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  1. 晚种一天,就会减产一成。

    Each day 's delay in sowing would mean a decrease in yield .

  2. 昨晚那头母牛又流产了。晚种一天,就会减产一成。

    Last night the cow slipped again her calf . Each day 's delay in sowing would mean a decrease in yield .

  3. 不同时间种植向日葵,早种的产量高于晚种的,6月15日应该是当地种植向日葵最晚的时间,再晚产量低下。

    The production of early sowing sunflowers was higher than those late sowing ones . The most late sowing date is 15th June in this region .

  4. 马铃薯晚疫病种薯带菌的分子检测

    The molecular detection of Phytophthora infestans in potato tubers

  5. 囊前期有早、中、晚三种类型,在其内发现有代表减数分裂的联会复合体。

    The precyst phase was in three forms : early , intermediate and late form and synaptonemal complexes indicating meiosis were found in precyst .

  6. 太湖地区晚粳地方种稻米RVA谱特征多样性分析

    Analysis of RVA Profile Diversity in Local Late Japonica Rice at Taihu Lake Area

  7. 人类是地球上出现得比较晚的一种生物。

    Man is a comparatively new creature on the face of the earth .

  8. 试论贵州西部晚二叠世煤种分带与金矿的分布关系

    A Possible Relation between the Disseminated Gold Mineralization and the Late Permian Zonation of Coal Metamorphism in Western Guizhou

  9. 大多数早代姊妹种种子蛋白谱带具有双亲的互补带,并表现出较强的优势,晚代姊妹种的种子蛋白图谱基本上与亲本相同,优势不及早代姊妹种明显。

    Many early sib-crosses have hybrid bands in seed protein pattern , and have strong heterosis , the lately sib-crosses are as same as sib-lines in seed protein pattern , and its heterosis are not clear superiority as the early sib-crosses .

  10. 根据致病性表现初步得出结论,该菌株属于晚疫病生理小种T1.3。

    A preliminary conclusion was drawn that the new pathogen strain was physiological race T1.3 of Phytophthora infestans .

  11. 马铃薯品种各生育期对于晚疫病菌小种抵抗性的比较

    Racial resistance in various developmental stages of potato plants to late blight

  12. 浙江普陀山岛晚更新世的两种木化石

    Two species of late Pleistocene wood fossils from Putuoshan island , zhejiang Province

  13. 晚礼服有两种。

    The evening dress has two kinds .

  14. 这一现象全世界都有,因为年轻人比上一代结婚晚已成为一种全球趋势。

    This is the case around the world , becausemarrying later than the previous generation is a global trend .

  15. 番茄晚疫病是一种毁灭性的世界蔬菜病害,易暴发成灾,给番茄生产带来巨大损失。

    Tomato late blight disease is a worldwide fatal disease for vegetable production , often break out , and cause great crop loss .

  16. 甜味蛋白是从非洲西部热带雨林植物中提取的一类高甜度的蛋白质,Brazzein是1994年最晚发现的一种甜味蛋白,由54个氨基酸组成(是所有已知甜味蛋白中分子量最小的)。

    Sweet protein is a kind of protein which was extracted from plants in tropical rain forest located in western Africa and southern Asia since the 1970 ' s.

  17. 番茄和马铃薯一样也发现对晚疫病有两种抗性。在氮钾比例为1:2的情况下才能表现出品种固有的田间抗性。

    The tomato as well as the potato is also found to possess two kinds of resistance to phytophthora blight It is only under the condition of the proportion of nitrogen and potassium 1:2 that the variety can show the intrinsic field resistance .