
wǎn lǐ fú
  • evening dress;dovetail;bobtail
晚礼服[wǎn lǐ fú]
  1. 他穿着白色晚礼服显得十分出众。

    He cut a striking figure in his white dinner jacket .

  2. 她穿着黑色的晚礼服,显得性感极了。

    She looked incredibly sexy in a black evening gown .

  3. 按照习俗在赌场要穿晚礼服。

    Evening dress is de rigueur at the casino .

  4. 男士都头戴高顶礼帽,身穿晚礼服。

    The men all wore top hat and tails .

  5. 一名身穿晚礼服的表演者用小提琴演奏了几段古典音乐。

    A performer in evening dress plays classical selections on the violin .

  6. 大多数客人都会穿晚礼服。

    Most of the guests will be wearing black tie .

  7. 穿晚礼服的宽肩膀男子神气十足地走向吧台。

    A broad shouldered man wearing a dinner jacket swaggered confidently up to the bar

  8. 她的晚礼服是用非常精致的料子做的。

    Her evening dress was made of a very fine material .

  9. 她穿着一件紫红色的丝绒晚礼服。

    She wears a wine velvet evening dress .

  10. 王子搀扶着仍穿著那套美丽薄纱晚礼服的公主。

    The prince helped the princess , who was still in her delightful gossamer gown .

  11. 大多数男士无尾晚礼服是黑色的,不过有些人喜欢穿那种被称为“晨服”的白色装

    Most tuxedos are black , but some people like to wear white ones called ' morning suits ' .

  12. 位于英国伦敦的晚礼服租赁商OneNightStand公司就拥有500多套各式礼服,其中每年都有25%为当年的新款。

    At the London-based eveningwear rental company One Night Stand ( onenightstand . co.uk ) , there are more than 500 dresses for rent with 25 percent of the stock bought new every year .

  13. 今年,特伦斯·霍华德(TerrenceHoward)穿了一件多尔奇的晚礼服,在柯达剧场亮相。

    Terrence Howard wore a Dolce tuxedo to the Kodak Theater this year .

  14. 1996年,美国《Vogue》让凯特·摩斯(KateMoss)去越南拍照,图中她身穿晚礼服,站在稻田之中。

    American Vogue took Kate Moss to Vietnam to photograph her in evening gowns in rice paddies in 1996 .

  15. 当然还有刚拍完《本能》(BasicInstinct)的莎朗•斯通(SharonStone),她身穿了一条金色丝硬缎紧身晚礼服,大大的裙裾,没有佩戴首饰。

    Certainly Sharon Stone after ' Basic Instinct ' when she came in a blond duchesse tight ball gown with a huge train in the back and no jewelry .

  16. 老字号连锁百货公司JohnLewis今年增加了一系列毕业舞会服装。而男士晚礼服出租店也反映,今年这段时间小孩生意有所增加。

    Old-line department-store chain John Lewis added a line of prom dresses this year , and tuxedo-rental stores report a jump in business from kids this time of year .

  17. 吕?斯托特的报道。克里斯蒂·吕·斯托特,CNN记者当奥斯卡颁奖典礼首次通过高清晰度电视形式直播时,那些出自名设计师之手的晚礼服将会熠熠生辉,尽显魅力。

    KRISTIE LOU STOUT , CNN CORRESPONDENT Those designer gowns will in all their glory when the Oscars air in high for the very first time .

  18. 索尼亚•德劳内(SoniaDelaunay)等艺术家对一会儿手工缝制晚礼服、一会儿又在家具与画布上作画并不以为然。

    Artists such as Sonia Delaunay thought nothing of stitching an evening gown one moment then painting furniture and canvases the next .

  19. 这些故事是由7岁至13岁的小学生写作的,从中可见小学生们用fairycake(仙女蛋糕)来指代cupcake(杯形蛋糕),晚礼服的说法也从tuxedo变成了dinnerjacket。

    The stories , written by pupils aged seven to 13 , show how fairy cakes are referred to as cupcakes and a dinner jacket has become a tuxedo .

  20. 英国说唱歌手蒂尼•坦帕(TinieTempah)堂而皇之地身着晚礼服,脚上却穿着一双JimmyChoo发光拖鞋(而且未穿袜子!);

    Witness the rapper Tinie Tempah in Jimmy Choo glittery slippers ( no socks ) , paired with a dinner suit ;

  21. 所以,我们能从很多服装中看到一种延续性。比如,盖伊·拉罗什(GuyLaroche)1962年设计的带有紫红色刺绣裙裾的浅粉色无袖直筒晚礼服

    So there is , for example , a continuum between a shell pink sleeveless Guy Laroche evening column from 1962 with a fuchsia embroidered train

  22. 克里斯蒂•吕•斯托特,CNN记者当奥斯卡颁奖典礼首次通过高清晰度电视形式直播时,那些出自名设计师之手的晚礼服将会熠熠生辉,尽显魅力。

    KRISTIE LOU STOUT , CNN CORRESPONDENT Those designer gowns will sparkle in all their glory when the Oscars air in high definition for the very first time .

  23. 店里卖的多数品牌引发了相当程度的“标价震惊”(stickershock,指看到标签上的价格而震惊),如缀满平安针的各款红黑晚礼服标价都能抵上一辆中型轿车的价格。

    Most of the other items in the store induced some degree of sticker shock , such as the various red and black safety-pin laden evening gowns priced in the same range as a mid-sized sedan .

  24. 前一个气宇轩昂,穿着定制的晚礼服,Sunspel的定制内衣以及LaPerla的泳衣。

    One prances around in a bespoke dinner suit , custom underwear by Sunspel and La Perla swimming togs .

  25. 温莎城堡(WindsorCastle)的展览将于2016年9月举办,展出二战时期伊丽莎白公主出演家庭童话剧时所穿的剧服。此次展览还会展出女王令人炫目的晚礼服和干练的正装。

    The fancy dress costumes worn by the young Princess Elizabeth at wartime family pantomimes will be on show at Windsor Castle from September 2016 alongside dazzling evening gowns and smart official clothes .

  26. 莲娜丽姿(NinaRicci)后背大开、足以看到腹带的无吊带晚礼服呢?这并非扣子坏了,而是故意要露出内衣。

    And that strapless evening dress at Nina Ricci with the back gaping open to reveal the corset beneath ? Not a broken closure but a deliberate exposure of the undergarment .

  27. 她的品牌EvaChun主要是丝绸绉纱和雪纺的女装晚礼服,很快年零售额就达到了250万美元(约合如今的420万美元)。

    Her Eva Chun line , mostly women 's evening wear heavy on silk crepe and chiffon , was soon generating annual retail sales of $ 2.5 million . ( $ 4.2 million in today 's currency . )

  28. 基达回忆说,前不久,她去宾夕法尼亚州伊斯顿的西加尔博物馆(SigalMuseum)观看一场关于历史上著名的晚礼服的展览,发现只有一件特大号晚装在展出。

    Ms. Keydar recalled that during a recent visit to an exhibition of historic evening dresses at the Sigal Museum in Easton , Pa. , there was only one plus-size dress on display .

  29. 理查德·塞莱斯尼克(RichardSelesnick)和尼古拉斯·卡恩(NicholasKahn)在叙事照片小说(中)中想像出来的异域世界的多沙色调在拉夫·劳伦(RalphLauren)庄严的秋季晚礼服中得以体现(中左)。

    The sandy hues in the exotic worlds conjured by Richard Selesnick and Nicholas Kahn in their narrative photo novellas ( center ) is echoed in Ralph Lauren 's majestic fall evening wear ( center left ) .

  30. 不管是卡芬(Carven)带有贴袋的冰沙色紧身装、斯特拉•麦卡特尼(StellaMcCartney)优雅自然的提花丝绸装,还是圣罗兰超瘦版晚礼服,所配裤子都是下抵脚踝,上过肚脐。

    From sorbet-coloured skinnies with patch pockets at Carven to fluid jacquard silks at Stella McCartney and the skinniest of Saint Laurent tuxedos , the trousers were ankle-skimming and soared up above the navel .