
  • 网络total pressure
总压 [zǒng yā]
  • (1) [total pressure]

  • (2) 气流中静压与动压之和

  • (3) 假想流体等熵地和绝热地滞止时所能达到的压力总值

  • (4) 流体流经任何一点时所具有的静压之和

  1. 进气道总压恢复和出口流场试验研究

    A flight-test study on the total pressure recovery and exit flow field in an inlet

  2. 本文首先导出粘性不可压缩流动的新的总压方程,然后采用隐式方法对该总压方程进行数值计算。

    Firstly , a new total pressure equation of the viscous incompressible flow is introduced in this paper . Then , this equation is numerically computed by use of the implicit method .

  3. 本文提出了两种由体系温度(T)及汽液相组成(y,x)推算二元系总压(P)的直接法。

    Two methods for evaluating system pressure at vapor-liquid equilibrium in terms of temperature and vapor and liquid compositions are presented .

  4. 当误差变化到一定范围内则采用神经元PID控制器对总压的精确调节。

    When error changes to a certain range , to achieve an accurate regulation of P0 , a nerve cell PID controller was adopted .

  5. 环型叶栅S1和S2流面N-S分析及总压损失预测

    Loss prediction of annular cascade flow based upon s_1 / s_2 stream surface Navier-Stokes analysis

  6. 当Tu大于3%时,Tu变化对总压损失几乎无影响。

    At Tu > 3 % , the effect of Tu on the total pressure coefficient is negligible .

  7. 其控制系统采用控制台手动控制与计算机自动控制相结合的控制形式,采用数字PID控制算法,实现马赫数和总压控制。

    Control system adopts control method combining desk hand operation control and PC automatic control , adopts digital PID control algorithm realizes the Mach number & total pressure control .

  8. 冷态试验与热态试验的结果都揭示,这种新型稳焰器有较高的燃烧效率和较低的总压损失,性能强于V型稳器。

    Both cold flow test and combustion experiment show that SVGs with higher combustion efficiency and lower total pressure loss are much better than traditional V tpye flame holder .

  9. 其次,本文利用CFD技术模拟了光腔流场,研究了几种喷管的总压损失特性。

    Secondly , the CFD method is used to study the flowfields in the laser chamber and the loss of the total pressure in several types of nozzles .

  10. 计算得到出口处总压13300Pa,总温300K。

    The output condition is total pressure of 13 300 Pa and total temperature of 300 K.

  11. 结果表明:(1)当Tu小于大约3%时,随着Tu增加,总压损失明显降低;

    At turbulence level ( denoted here by Tu ) smaller than about 3 % , the total pressure loss coefficient decreases significantly with increasing Tu ;

  12. 2.4m风洞M数和稳定段总压控制策略研究

    Research on the control strategies of the 2.4m wind tunnel Mach number and stilling chamber total pressure control systems

  13. 通过实验,测量了自由流紊流度(Tu)在1.4%-6.7%范围内,一双圆弧串列叶栅总压损失系数、气流转角、附面层内速度分布以及吸力面压力系数。

    Effects of freestream turbulence on the losses , fluid turning angles , pressure coefficients and boundary layer velocity profiles of a double circular arc tandem cascade were investigated experimentally .

  14. 本文基于进气总压畸变试验数据混沌特性分析的基础上,建立了基于混沌参数的RBF神经网络预测模型,并将该模型用于对发动机进气总压畸变指数的预测。

    In this paper , forecasting model via Radical Basis Functions ( RBF ) based on chaotic characteristic analysis of inlet distortion test data is set up . Application in aeroengine inlet total pressure distortion index forecasting is investigated .

  15. 结果表明,和常规V型火焰稳定器规律相反,开孔沙丘驻涡稳定器比无孔的总压损失系数增大28%。

    The experiments showed that the total pressure loss of the barchane dune vortex flame holder is 28 % greater with holes than without holes , which is quite different from that of a conventional V gutter flame holder with holes ( or slot ) .

  16. 结果该样机栽培室内的温度、相对湿度、风速、总压、O2分压、CO2分压和栽培基质水分含量均实行自动而有效的控制;

    Result The parameters in the growing chamber such as temperature , relative humidity , wind velocity , total pressure , O 2 partial pressure , CO 2 partial pressure and water content of the growing media were totally and effectively controlled ;

  17. 新开发的一维超声速燃烧程序SSC-1可以估算出燃烧室内的流场参数、燃烧效率和总压损失。

    In addition , an one dimensional supersonic combustion computer code SCC-1 in terms of wall static pressure data were developed for the estimation of flow field parameters , combustion efficiency and total pressure recovery .

  18. 在温度为220℃、总压为8MPa条件下,COD,TOC,TN和色度的去除率分别达到77.0%,66.1%,70.2%,91%;

    When the temperature is 220 ℃ and the total pressure is 8 MPa , the removal rates of COD , TOC , TN and chroma are 77 % , 66.1 % , 70 . 2 % and 91 % respectively .

  19. 压强的测量采用半导体硅压阻式压强传感器,通过测量MPT进气管路的静压,结合理论分析计算得到MPT谐振腔的总压。

    The measurement of pressure was carried out by using semiconductor silicon piezometer . With the static pressure in inlet of pipeline and theoretic analysis we could get the total pressure of MPT .

  20. 四种不同流出角的MPC模块平均总压损失计算结果表明,已开发的软件可作为设计低流阻MPC模块的良好工具。

    The calculated results of the average total pressure loss in the modul of MPC system at four different outlet angles show that'thc software developed is a good tool for designing the MPC modul with low flow loss .

  21. 研究了冷轧工艺参数对1Cr13不锈钢薄板基本成型指标的影响,找出了影响其指标的重要因素:冷轧总压下率、退火温度。

    It has been found that main factors effecting on the forming property are the total reduction of cold rolling and the annealing temperature .

  22. 将模型排汽系统的优化结果应用于带有末三级叶片的真实排汽系统,结果表明排汽系统优化后在THA工况下,总压损失系数减少0.1,静压恢复系数提高0.1。

    The optimized geometry is used in the real exhaust hood with the last three stages turbine . At the THA work condition , the total pressure loss coefficient is reduced by 0.1 and the pressure recovery coefficient is improved is by 0.1 .

  23. 简要介绍了FP稀释水流浆箱的结构特点,论述了该流浆箱结合DCS和QCS的控制原理,包括流浆箱总压头控制、气垫控制、中心布浆器压力和液位控制。

    The paper introduces the structural features of FP dilution water head box and the control principle of the head box incorporated with DCS and QCS , including total head control , air cushion control and the pressure and the level control in stock distributor .

  24. 同时还研究了HYTEN的流场特征,不同副喷管间距、注入角度和总压对流场参数的影响。

    Effect of distance between secondary flows , the jet angle and the total pressure on the status of flow-fields , has been studied .

  25. 试验中处理各插板下的压气机气动界面AIP界面的总压图谱,稳态畸变指数,动态畸变指数,综合畸变指数,稳定性损失裕度等等一些参数,分析之后获得一些有益的结果。

    The collection of illustrative plates of air interface plane ( AIP ), steady index , unsteady index , synthesized index and the loss of the stability margin are given out , and get some valuable results are summarized by analyzing the data .

  26. 最后确定催化湿式氧化处理VC制药废水的适宜条件为:催化剂TiCeBi,反应温度200℃,氧分压35MPa,总压5.5MPa,反应时间60min。

    Finally the suitable working condition of WAO process treating V C wastewater is confirmed as catalyst : Ti Ce Bi , reaction temperature : 200 ℃, partial pressure of oxygen : 3.5 MPa , systematic total pressure : 5.5 MPa and reaction time : 60 min.

  27. 研究了310不锈钢在气氛总压为10-5Pa,于2.3%SO2S28.8%N2气氛中600℃下的高温硫腐蚀行为。

    The high temperature sulphur corrosion behavior of 310 stainless steel was studied in the 2.3 % SO 2 S 2 8.8 % N 2 atmosphere at 600 ℃ .

  28. 采用搅拌反应器,以二乙醇胺为有机胺,吸收和解吸温度分别为353K和373K,系统总压0.104MPa时得到的实验数据对该解作了验证。

    To verify the solution , an experiment was carried out in a stirred reactor with diethanolamine as the promotor at 353 K for absorption and 373 K for desorption under pressure of 0.104 MPa .

  29. 介绍了利用丙酮平面激光诱导荧光(PLIF)技术测量自由射流密度场的原理,并对两种射流总压下含有丙酮蒸气示踪剂的欠膨胀自由射流的密度场结构进行了显示。

    The principle of free jet density flowfield measurement using an acetone planar laser-induced fluorescence ( PLIF ) technique was introduced , and then the density flowfield structure of under-expanded free jet adulterated with acetone vapor was visualized by the PLIF technique under the two injection stagnation pressure conditions .

  30. 通过采用车载法对200W浓缩风能型风力发电机相似模型的流场进行测试,运用皮托管和数字压力计测试了各断面特征点的总压和静压,获取了能量转换特性。

    The flow field of resembled model of 200W concentrated wind energy turbine was tested outside in truck and the static pressure and total pressure of special point in each section was tested by Pitot and Digital pressure gauge , and the characteristics of energy conversion was obtained .