%。

    The results show that the absorption rate due to droplet formation and falling can be up to 30 % .

  15. 黄海、东海水体总吸收系数光谱特性及其统计反演模式研究

    The statistic inversion algorithms and spectral relations of total absorption coefficients for the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea

  16. 氮、磷、钾吸收最大期为盛瓜初期至盛瓜后期,占总吸收量的80%以上;

    The largest absorption stage of three essential elements was at full fruit period and over 80 % of the total absorption .

  17. 能增加水稻秧苗根系总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积,分别比对照增加17.18%和17.50%。

    And it could increase the total and actively absorbing area , increased by 17.18 % and 17.50 % compared separately with CK .

  18. 结果表明,提高喷淋密度可以改善吸收器传热性能,提高溶液进口浓度可改善传质性能,滴状吸收过程约占总吸收量的20%。

    The results show that the heat and mass transfer performance can be enhanced with the increase of spray density and inlet concentration respectively .

  19. 根系发达、根系活跃吸收表面积及总吸收表面积大的品种,有较强的耐铜毒性。

    The rice varieties with strong root system , large active absorption root surface and total root surface area had strong tolerance to copper poison .

  20. 方法采用90Sr/90Y放射性核素敷贴器局部近距离照射治疗,每周3次,10次为1个疗程,采取个体量化治疗,总吸收剂量10~25Gy,间隔3个月为1个治疗周期。

    Methods The applicator brachytherapy was performed 3 times a week using an individual treatment schedule with total doses from 10 Gy to 25 Gy .

  21. 结果表明,水稻植株对109Cd2+的吸收能力较强,但主要分布在根系,占植株总吸收量的92.8%~94.4%。

    The result indicated that the uptake of 109Cd2 + by rice was obvious high but 92.8 % ~ 94.4 % of them distributed in the root .

  22. 装置投入运行1年来,取得了较好的环境效益和经济效益,使氟气总吸收率达99%以上,并可副产氟硅酸钠,其产品质量达一级品标准。

    The unit has run for one year with good environmental and economic benefits , and the byproduct sodium fluorosilicate reaches the first-class product standard in quality .

  23. 施氮增加小麦的干物质累积量的同时也增加了氮总吸收量,但并没有显著地增加籽粒氮含量。

    Meanwhile , nitrogen application improved the dry matter accumulation as well as the total nitrogen assimilation , but it did not increase the grain nitrogen content .

  24. 与单一的铵营养相比,铵硝混合营养增加了根长和根系的表面积、根系的密度以及磷的总吸收量;

    In comparison with ammonium as sole N source , the ammonium nitrate nutrition increased root length , root surface area , root density , and total P uptake .

  25. 在今后的抗寒性选育过程中,可以利用束缚水含量,束缚水/自由水、根系总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积这5个指标进行选择。

    The binding water content , the rate between binding water and free water and total and active absorbing area in cucumber root could be used as the cold-resistant index in breeding programme .

  26. 水体总吸收系数几种统计模型的误差敏感性分析表明,反演模式对±5%的遥感反射比输入误差导致结果增加误差最大为24.0%,因此反演模式是可用的。

    C0.85 . Error sensitivity analysis shows that the maximum retrieve error increased by 24.0 % at ± 5 % error in R_ rs ' s. So the statistical algorithms of this paper are usable .

  27. 但低效基因型根系总吸收面积、活跃吸收面积和比表面积受低钾的抑制程度大于钾高效基因型。

    However , the root total absorbing surface area , root active absorbing surface area and root specific absorbing surface area were reduced by K deficiency more severely in the efficient rice genotypes than in the in-efficient ones .

  28. 结果表明,叶面喷施海藻液肥能提高黄瓜根冠比和干物质含量,提高根系总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积;

    The results of the experiment showed that foliar-spraying liquid seaweed extract could increase the R / T ratio of cucumber , dry matter contents , and the total uptake area and active uptake area of the roots .

  29. 而吸收量以结荚至鼓粒期吸收最多,氮、磷、钾吸收量分别占总吸收量的26.9%,30.9%,38.9%。

    But the accumulative quantity is the most at the stage from the pod elongation to begining of seed-filling , and the absorptive ratio of N , P and K is 29.6 % , 30.9 % , 38.9 % , respectively .

  30. 同时表明海藻液肥还能提高黄瓜根系活力、总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积,但对活跃吸收面积占总表面积的比例(%)、比表面积无显著影响。

    And the seaweed fertilizer manure could also improve cucumber root activities , total absorb area and activity absorb area , but significant influence on the specific surface area and the proportion that activity absorb area in total absorb area was not seen .