
xià shuānɡ
  • have frost
  1. 下霜了。

    Frost occurred .

  2. 不同孔隙率下霜层导热系数的理论模型

    Theoretical Model of Frost Layer 's Thermal Conductivity at Different Porosity

  3. 在一年中的这个时候,下霜也是可能的,虽然可能性并不大。

    Frost is possible , although unlikely , at this time of year .

  4. 下霜是可能的,虽然可能性不大。

    Frost is possible , though not probable .

  5. 在一个寒冷,下霜的早晨,我们就是这样拍拍手。

    This is the way we clap our hands on a cold and frosty morning .

  6. 我先头在想,月亮这么明,快下霜了。

    I said to myself , ` The moon is bright : it is going to freeze .

  7. 通过这套系统,可以调整环境温度湿度,冷表面的温度以及表面接触角,来研究不同条件下霜层的生长状况。

    By this system , environment temperature and humidity , cold surface temperature and contact angle can be adjusted for observing frost growth at different circumstance .

  8. 在冬天那儿总是比我们这里先下霜;盛夏时,在东北面那个黑洞里我还发现过雪哩!

    In winter the frost is always there before it comes to us ; and deep into summer I have found snow under that black hollow on the north-east side !

  9. 利用该模型分析了不同温度和相对湿度下霜的厚度随时间的变化及结霜对空气侧换热器传热与阻力的影响。

    The model was used to analyze the time dependent variation of frost thickness under different temperatures and relative wetness values as well as the impact of frosting on airside heat exchanger heat transfer and resistance .

  10. 现在他说话了,挺随便;她立刻看出还是回去守着她的孤寂合适些:但已开始下霜了,她虽然骄傲,也被迫渐渐地和我们接近了。

    He talked now , freely enough ; and she presently saw fit to retreat to her solitude : but the frost had set in , and , in spite of her pride , she was forced to condescend to our company , more and more .

  11. 从仪表板上拆下除霜器导管。

    Remove the defroster duct from the instrument panel .

  12. 蒂姆,可以帮我涂下防晒霜吗?

    Tim . Will you do my back ?

  13. 其中有机酸的含量也为柿饼在酸性条件下出霜提供了理论依据。

    There into the content of the organic acid also provides a theoretical basis for the process of persimmon icing under acidic conditions .

  14. 夜雨引来了一个雾气蒙蒙的早晨下着霜,又飘着细雨临时的小溪横穿过我们的小径从高地上潺潺而下。

    The rainy night had ushered in a misty morning half frost , half drizzle and temporary brooks crossed our path gurgling from the uplands .

  15. 大量的报道和我们的试验都表明,在适宜的条件下,霜霉病的潜育期为4天。

    Downy mildew reported in the literature a large number of the latent period of 4 days , with our field survey , and inoculation test results were consistent .

  16. 本研究中纳米TiO2光催化作用下对黄瓜霜霉病田间试验结果,为纳米光半导体材料在植物保护领域的深入应用提供了技术依据。

    The research will provide technology basis for the application of photocatalytic materials in plant protection .

  17. 本文论述了深冷霜的吸附机理,测定了77K下CO2霜对干空气的吸附平衡等温线,获得国内外尚未报道的结果。

    Cryosorption mechanism of CO_2 deep freeze frost is discussed and the adsorption balance isotherm CO_2 to air under 77K is measured .

  18. 下了一阵霜,天气就骤然变冷了。

    Cold weather set in abruptly with a killing frost .

  19. 在结霜工况下,除霜时间与结霜时间之比小于1:10。

    Under frosting conditions , the ratio of the defrosting time and frosting time less the1:10 .

  20. 对食品冷藏超常规低温条件下的冲霜系统的特点及有关问题进行分析,阐述超低温冷库冲霜系统的设计。

    This paper analyzes the characteristic of frost thawing system on condition of deep low temperature and how to design this kind of system .

  21. 自然对流条件下竖直冷平板霜生长规律的研究

    The Study of Frost Growth Regularity on Vertical Cold Surface in Natural Convection

  22. 信息标题:下有效手臂美白霜,切实减轻您的胳膊之下。

    Leads Title : Effective Under arm Whitening Cream Effectively Lighten your Under arms .

  23. /hm2的处理剂量下,对葡萄霜霉病的防效可达69% ̄94%以上。

    / ha gave at least 69 to 94 % control of grape downy mildew .

  24. 另一方面,过于仓促的单方面调整,会使欧元区和全球的经济下滑雪上加霜。

    At the same time , one-sided and unduly hasty adjustment would exacerbate the downturns in the eurozone and world economies .

  25. 作为一种独立的供热装置,燃油加热器已被广泛应用于汽车、船舶等各种运载机械在低温环境下取暖、化霜、冷启动等。

    As a kind of independent heating device , fuel heaters have been widely used by automobiles , ships and other transport machinery in the cold condition for heating , defrost , cold start and so on .