
  1. 欧盟废弃电气电子设备EPR体系介绍

    Introduction of EPR System of EU WEEE

  2. 电气电子设备环境标准化进展

    Development of Environmental Standardization for Electrical and Electronic Equipment

  3. 科学研究证实,电磁辐射所造成的电磁干扰不仅影响电气电子设备的正常运行,而且严重影响人类的身体健康和安全,现已成为继水、气和噪声以外的第四大污染源。

    According to scientific research , electromagnetic interference being induced by the electromagnetic radiation not only influences electrical and electronic equipment , but also endangers the human life , now it even becomes the fourth pollution in the world except the water , gas and noise .

  4. 研究电磁兼容的目的在于为电气电子设备的正常工作运行创造一个较好的电磁环境,限制其电磁骚扰,提高其抗干扰能力,并最终落实到设计、生产符合电磁兼容要求的产品上。

    The purpose of researching EMC is to create a preferable electromagnetic environment for the electrical and electronic devices running in order , limited the devices electromagnetic disturbance and unproved the level of immunity , finally aim to designing and producing the products which fulfilled the demand of EMC .

  5. 适用范围:电气和电子设备室;

    Applicable range : electric and electronic device rooms ;

  6. GB/T10250-1988船舶电气与电子设备的电磁兼容

    Electromagnetic compatibility of electrical and electronic installations in ships

  7. 印刷电路板,接线设计图,电气和电子设备

    PCBs , wiring blueprints , electrical and electronic devices

  8. 具有特定用途的机械、电气或电子设备。

    A mechanical , electrical , or electronic contrivance with a specific purpose .

  9. 道路车辆电气和电子设备样品在振动冲击等动力学试验中的安装

    Mounting of Specimens for Electrical and Electronic Equipment of Road Vehicles within Dynamic Tests

  10. 测试电气和电子设备的连续性,电流,电压和电阻。

    Test electrical and electronic equipment and components for continuity , current , voltage and resistance .

  11. 超温熔断器是电气,电子设备的一种热保护元件,它按规定的技术条件安装在电气设备之中,当到达设定温度时,熔断器一次性动作,切断供电路,实现过热保护。

    The Over-temperature Fuse is one of the over-heat protective elements mounted on electrical and electronic devices .

  12. 本文介绍车载电气,电子设备的传导瞬变发射和设备的抗瞬变干扰能力。

    This paper discusses the conductive transient emission of onboard electrical and electronic equipment and equipment 's resistance to transient disturbance .

  13. 电视与无线电不同,电视能播送和接收图象。印刷电路板,接线设计图,电气和电子设备

    Television is different from radio in that it sends and receives pictures . PCBs , wiring blueprints , electrical and electronic devices

  14. 这对了解其他的机载电气、电子设备的监控及测试技术也会有所帮助。

    The paper will be of help to the understanding of the monitor and test techniques of other airborne E / E systems .

  15. 非线性负载的广泛使用导致电能质量日益下降,同时精密电气和电子设备也对电能质量提出了越来越高的要求,因而电能质量问题目前受到广泛关注。

    Power quality has been paid more attention because of the wide use of non-linear load and increased requirements from electrical and electronic devices .

  16. 如果一个公司需要设计、测试或者生产电气或电子设备,它会向这个专业的工程师寻求指导帮助。

    When a company needs to design , test , or manufacture electrical or electronic equipment , it seeks the guidance of an engineer in this field .

  17. 现代电力工业生产,特别是高压及超高压变电站存在和应用大量电气、电子设备,形成了错综复杂的电磁环境。

    There is an intricate electromagnetic environment because of the rapid development of modern electrical industry , especially the existence of HV or EHV substation and the application of electrical and electronic equipment .

  18. 各种电气、电子设备的广泛应用所造成的电磁污染,已成为继噪声污染、大气污染、水污染、固体废弃物污染之后的又一大公害。

    Electromagnetic interference ( EMI ) produced by various electric apparatuses and electronic equipments has been another public nuisance following the noise pollution , air pollution , water pollution and solid waste pollution .

  19. 电磁兼容一般指电气及电子设备在共同的电磁环境中能执行各自功能的共存状态,是设备、系统的重要质量指标,也是保障系统工作效能和提高系统可靠性的重要因数。

    Electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) means the coexistent state of various electro or electric systems , that every electronic equipment can function normally . EMC is an important quality specification for electronic equipment , which ensures the system working efficiently and improves the reliability of the system .

  20. 电气或电子仪表设备应仅用于监控。

    Electric or electronic instrumentation shall be used for monitoring purposes only .

  21. 随机文件输入输出语句GB/T16511-1996电气和电子测量设备随机文件

    Random file I / O statement Electrical and electronic measuring equipment & Documentation

  22. GB/T16511-1996电气和电子测量设备随机文件

    Electrical and electronic measuring equipment & Documentation

  23. 课程包括电气电路、电子测试设备的应用、电脑程序、数字电话技术和相关科目。

    Training includes electrical circuitry , the use of electronic testing equipment , computer programming , digital telephony , and related subjects .

  24. 大型组织由大量的电气电子安装人员组成,他们是幕后工作者,负责保证电气电子设备的正常运行。

    Large organizations rely on a number of electrical and electronics installers who work behind the scenes to assure that its systems continue to function properly .