
rè rónɡ bǐ
  • heat capacity ratio
  1. 使用FD-NCD空气比热容比测定仪,基于相变法测量了普适气体常量和玻尔兹曼常量。

    Using FD-NCD air specific heat capacity ratio determinator , the universal gasconstant and Boltzman constant were measured based on the phase transition method .

  2. 空气比热容比的标准值与测量的误差

    Normalized value of air specific heat capacity ratio and the errors in measurement

  3. EDA和传感器技术在空气比热容比测定装置中的运用

    Application of EDA and sensor technique in measuring heat capacity ratio of air

  4. 关于空气比热容比的测定实验中p-V曲线的讨论

    Discussion on the p-V curve in experiment of specific heat ratio of air

  5. 测定空气比热容比实验的探讨

    Make an investigation of experiment about measure the ratio of specific heat

  6. 对空气比热容比测定实验的研究

    Research on the Experiment of Determining Air Specific Heat Ratio

  7. 一种测量空气比热容比的实验方法

    A experiment method of measuring the ratio of specific heats of the air

  8. 用计算机数据采集精确测量气体的摩尔热容比

    Accurate Measurement of the Mol Heat Contain Ratio of Gas by Computer Data Collection

  9. 压力传感器及放大电路在空气热容比实验中的应用研究

    Application of Pressure Sensor and Amplifier in Experiment

  10. 空气比热容比测定实验的系统误差分析及压强修正

    Analysis of the System Error and Pressure Correction in Air Specific Heat Ratio Measuring Experiment

  11. 空气比热容比实验的原理和系统误差分析

    The Principles and Its System Error Analysis of Measuring Specific Heat Ratio of the Air

  12. 基于联系数的空气比热容比实验不确定度近似算法改进

    The improvement of calculating of uncertainty on air specific heat ratio experiment based on connection number

  13. 分析了空气比热容比测定实验的系统误差,提供一种对“绝热膨胀过程”中由于不完全绝热而引起的系统误差进行修正的实验方法。

    This paper discussed the experiment of measuring the ratio of specific heats of air γ, using a computer and computer-based sensors .

  14. 通过实验证明该方法可进一步缩小了两侧流体的热容比,提高换热效率。

    The experimentation proved that this method could reduce the heat capacity ratio of the fluid on both sides further and improved the heat transfer efficiency .

  15. 本文对空气比热容比实验不确定度的估计进行讨论,提出一种比较合理、规范、又便于教学的近似处理方法。

    This paper discussed the assessment of uncertainty of air 's specific heat capacity ratio , and gave a method of more reasonable , standard and easy for teaching .

  16. 通过介绍声音在空气中的传播速度与空气比热容比的关系,提出了通过测量空气中声速得到空气比热容比的实验原理与方法。

    The relationship between sound velocity in the air and the ratio of specific heats "γ" of the air , and the experiment principle and method of getting the latter by measuring the former are introduced .

  17. 通过对无量纲量传热单元数和流体与磁性材料的热容比进行分析,得到了活性蓄冷器各运行参数和磁性材料磁性参数对活性蓄冷器的影响规律。

    On the basis of analysis of the dimensionless number of transfer units and heat capacity ratio , the influence of operational parameters and magnetic parameter of magnetic material on the performance of AMR was analyzed .

  18. 分析结果表明,利用此方程来计算不同含水率短粒型稻谷的热容,比利用国外的经验计算公式计算得到的数值具有更高的准确度。

    Further study shown that the equation worked better than the other known equations from overseas in prediction of heat capacity of the short paddy grain with different moisture contents .

  19. 用下落式铜卡计法测量了室温到1073K之间U-23at%Zr(即U-10wt%Zr)合金的焓,计算了880K以下相应的平均比热容和微分比热容。

    The enthalpy of the U 23at % Zr alloy was measured by drop calorimetry ranging from room temperature to 1037K . The average and true specific heat were calculated from 350K to 880K .

  20. 分析表明,热容型激光器比常规激光器有能在短时间内输出非常高的能量的显著优点。

    It is shown that the heat capacity based lasers have the noticeable advantage over conventional lasers if very high output energy within a short time is required .

  21. 率先把可变连接性指数应用于聚合物物理性质的模型化研究中,并对聚合物热容数据建立了比以前模型结构简单且精度更高、预测性更好的新模型,促进了种新型指数的广泛应用。

    The variable connectivity index is used in the modeling of the physical properties of polymers . A new model is proposed for the heat capacity at constant pressure of solid and liquid polymers at room temperature , which is simple and has good accuracy as well as predictive capability .