
  • 网络Late Show with David Letterman;The Tonight Show
  1. 她上过“科尔伯特晚间秀”(LateNightWithStephenColbert)等电视节目,她的在线数学课访问量超过了100万次。

    She has been featured on shows like " Late Night With Stephen Colbert , " and her online math tutorials have been viewed more than a million times .

  2. DickCavett一开始当早间和午间节目主持人时,试图在自己的同名晚间秀中引进其他时间段节目中使用过的“无桌化”采访模式。

    Dick Cavett , who started out as a morning and midday host , tried to import the non-desk interview setup he 'd used in other time slots to his namesake late-night show .

  3. 我们马上回来,更多精彩就在吉米晚间秀。

    We 'll be right back with more of " The Tonight Show ! " Come on , everybody !

  4. 这位微软的创始人在《吉米晚间秀》上亮相,并认为这是发布这段视频最好的平台。

    The Microsoft founder figured that his appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon would be the perfect platform to do it .

  5. 活动由《晚间秀》的节目主持人史蒂芬?科拜尔主持,安妮?唐恩在戏剧中获得最佳女配角奖

    The event , which was hosted by Late Show 's Stephen Colbert , Ann Down winnng Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama .

  6. 费舍尔在《切尔西晚间秀》上承认,在拍摄电影场景水箱逃生时,她的经历异常惨痛。

    She admitted on " Chelsea Lately " that she had a harrowing experience while filming the water tank escape scene in the movie .

  7. 现年14岁的英国女演员,穿着印有浅蓝色联合国儿童基金会图标的黑色T-恤,去往位于市中心科尔伯特晚间秀工作室。

    The 14-year-old English actress wore a black T-shirt with a light blue UNICEF logo while headed to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert studio in Midtown .

  8. 法国喜剧演员艾马勒在晚间秀节目中讨论美国大选辩论时,采取了从现实取材的观察喜剧方法:他说,像其它许多美国现象一样,大选辩论太注重效率和取悦注意力短暂的观众,导致缺乏实质内容.

    French comedian Gad Elmaleh took anobservational-comedy approach when discussing US presidential debates on TheNightly Show : like many other American phenomena , he said , the debates are toofocused on efficiency , and pleasing audiences with short attention spans , to besubstantive .

  9. 美国ABC电视台制作的晚间脱口秀节目《吉米·坎摩尔秀》总是能发掘跟孩子们有关的各种幽默搞笑片段。吉米叔最新的恶作剧作品,就是让家长告诉孩子们一个惨绝人寰的消息:爸爸妈妈吃光了你们的万圣节糖果。

    Late-night television host Jimmy Kimmel has become known for mining the gold mine of humour that children provide - and in his latest prank manages to convince some devastated kids that all the Halloween candy has been eaten by their greedy parents .

  10. 美版福尔摩斯剧集根据阿瑟·柯南·道尔的小说改编,44岁的刘玉玲在里面饰演福尔摩斯的助手JoanWatson,她做客《吉米晚间脱口秀》节目来推广自己最新的电视剧。

    The star , 44 - who plays Joan Watson , Sherlock Holmes " sidekick in the US adaptation of the Arthur Conan Doyle books - was promoting her latest telly gig on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon .

  11. 这对你以后进入晚间脱口秀绝对大有好处

    and it will give you great pedal when you go on late night talk shows

  12. “塞斯晚间脱口秀”上周他又参与制作了很有趣的一期节目

    Late Night with Seth Meyers and last week , in a very , very funny piece

  13. 美国总统奥巴马在参加杰·雷诺晚间脱口秀节目时,受到了一位长腿制片人的特别关注。

    President Obama comes in for lots of attention from a leggy producer on Jay Leno 's sofa .

  14. 出演了《基本演绎法》的华裔女演员刘玉玲做客了《吉米晚间脱口秀》节目,虽然她在节目过程中展现出自己是百里挑一的精英,但最后却以满脸的奶油收场。

    ELEMENTARY actress Lucy Liu showed she 's still cream of the crop - but ended up splattered with PIE during an appearance on Jimmy Fallon 's chat show .

  15. 这是一个令人印象深刻的敲门砖,在未来的日子它可能帮你赢得更光鲜的名片:律师、议员、老板、科学家、物理学家,诺贝尔奖普利策奖获得者或者晚间脱口秀主持人。

    It 's an impressive calling card that can lead to even more impressive bullets in the years ahead : lawyer , senator , C.E.O. , scientist , physicist , winners of Nobel and Pulitzer Prizes or late night talk show host .