
  1. 生活小百科网:祝学业有成,天天快乐!

    Wish studies have results to show , happy every day !

  2. 大约在本月中旬,你将学业有成。

    You will have success at school around the middle of the month .

  3. 不是所有家境富有的孩子都学业有成,这点相当明确。

    It 's quite clear that not all children from well-to-do11 backgrounds do well academically .

  4. 事实上,所谓的天才生可能因为他们超乎寻常的聪明未能做到学业有成。

    In fact , so-called gifted students may fail to do well because they are usually smart .

  5. 值此新春佳节,致以节日的问候,并祝你新年快乐、学业有成。

    On the occasion of the new year , wishing you a happy new year and your study greater success .

  6. 我们需要改善学前教育和早期儿童发展计划,让学生作好准备,学好文化,学业有成。

    We need to prepare our children to read and succeed in school with improved Head Star and early childhood development programs .

  7. 更重要的是,我四处找了一些学业有成的宾夕法尼亚大学学生,让他们给新生提出了一些建议。

    More importantly , I went around and asked some of the most accomplished Penn students for what recommendations they 'd give to freshmen .

  8. 在学业有成的同时你还有机会个人发展,成长和获得成功。

    While academic success will be your main focus , make the most of the other opportunities for personal development , growth and success .

  9. 诸位在这里学业有成,诸位对未来充满憧憬,在座的每一位都是这种潜力的见证。

    Each of you is a witness to that potential , in what you have learned and achieved here , and in your own hopes for the future .

  10. 学生和家长常会到此祭拜先哲,以祈求学子学业有成、金榜题名。

    Students and their parents often here to worship late philosophers and pray for the students succeed in study , be admitted to the school they dreamed of .

  11. 应该可以的,通过自学考试,通过学校推荐!也可以成人考试并学习!祝学业有成!

    Should possible , take an exam through self-study , recommend through the school ! The adult takes an exam and also can learn ! Wish school work has !