
  • 网络Absolute Intensity
  1. 并用此方法获得了激光等离子体发射软X光谱的绝对强度测量值。

    The absolute intensity of the soft X ray spectrum from laser plasma has bean measured .

  2. 随着纳米粒子的微晶尺寸的变化,Raman光谱的相对强度没有变化,但是绝对强度却有先增大后急剧减小的过程。

    With the change of nanoparticles crystallite size , the relative intensity of Raman spectroscopy has not changed , but the absolute intensity has increased first and then sharp decreased .

  3. ~(156)Eu衰变发射的γ射线绝对强度测量

    Measurements of the Absolute Intensities for the γ - rays From ~ ( 156 ) Eu Decay

  4. 但是在绝对强度上男生高于女生。

    However , boys have a higher absolute intensity than girls .

  5. 内转换电子能量及绝对强度计算

    Internal Conversion Electron Energies and Their Absolute Intensities Calculation

  6. 直接给出了γ射线绝对强度。

    Gamma ray absolute intensities are given directly ;

  7. 试验结果表明,这一措施对水泥土绝对强度的提高有一定程度的改善作用。

    Results show that this measure is useful to increase strength of cement improved soil .

  8. 通过对大气中氧气在760nm处的吸收谱线的绝对强度测量,验证了该方法的定量测量能力。

    The capability to do quantitative measurement was demonstrated by recording the atmospheric oxygen absorption near 760 nm .

  9. 海平面宇宙线μ子垂直绝对强度及积分动量谱测量

    Measurement of the absolute vertical intensity and momentum spectrum of cosmic-ray muons at sea level of Beijing District

  10. 而音调信号的清晰度和响度适宜性与信号的绝对强度和相对强度都有关。

    The clearness of signal and the fitness of loudness are related to both absolute and relative intensity .

  11. 通过这些测量,精确测定了156Eu衰变发射的γ射线绝对强度。

    From these measurements the absolute intensities for the γ rays emitted from decay of 156 Eu are determined .

  12. 蛋白质辅助基质提高激光解吸/电离多肽离子化率和绝对强度的研究

    Ionization Rate and Absolute Intensity of Peptides Enhanced with Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption / Ionization in the Presence of Proteins

  13. 然而,镁合金绝对强度低、高温抗蠕变能力差,这些都大大限制了其应用。

    However , the applications are still limited because of the lower strength , inferior fatigue and creep resistance at elevated temperature .

  14. 通过对实验系统进行定标,可以得到光谱仪接收到光谱的绝对强度,并且我们实验测量了谱线绝对强度随时间变化的不确定度与谱线强度的关系。

    After calibration of the diagnostic system , we can obtain absolute intensity and then we measure its uncertainty of fluctuation with time dependence with spectral intensity .

  15. 为了研究玻耳兹曼图法和谱线绝对强度法对测量结果的影响,讨论了电弧加热发动机羽流的光谱诊断方法,并建立了一套光谱诊断系统。

    To determine the difference of the measurement results from different measuring methods , diagnostic principle for arcjet plume was discussed and a set of spectral diagnostic system was established .

  16. 忽略所卷吸的空气会对绝对强度法的温度诊断带来误差,尤其在远离喷口的区域,这种误差是很明显的。

    The neglect of the air engulfment brings on error in the temperature diagnostics with the absolute line intensity method . Especially in the region far away from the exit of the nozzle , the error is obvious .

  17. 在假定等离子体处于局域热力学平衡与光学薄条件下,用谱线绝对强度法测量了在等离子熔射快速制模(RPST)过程中氩氮等离子射流的温度分布。

    On the assumption that the plasma is in the local thermodynamic equilibrium and optically thin , temperature distribution in an Ar-N 2 plasma jet have been measured spectroscopically by using the absolute intensity method in the plasma spray rapid tooling process .

  18. 在基于BDD的故障树定量分析研究中,实现了顶事件发生概率和绝对失效强度的求解。

    The probability and unconditional failure intensity of top event was computed in the quantitative analysis of FTA based on BDD .

  19. 目的探讨相对运动强度和绝对运动强度对血清酶活性变化的影响。

    This paper discussed the influence of absolute and relative exercise intensity on enzymes activity .

  20. 讨论了空间非相干源及相干源的线度对相关检测的影响,包括归化峰值强度,绝对峰值强度及相关轮廓,以环形物为例对圆光源进行了数值计算。

    The effects of source size on correlation detection , including the actual and normalized peak intensity and correlation profile , are theoretically analyzed .

  21. 另外,我们发现在同时固定磁场比和c2/c0的情况下,绝对磁场强度的变化也会改变系统的涡旋晶格结构。

    In addition , we find that for a constant magnetic field strength ratio and constant c2 / c0 , the absolute magnetic field strength can also influence the structure of the vortex lattice .

  22. 然而单一聚乳酸作为骨固定材料存在绝对力学强度较低;降解产物呈酸性,易引起体内无菌性炎症反应;缺乏骨结合能力;对X光具有穿透性,不便于临床上显影观察等缺点。

    However , polylactic acid independently serve as bone fixation material has many problems such as : lower mechanical strength ; acidic degradation products lead to the body aseptic inflammation ; lack of capacity of osseointegration .

  23. 最后,在多波长分析方法的具体实现步骤中省略了双色法所必需的火焰绝对辐射强度的校准,使得这种方法更加适用于现场测量。

    Finally , in the practical realization of this multi wavelength method , the rigorous in situ calibration procedure involved in the two color method is avoided , which makes this method more applicable to the measurements under practical combustion conditions .

  24. 超痕量分子的绝对拉曼散射强度测量及计算方法

    Method for Determination of Absolute Raman Scattering Intensity of Ultratrace Amounts of Molecules

  25. 氦原子电子激发跃迁的绝对广义振子强度测量

    Absolute generalized oscillator strength measurement of electronic excitations of Helium

  26. 第二阶段,绝对与相对蒸发强度均随粘粒含量增加递增。

    At the second stage , two types of evaporating intensity both enhanced with the increase of clay content .

  27. 发现当增大能量或电荷质量比的绝对值时混沌强度增加,但对于较大的角动量,混沌变弱。

    It is found that increasing the energy or the absolute value of the ratio does always cause the extent of chaos . However , chaos becomes weaker for a larger magnitude of the angular momentum .

  28. 由新星绝对星等MB和发射带的相对强度求得了谱带的绝对强度(表4)。

    3 ) The absolute intensities of the emission bands have been obtained from the absolute magnitude M_B and the relative intensities of the emission bands for Nova ( Table 4 ) .