
  • 网络Learning to Drive
  1. 学会驾驶这些最新的自动汽车是极容易的事。

    Learning to drive these latest automatic cars is as easy as pie .

  2. 我就是利用它学会驾驶的。

    You know , I learned how to drive in this car .

  3. 译文:这只猴子最了不起的成就是学会驾驶拖拉机。

    The monkey 's most extraordinary accomplishment was learning to operate a tractor .

  4. 他已学会驾驶汽车。

    He has learned to drive a car .

  5. 有一种单座式汽车,五十分钟就能学会驾驶。

    There is a one-seater which you could learn to drive in fifty minutes .

  6. 这个协会试图通过训练狗狗学会驾驶来证明它们是很聪明的。

    The charity came up with the idea to train them to drive to prove how intelligent they were .

  7. 但一架拖拉机可以做得更好,即便你要先学会驾驶它。

    But a tractor would do much better job , even though it require knowing how to drive first .

  8. 然后回到得克萨斯加入空军国民警卫队,在那里学会驾驶喷气式战斗机。

    Then returned to Texas and joined the Texas Air National Guard , where he learned o fly fighter jets .

  9. 经过四个月的飞行训练,威廉王子学会驾驶螺旋桨式飞机和直升飞机。他是英国王室中成为皇家空军飞行员的第四代成员。

    He learnt how to fly propeller-powered planes and helicopters and is the fourth generation of British royals to become an RAF pilot .

  10. 有一种新型汽车,五十分钟就能学会驾驶,而每耗费一加仑汽油就能行驶五十英里。

    There is a car of new type which you could learn to drive in 50 minutes and would do its 50 miles a gallon .

  11. 不同的目标用户对自动变速器的看法是不一样的,自动变速器的成功在于它能消除那些不必要的驾驶知识和技巧以及为了学会驾驶所付出的努力。

    While different users regard the automatic transmission differently , it 's successful because it eliminates the need for unessential knowledge , skill , and effort from its target users .

  12. 她在激将下学会了驾驶飞机。

    She learned to fly on a dare .

  13. 28岁的杰夫阿诺德(JeffArnold)毕业于科罗拉多州立大学(ColoradoStateUniversity),他已经学会熟练驾驶拖拉机。

    Jeff Arnold , 28 , who has learned how to expertly maneuver a tractor , graduated from Colorado State University .

  14. 我要你学会如果驾驶你自己的客车。

    I want you to learn how to drive your own bus .

  15. 一天内就能学会怎么驾驶它。

    You could learn to drive it in less than a day .

  16. 到9岁时,它已学会独自驾驶拖拉机了。

    By the age of nine , the animal had learned to drive single-handed .

  17. 我在战争期间学会了驾驶飞机。

    I learned to fly during the war .

  18. 现在,大多数年轻人都想学会如何驾驶机动车。

    Most of the young man wanted to learn how to drive a car nowadays .

  19. 学会正确驾驶。

    Learn how to drive properly .

  20. 他说自己是从互联网上学会了驾驶直升机的基本知识;第一想自己建造一架电视上影片中的飞机。

    He said he learned the rudiments of flying a helicopter from the Internet and first got the idea of building one from the films he watches on television .

  21. 我学会了如何驾驶滑翔机。

    I learnt how to fly a glider .

  22. 到九岁的时候,这只猴子已经学会了单独表演驾驶拖拉机了。tractor和vehicle在句中显然都表示拖拉机,英语表达上有变化,而译成汉语时使用了重复表达法。

    By the age of nine , the monkey had learned to solo on the vehicle .