
  1. 阳光照得玻璃窗熠熠闪光。

    The windows sparkled as the sun struck the glass .

  2. 抛光后的深色木料像玻璃一样熠熠闪光。

    The dark polished wood shone like glass .

  3. 流云飞逝,太阳在熠熠闪光。

    Behind passing clouds , the sun still shines .

  4. 阳光照得湖面熠熠闪光。

    The sun winked on the lake .

  5. 她那被吹乱了的头发披散在微黑发暖的面颊上,像银丝般熠熠闪光。

    Across the warm brown of her cheek her blown hair glittered like silver wire ;

  6. 他站在那儿,眼睛熠熠闪光,仿佛没有意识到她很激动,那神态是多么难以言喻地可爱呀!

    How unutterably dear he was standing there with his eyes twinkling , all unaware of her excitement .

  7. 阳光照得湖面熠熠闪光。他这面有灯光照着,那面有火光照着。

    The sun winked on the lake . The lamp illuminated him on one side , the firelight on the other .

  8. 碧蓝的天空衬托着林阴大道上那些树木光秃秃的圆顶,树顶下面的残雪像无数水晶碎片熠熠闪光。

    The bare vaulting of trees along the Mall was ceiled with lapis lazuli , and arched above snow that shone like splintered crystals .

  9. 在我周围,华丽的米拉娜饭店象一个私有宇宙旋转着,象一个粉白白的宇宙体嵌在更大的、在外围熠熠闪光的蓝宇宙中。

    Around me the splendid Hotel Mirana revolved as a kind of private universe , a whitewashed cosmos within the blue greater one that blazed outside .

  10. 我要对她讲的话,像萤火虫似地在我的心里熠熠闪光,在绝望的黄昏,探求它的深意。

    It twinkles like fireflies in my heart , to find its meaning in the dusk of despair , the word that I had to say to her .

  11. 社区坐落于郁郁葱葱的青山脚下,与风平浪静的湖蓝色大海中熠熠闪光的岛屿衔接。

    Located at the foothills of the green hills , the village center can be likened as a shimmering island of motion in a tranquil sea of blues and greens .

  12. 三十年,他(李光耀)把一个充满棚户区和鸡舍的贫穷岛屿建成了一个有熠熠闪光的办公大楼的城市。

    In the space of three decades he ( Lee Kuan Yew ) built a poor island of tin-roofed shacks and chicken coops into a clockwork city of gleaming office towers .

  13. 自它首演以来的数十年,以其古朴简捷和欢乐动人的特色被公认为是世界最为著名的古典乐曲之一,成为人类音乐文化宝库的一颗别具一格熠熠闪光的明珠。

    And it has been a flashlight pearl with a unique style in the history of human beings ' music culture since it performed for the first time decades of years ago .

  14. 因为自然并不总是披着节日盛装,昨天是香飘四溢的美景,熠熠闪光仿似仙女的游玩的妙境,而今天却笼罩着一片忧郁。

    For , nature is not always tricked in holiday attire , but the same scene which yesterday breathed perfume and glittered as for the frolic of the nymphs , is overspread with melancholy today .

  15. 他双眼熠熠闪光的告诉我,他仅仅记得过去的一件事,那就是在前天他十枪打中八只鹌鹑。

    His only reference to the past was to tell me , with a wonderful sparkle in his eye , that he was only able to get eight quail out of the ten shots the day before .

  16. 虽然现在或许还不是孙犁的时代,但大师的散文艺术,定将在未来的文学史上,以其独具的美学品格而熠熠闪光。

    The author is convinced that although now it is not the era of SUN Li 's , the inditing of prose in SUN 's senectitude must be a dazzling star by his unique aesthetic characters in the river of literature history of tomorrow .
