
  • 网络absolutism;absolute monarchy;Royal Absolutism
  1. 辉格党人是指那些反对绝对王权,支持新教徒宗教自由权利的人。

    The Whig were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists .

  2. 摘要18世纪中叶前后,面对严重的财政危机,法国的绝对王权政府被迫推行了一系列改革。

    In the middle of the 18th century , on account of the serious financial crisis , the French absolute monarchy was forced to carry out a series of reforms .

  3. 绝对王权下的审查体系随着王权的瓦解而崩溃,印刷出版业在20年内的突飞猛进又使新审查体系的确立迫在眉睫。

    Censorship under absolutism broke up along with the collapse of royalty , the advance by leaps and bounds of printing industry within 20 years made the set up of a new system of censorship become urgent .

  4. 为了避免内战,服从于某人的绝对君主王权是值得的。

    And in order to avoid that civil war it was worth subjecting one 's self to absolute sovereignty .

  5. 与此同时,绝对主义王权垄断了一切政治生活,锻造了一个人们日益要求平等的社会,但其代价是自由精神的丧失和空想政治的产生。

    At same time , the absolute royal power controls all political life , and forges an equal society , but this process causes the lost of liberal spirit and the emergence of utopian politics .

  6. 霍布斯主张绝对且不可分割的王权。他如何为绝对的王权辩护?王权的权力有哪些?

    Hobbes argues for absolute , indivisible sovereignty . How does he defend absolute sovereignty ? What are the rights of the sovereign ?