
  • 网络Science and Technology Policy;Technology Policy;policy
  1. 乔治·W·布什政府与克林顿政府科技政策比较研究

    Comparative Study on Science and Technology Policy between George Walker Bush and Clinton Administration

  2. 据白宫科技政策办公室(WhiteHouseOfficeofScienceandTechnologyPolicy)的数据,这个目标意味着每年公私部门将需要在研发方面增加约460亿美元的投入。

    The target would mean about an additional $ 46 billion in annual public and private spending on research and development , according to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy .

  3. 国外科技政策与WTO规则适应性研究

    Research on Adaptation of S & T Policy with WTO Agreement in Foreign Countries

  4. Elias说这次会议的一个主要目的是建立一个国家科技政策,从而确保无论总统是谁,科学都能得到足够的资金。

    Elias said one of the conference 's main aims is to create a state policy on S & T to ensure enough money for science regardless of who the president is .

  5. 在美国国家科学技术委员会(NSTC)科学分委会的指导下,白宫科技政策办公室(OSTP)于2004年7月印行了一本名为《为了21世纪的科学》的小册子。

    Under the direction of the National Science and Technology Council 's Committee on Science , a pamphlet titled " Science for the 21st Century " was produced by the Office of Science and Technology Policy ( OSTP ) of the White House .

  6. 科技政策效果存在振荡性;

    S & T policy effect has the feature of vibration .

  7. 科技政策制定的理论与方法研究

    Research on the Theory and Method of S & T Policymaking

  8. 入世与我国的农业科技政策改革

    China Entrancing WTO and Policy Reform for Agricultural Science and Technology

  9. 科学发展与科技政策

    Advance in Science under the Guiding of S & T Policy

  10. 抗日战争时期的科技政策与社会发展

    Science and Technology Policy and Social development in Anti-Japanese War period

  11. 新时期日本科技政策的转型

    The type changing of the Japanese policy in the new age

  12. 科技政策制定与评价的研究

    The Research on Enactment and Evaluation of Science & Technology Policy

  13. 第二部分为论文主体部分,包括4个章节,着重分析欧盟科技政策的构成及其在不同空间层面的作用效果。

    This part mainly study EU technology policies and their spatial effects .

  14. 英·甘地执政时期的科技政策

    Science and technology policies in the period of Indira Gandhi in power

  15. 面向穷人的农业科技政策研究

    A Research on the Pro-poor Agricultural Technology Policy in China

  16. 对科技政策制定中的理性基础的考察

    Check on base of reason in making policy of science and technology

  17. 美国联邦科技政策与研究型大学的发展及其对我国的启示

    American Federal scientific and technological policies and the development of research universities

  18. 我国少数民族科技政策完善与创新研究

    A Study of Improvement and Innovation of Ethnic Technological Policy in China

  19. 科技政策的公众参与研究

    A Study on Public Participation in Science and Technology Policy

  20. 科技政策与经济政策的协调

    Coordination of the S & T Policy and Economic Policy

  21. 宋代科技政策的计量研究&以《宋史》本纪中记载科技内容为计量对象

    Scientometrics of the science and technology policy in Song Dynasty

  22. 关于我国区域科技政策制定的思考

    Rethinking About Formulation of Regional Sci-Tech Policies in China

  23. 关于我国人工影响天气科技政策的建议

    Statement of S & T Policy of Human Impacts on Climate in China

  24. 论促进民营企业发展的科技政策

    On the Science and Technology Policy Which Promote the Development of Private Enterprise

  25. 促进农村可持续发展的科技政策创新

    The S & T Policy Innovation in Promoting Sustaining Development of Rural Area

  26. 科技政策的视同与规范

    The Regard and Standard of the Science Technology Policy

  27. 对于农业科技政策中价值差异问题的思考

    Ponder on the value differences of agricultural technological policy

  28. 关于加强科技政策研究的建议

    Suggestions on Furthering the Study of S. & T.Policy

  29. 四十五位专家集体预测:当前科技政策的十大问题

    Ten major problems in current scientific & technical policies

  30. 台湾调整科技政策

    Adjustment of Policies in Science and Technology in Taiwan