
xià bàn nián
  • second half of a year;latter half of the year
  1. 在下半年的时间里,我必须面对找工作的问题。

    I must face the Q to find the job in the latter half of the year .

  2. 中美关系在上半年经历困难之后,下半年逐渐恢复和改善。

    After experiencing difficulties in the first half of 2001 , Sino-US relations gradually revived and improved in the latter half of the year .

  3. 经济学家认为经济会在下半年企稳向好。

    Economists believe that economy will pick up and turn for the better in the ? second half of the year .

  4. 招聘网站Dice.com最近对招聘工程师的900位经理进行了调查。结果显示,65%的受访者希望在下半年增加人手,也就是说,从七月份就得开始招聘了。

    A recent Dice3.com poll of 900 managers who hire techies says that 65 % hope to add staff in the second half of the year -- that is , starting in July .

  5. 这项调查在去年下半年开展,结果显示,90%以上的人表示,政府展现出了良好的透明度,并能够有效地调整政策来适应实际情况。

    Over 90 percent said the government demonstrated good transparency and adjustment of policies to suit actual conditions were effective , according to the survey conducted in the second half of last year .

  6. 美国商务部称,尽管去年下半年美国经济出现了部分反弹,但2020年全年美国经济萎缩3.5%,而2019年美国经济增长2.2%。

    Despite a partial economic rebound in the second half of last year , the US economy shrank 3.5 percent for the whole year of 2020 , compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2019 , according to the department .

  7. 这项试验是由比尔和美琳达·盖茨基金会通过适宜卫生技术组织资助的。这组科学家希望到2008年的下半年开始下一阶段(III期)临床实验,检验疫苗预防疟疾的效率。

    Vaccine testing is supported by funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through PATH .

  8. 在全球股市下挫之际,直到2008年下半年,许多基金都使用的摩根士丹利资本国际全球信息技术指数(msciworldinformationtechnologyindex)都一直较为抗跌。

    The MSCI World information technology index , a benchmark used by many of the funds , remained resilient amid global stock market falls until the second half of 2008 .

  9. 不过,力拓(RioTinto)指出,其生产通常在下半年更强劲。

    However , Rio Tinto notes that its production is usually stronger in the second half .

  10. ink今年下半年接到潮水般的订单,这家相对较小的公司被迫迅速扩张规模。

    The deluge of orders e ink has received in the second half of this year has forced the relatively small company to expand rapidly .

  11. 2008年下半年,辽宁移动决定进一步缩短CRM系统中详单查询的时间。

    In the second half year of2008 , Liaoning Mobile decided to shorten the time for inquiry of call detail records in CRM system .

  12. 大众汽车(volkswagenag)计划于2011年下半年在田纳西州新建一家工厂,组装一款新轿车。

    Volkswagen AG plans to build a Tennessee plant that will assemble a new sedan in the second half of 2011 .

  13. 这家生产尊尼获加(JohnnieWalker)威士忌的企业,去年下半年在欧洲的销售额出现了下降。

    The maker of Johnnie Walker whisky saw European sales fall in the second half .

  14. 秋明BP表示,员工召回只是一个预防措施,并称,在去年下半年移民法规改变之后,他们的签证状态存在不明朗因素。

    TNK-BP said they were being recalled as a precaution : There is some cloudiness and greyness about the status of their visas , after changes to migration laws late last year .

  15. 经常账户余额在2008年第三季度为GDP的-15%,但是自2013年下半年以来出现了盈余。

    The current account balance was minus 15 per cent of GDP in the third quarter of 2008 , but has been in surplus since the second half of 2013 .

  16. 2011年下半年,美国航空(americanairlines)等投资级公司陷入破产,令摩根大通上述交易的空头部分获利匪浅,尤其是其中旨在从异常破产中获利的产品。

    In the second half of 2011 , investment-grade companies such as American Airlines went into bankruptcy , benefiting the short legs of the JPMorgan trades , specifically designed to profit from idiosyncratic failures .

  17. 微软的主管人员表示他们希望能在今年的下半年为Xbox玩家和即时通的使用者们提供语音聊天服务。

    Microsoft executives said they hoped to offer voice chat between Xbox and Live Messenger users later this year .

  18. 世界贸易组织(WTO)称,2008年下半年,各国政府应本国产业要求而新发起的反倾销调查数同比增加了17%。这些本国产业声称受到价格过低的进口产品的威胁。

    The World Trade Organisation said the number of new anti-dumping investigations , which governments launch at the request of domestic industries threatened by allegedly under-priced imports , rose 17 per cent year-on-year in the second half of 2008 .

  19. 世界贸易组织(wto)即将完成的最新评估显示,2008下半年世界贸易总量有所下降,看起来这种下降趋势将至少持续至2009年中期。

    World trade volumes have fallen in the second half of 2008 , according to new estimates being finalised by the World Trade Organisation . They look set to continue their decline at least until the middle of next year .

  20. IMF表示,尽管复苏道路并不平坦,但全球经济前景再度改善,且经济活动有望从2013年下半年起逐渐提速。

    While the recovery would be bumpy , it said global economic prospects have improved again [ and ] activity is expected to gradually accelerate , starting in the second half of 2013 .

  21. 据国会预算办公室(CongressionalBudgetOffice)估算,如果拟定的政策调整正式生效,美国经济将在2013年上半年萎缩1.3%,将在下半年增长2.3%。

    If the slated changes take effect , the economy could contract by 1.3 % during the first half of 2013 and grow by 2.3 % during the second half , according to the Congressional Budget Office .

  22. 毕马威(KPMG)的一份报告显示,2009年下半年,新兴市场公司加大了在发达市场开展收购活动的力度。

    A KPMG report shows that emerging market companies stepped up acquisition activity into developed markets during the last six months of 2009 .

  23. 制造业在最近几个月面临压力的另一个迹象是,中国劳工通讯(ChinaLaborBulletin)在最近的一份报告中称,2015年下半年,工人罢工和抗议“大幅增加”。

    In another indication of the pressures on manufacturing in recent months , the China Labor Bulletin said in a recent report that there had been a " massive upsurge " in worker strikes and protests during the second half of 2015 .

  24. 瑞士钟表商斯沃琪集团(SwatchGroup)用自身业绩证明,有关中国奢侈品需求减弱的担忧是过虑了。该公司实现了25%的利润增幅,并表示下半年的前景看好。

    Swatch Group , the Swiss watchmaker , shrugged off concerns about slackening Chinese demand for luxury goods as it booked a 25 per cent rise in profits and said prospects for the second half were promising .

  25. 在2010年下半年照片曝光后,这只被称为Heidi的母负鼠成为德国媒体竞相追逐的对象,并且在Facebook上吸引了33万粉丝。

    The female opossum , called Heidi , became a German media sensation after her picture was published in late 2010 and had more than 330,000 fans on Facebook .

  26. 研究RPC病毒这类去年下半年最具威力的破坏者,找到一种行之有效的方法来进行查杀,是研究网络安全的一个很好的切入点。

    To research the most powerful virus of the last year , and find out the inside of the virus , is a good break point to learn the network security .

  27. 然而,银行人士和分析师认为,如果市场状况有所改善,那么,不包括日本的亚太地区今年下半年仍可能进行规模为700亿美元的IPO。

    However , if market conditions improve then Asia Pacific , excluding Japan , could yet host $ 70bn worth of IPOs in the second half of the year , according to bankers and analysts .

  28. gfms表示,转变发生在今年第二季度,并且将持续到下半年。

    GFMS said the switch took place in the second quarter and would continue in the second half .

  29. IDC称,与之相对比,老技术将会面临零增长,接近衰退,到明年下半年将会完全转向衰退。

    By contrast , older technologies will face a no-growth near recession , according to IDC , and will shift fully into recession by the second half of next year .

  30. 瑞银集团首席执行官胡皓华(peterwuffli)警告,投资者对经济增长和政治事件的担忧可能导致集团下半年业绩放缓。

    Peter wuffli , chief executive , warned that investor concerns about economic growth and political events could prompt a slowdown in the second half .