
  • 网络The Colbert Report;Comedy Central
  1. 本来他们要在喜剧中心频道(ComedyCentral)的科尔伯特报告(TheColbertReport)中表演,但后来还是退出了,据主持人斯蒂芬?科尔伯特(StephenColbert)后来称,这是因为MTV方面的干预。

    They were originally supposed to appear on Comedy Central 's The Colbert Report , but after what host Stephen Colbert later claimed was interference from MTV , the duo pulled out .

  2. 《拉里·威尔莫夜间秀》(TheNightlyShowwithLarryWilmore),ComedyCentral,1月19日播出。威尔莫的主题喜剧秀将取代《科尔伯特报告》(TheColbertReport)在夜间11:30播出,这是深夜节目多样化的最新尝试。

    THE NIGHTLY SHOW WITH LARRY WILMORE ( Comedy Central , Jan. 19 ) Mr. Wilmore 's topical comedy show replaces " The Colbert Report " at 11:30 p.m. and represents the latest opportunity to introduce some diversity to late-night programming .

  3. 这位“斯蒂芬·科尔伯特”(依然拿着长剑和盾牌)随后回到了埃德·沙利文剧场,表演了新版的“说文解字”(TheWord)。这是2005到2014年播出的《科尔伯特报告》中反复出现的一个环节。

    And then " Stephen Colbert " ( still holding the sword and shield ) returned to the Ed Sullivan Theater and performed a new edition of " The Word , " a recurring segment from " The Colbert Report , " which ran from 2005 to 2014 .

  4. 他被邀请上了美国王牌脱口秀节目《科尔伯特报告》,还得到两本书和一部电影的合约。

    He was invited on a talk show trump the United States ," Colbert Report ", also received two books and a movie contract .