
zǎo shuāng
  • early frost
早霜 [zǎo shuāng]
  • [early frost] 每年秋末所降的几次霜

早霜[zǎo shuāng]
  1. 早霜把庄稼给毁了。

    The early frost damaged the crops .

  2. 晚霜冻结束日期具有13a和5a左右的周期,受气候变暖影响近35a来晚霜冻提前了17d左右,早霜冻变化不大。

    The late frost ending date has a phase of about 13 years and 5 years . Affected by climate warming the date is advanced by 17 days , but the date of early frost is not advanced .

  3. 庄稼未受早霜的影响。

    The crops were not touched by the early frost .

  4. 一场早霜中断了我们在花园里的成果。

    Our efforts in the garden were disrupted by an early frost .

  5. 早霜冻对水稻商品品质的影响

    Effect of early frost on the rice commodity quality

  6. 它们比秋季早霜对果树生产的损害大得多。

    They are far more destructive to the fruit industry than autumn frosts .

  7. 预测苹果幼树早霜冻害的探讨

    Discussion about the Prediction of Damages Caused by Early Frosts to Young Apple Trees

  8. 寒地早霜冻对水稻产量和品质影响初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Influence of Early Frost and Freezing on Yield and Quality of Rice in the Frigid Regions

  9. 泡桐的顶芽和侧芽1不是因为早霜或寒冷冻害而死,而是进化过程中采取的一种适应策略;

    The death reason of terminal buds and the first pair of lateral buds was itself ecological adapting strategy , not the injury of early frost and freezing ;

  10. 土拨鼠本非但没有加入庆祝的行列,他在国会作证过程中,大部分时间都在敦促参议员们切勿因过早实施财政紧缩措施,给复苏来一场早霜。

    Far from joining the celebrations , Punxsutawney Ben spent much of his testimony urging senators not to slap an early frost on the recovery ( by premature fiscal tightening ) .

  11. “好了,孩子们,在早霜的今天,我们已经‘种’下了我们的魔法雪球。现在就看魔法雪堆的本事了,”他说道。

    " Well , we 've planted our magic snowballs on the day of the first frost , kids . It 's up to the magic snowbank now ," he 'd say .

  12. 早霜、晚霜、松毛虫、叶蜂及落叶松早期落叶病等都能直接影响鞘蛾食物的质量和数量,进而间接地使鞘蛾种群密度降低。

    Early and late frost , Dedrolimus superans , sawfly and needle cast of larch could reduce the quality and quantity of foods of larch casebearer and had indirect effects on its population density .

  13. 最终研究结果表明:1.供试品种均为晚熟品种,品丽珠在本地成熟较晚;佳里酿、红枝佳酿成熟最晚,易受早霜危害。

    The final result of study shows : 1 Cultivars studied matured later with more green berries , Carignane and Red Carignane were easy to hurt by early frost , The maturity time was not same .

  14. 譬如秋风忽至,再有一场早霜,落叶或飘摇歌舞或坦然安卧,满园中播散着熨帖而微苦的味道。

    or the autumn wind suddenly arrives , and there is an early frost , and falling leaves or tottering singing and dancing or calm and quiet sleep : the park is pervaded with an atmosphere of tranquility and a little bitterness .

  15. 针对2004年石河子气象因子对棉花减产的影响进行分析,得出棉花减产因素为:春季土墒、花期暴雨、铃期低温、病虫害、早霜,并提出了相应的对策。

    Analyzed the influence of meteorological factors on cotton growth , the causes of reduction output of cotton in 2004 included lower soil moisture in spring , rainstorm during florescence , lower temperature when bore cotton boll , and early frost . Finally , some relevant countermeasures are figure out .