
wǎn xíng xīng
  • late-type star
晚型星[wǎn xíng xīng]
  1. 哈雷彗星和晚型星系统内羟基源观测特性的探讨

    Study of observing properties of Oh sources in Halleys comet and late-type star systems

  2. 晚型星的磁场与软X射线相关性

    Coronal Soft X-ray Emission and the Magnetic Fields of Cool Stars

  3. 按照数据挖掘的一般流程,对晚型星和类星体两类星体的的光谱数据进行特征提取,主要利用PCA方法进行降维处理,以适应分类需要。

    Accord to the general process of Data Mining , use PCA dimensionality reduction processing to do feature extraction of late-type stars and quasars two quasars spectral data to meet classification needs .

  4. 晚型星HR5553、εEri和70Oph的活动性、金属丰度和磁场的测定

    The metal abundances and magnetic field measurements of late type active stars HR 5553 , ε ERI and 70 OPH

  5. 晚型星磁场测定技术的新进展

    New Progress in Measurements of the Magnetic Field for Late-type Stars

  6. 晚型星红外谱拟合的线性化方法

    Linearization Method for Fitting the Infrared Spectrum of the Late Type Stars

  7. 然而,在文献中尚未见到关于对晚型星有效自动处理方法的报道。

    However , to our knowledge , no effective methods for automatic late-type stars detection have been reported in the literature up to now .

  8. 早型O,B型星有扩散运动和自转运动,而晚型发射线星则没有明显的扩散或收缩的整体运动。

    The expansion and rotation of the early O , B type stars have been found , but the similar motions are not discernible for the late-type stars .