
  • 网络school integration
  1. SUSANALTMAN:“当时,1961年,美国在学校整合方面经历了许多剧变,他们希望一些事情能够帮助使学校看上去比较好,表明学校整合是成功的。所以她提出了这个节目。”

    SUSAN ALTMAN : " At that time -- nineteen sixty-one -- the United States was going through a lot of upheaval with school integration , and they wanted things to help out to make the schools look good and to show that integration could work and work well . So this is what she came up with . "

  2. 合并是将两所或多所原本相互独立的学校整合形成新学校的过程。

    Combination is a integration process from two or more independent school into a complete new school .

  3. 本文是构建学校整合优化教育模式的研究实验研究课题的最终成果。

    This paper is the final conclusion of the research on " Construction of School Pattern in Integrating and Optimizing Education " .

  4. 论文第一章论述了信息技术与学校教育整合的有关理论。

    The first chapter of this dissertation introduces some theories on the integration of ICT and schooling .

  5. 第二章和第三章对中美两国信息技术与学校教育整合的政策、现状与教学实践进行了横向比较。

    The following two chapters compare the policies , plans and status in quo of the integration of ICT and schooling in USA and China .

  6. 二维满意度量表不仅更能客观反映学生的满意度,还可以提供更多信息,可对学校资源整合起到参考和导向作用。

    Two-dimensional satisfaction questionnaire reflects not only students ' satisfaction but also more information . The school resources could be conformed according to the guides and consults of the questionnaire .

  7. 在此基础上,第五章分析了我国当前中小学信息技术与学校教育整合中存在的问题,剖析其原因,并在第六章对我国信息技术教育的发展前景提出展望和建议。

    After that , in chapter fifth I analyze the problems in the integration of ICT and schooling in China , discuss the reasons , and bring forward some proposals for the development of ICT education in China in chapter sixth .

  8. 第三章是湖南师范音乐教育的变迁期,作者将对这一时期的教育制度、师范学校的整合、教学内容、湖南音乐教育家等做一个全面的分析。

    The change of the third chapter is hunan normal music education , the author of the period , the integration of normal school education system , teaching content , the hunan music educator , etc to do a comprehensive analysis .

  9. 此外,还就学校本位课程整合的意义以及学校本位课程整合的可行模式进行了探讨。

    Third , The implementation of school-based curriculum integration is discussed .

  10. 培智学校体育课程整合初探

    Reflection on Curriculum Integration of P.E. in School for Students with mental retardation

  11. 地方高师教育实习与农村学校校本培训整合探讨

    Integration of Teaching Practice in Local Normal University and School-based Training in Rural School

  12. 民间体育资源的开发与学校体育的整合&民间传统体育项目花样跳绳研究

    Folk Sports Resources Development and School Physical Education Integration & Research on Folk Traditional Sports Event Pattern Rope Jumping

  13. 本文认为社区学校资源的整合研究不仅要集中在具体的整合内容和方法上,而且对学校资源整合的前提&制度资源予以重视,同时还要对学校教育资源整合的本质研究予以揭示。

    Then this paper holds that the integrating research of community schools should be focused on its contents and methods .

  14. 学校德育价值整合趋势与多元文化的开放格局定位的矛盾;

    Second , contradiction between the integrative value orientation of moral education and the open pattern orientation of pluralistic culture ;

  15. 合并在带来机遇性优势的同时,也必然带来系列矛盾和问题,地方合并高校学校文化的整合与融合问题便是其中的一个重要方面。

    As local merging colleges and universities , they acquire more advantages than before on the strength and space of development .

  16. 利用数据中心机房完善的设施和条件,有效推动学校服务器资源整合和管理服务水平的提高。

    We use data center 's facilities and room conditions to promote school server resources'integration and improved the level of management and service .

  17. 所以,笔者认为,社区学校教育资源整合应该基于一定的社区范围,不管是学校内部资源还是外部资源都应该确定其界限,区分其类型,以免造成资源整合的无效性和泛化。

    So , the author thinks the integration of educational resources of community schools should be clarified with its boundary and type for useful results .

  18. 提出了学校团队学习整合理论模型,即学校制度整合模型、心智偏爱整合模型和学校文化整合模型;

    Finally , It puts forward the conformity theory model of school team learning , namely the conformity models of school regulation , thinker preference and school culture .

  19. 数字化校园建设的最终目的是实现学校资源的整合,从而将多种信息化管理系统归纳到统一的一个信息平台,达到提高管理效率和减轻校园管理工作负担的目标。

    The ultimate aim of " digitization " is to realize the integration of university resources , thereby variety of information management systems would be unified to improve the efficiency and reduce the burden of administration .

  20. 我国对中等职业教育的发展日趋重视,广州市的部分技工学校经过资源整合后,一些技工学校进行了合并,很多技校形成了一校多区的校园格局。

    Our country has attached more and more importance to the development of the secondary vocational education . Some of the technical schools have formed a school multi-area campus pattern after combination by the resource integration .

  21. 第三部分主要论述的是学校本位课程整合实施问题,提出学校本位课程整合实施的关键是教师的整合,而教师整合的有效途径之一就是协同教学。

    Third , The implementation of school-based curriculum integration is discussed . The thesis strategically concludes that teacher integration is the key to implement School-based curriculum integration , and team teaching is an important way of teacher integrating .

  22. 调适二者的冲突,要进行学校文化的整合,教师应具备多元文化教育观念,确立正确的文化导向,创建良好的校园文化氛围。

    In order to adopt the two conflicts , school culture conformity is to be administered . Teachers must have some education ideas of multiply cultures . School must establish right cultural orientation and create favorable culture atmosphere in schoolyard .

  23. 休闲体育已逐渐成为体育学科的重要组成部分,因此,有必要研究体育与教育的关系,探讨休闲体育与学校体育的整合。

    The leisure sports and school physical education are becoming very important parts of physical education course of study , we ought to study the relationship of sports and education , and then inquire into the readjustment of the leisure sports and school physical education .

  24. 论城镇社区学校教育资源的整合

    The Research on the Integration of Educational Resources of Communities and Towns

  25. 合并学校图书馆服务布局整合探讨

    Discussion of Merged Universities ' library service layout conformity

  26. 高等学校合并与文化整合研究

    A Study on University Consolidation and Culture-Based Integration

  27. 第四章主要就学校文化建设中整合区域文化资源的若干原则及应注意问题进行阐述。

    Chapter four explains the several principles and attention problems of integrating the regional cultural resource in school culture construction .

  28. 教师是计算机辅助教学-CAI课件建设的主体现代教育、主体教育、素质教育在学校教育中的整合

    Teachers are the principal parts for Computer-assisted Instruction-the Making of Multi-media CAI Conformity of Modern Education , Principal Education and Quality Education in Schooling

  29. 这一政策的推行不仅是对教育有形的物质资源的整合,也是对学校人力资源的整合。

    The adjustment of schools ' layout is not only the integration of tangible material resources but also the integration of intangible human resources in school .

  30. 农村学校合并旨在充分整合教育资源,提高教育质量,实现教育发展的规模效益。

    The consolidation of rural schools is designed to integrate educational resources fully , improve the quality of education , and achieve scale economies of educational development .