- heat capacity ratio

Using FD-NCD air specific heat capacity ratio determinator , the universal gasconstant and Boltzman constant were measured based on the phase transition method .
Normalized value of air specific heat capacity ratio and the errors in measurement
Application of EDA and sensor technique in measuring heat capacity ratio of air
Discussion on the p-V curve in experiment of specific heat ratio of air
Make an investigation of experiment about measure the ratio of specific heat
Research on the Experiment of Determining Air Specific Heat Ratio
A experiment method of measuring the ratio of specific heats of the air
Accurate Measurement of the Mol Heat Contain Ratio of Gas by Computer Data Collection
Application of Pressure Sensor and Amplifier in Experiment
Analysis of the System Error and Pressure Correction in Air Specific Heat Ratio Measuring Experiment
The Principles and Its System Error Analysis of Measuring Specific Heat Ratio of the Air
The improvement of calculating of uncertainty on air specific heat ratio experiment based on connection number
This paper discussed the experiment of measuring the ratio of specific heats of air γ, using a computer and computer-based sensors .
The experimentation proved that this method could reduce the heat capacity ratio of the fluid on both sides further and improved the heat transfer efficiency .
This paper discussed the assessment of uncertainty of air 's specific heat capacity ratio , and gave a method of more reasonable , standard and easy for teaching .
The relationship between sound velocity in the air and the ratio of specific heats "γ" of the air , and the experiment principle and method of getting the latter by measuring the former are introduced .
On the basis of analysis of the dimensionless number of transfer units and heat capacity ratio , the influence of operational parameters and magnetic parameter of magnetic material on the performance of AMR was analyzed .
Further study shown that the equation worked better than the other known equations from overseas in prediction of heat capacity of the short paddy grain with different moisture contents .
The enthalpy of the U 23at % Zr alloy was measured by drop calorimetry ranging from room temperature to 1037K . The average and true specific heat were calculated from 350K to 880K .
It is shown that the heat capacity based lasers have the noticeable advantage over conventional lasers if very high output energy within a short time is required .
The variable connectivity index is used in the modeling of the physical properties of polymers . A new model is proposed for the heat capacity at constant pressure of solid and liquid polymers at room temperature , which is simple and has good accuracy as well as predictive capability .