
  • 网络camera magazine;Cinema Journal;iLook;Total Film Magazine;La Revue du Cinéma
  1. 海边出生的凯莉以好莱坞著名女星的比基尼造型为榜样,为《全部电影杂志》拍摄一系列性感比基尼照片。

    The Kent-born model pays homage to some on Hollywood 's most famous bikini scenes in a series of sexy shots for the new issue of Total Film magazine .

  2. 上市产品的范围来判断,包括像电影杂志电影纪念品封面,DVD光盘,海报,新闻小册子,大堂卡,电影和书籍。

    The range of products listed to judge included movie memorabilia like film magazine covers , DVDs , posters , press booklets , lobby cards , movies and books .

  3. 我在这本电影杂志里读到你在这儿。

    I read in this film magazine that you were here .

  4. 他们的笑脸登上电影杂志封面。

    Their faces smiied out from the covers of movie magazines .

  5. 了亮皮的电影杂志和时尚杂志,甚至还有瞅一眼就烦的商务杂志。

    In their place appeared glossy film and fashion magazines , and even boring business journals .

  6. 而电影杂志伴随着电影媒介的出现,如今早已成为了一种独立而丰富的媒介体。

    The film magazine along with the emergence of film medium , and now has become an independent body and rich media .

  7. 不论是年轻的导演还是年轻的观众,都热衷阅读电影杂志,参与电影俱乐部的放映活动。

    These young people , no matter they were directors or just audiences , were all kean on reading film magazines and joining in the movie clubs .

  8. 电影杂志不但成为纪录电影发展的资料库更加成为了见证中国近代社会发展的见证者。

    Film magazine is not only the development of a database record of the film is more a testimony to the development of modern Chinese society witnesses .

  9. 由于无法筹集足够的资金制作一部故事片,他不得不在一个音像店做兼职,在那里,他发现了一本刊登了海报广告的电影杂志。

    Unable to raise enough capital to make a feature film , he worked part-time in a video shop , where he found a film magazine advertising posters .

  10. 该家族受到媒体广泛关注,并将这种关注变成了一家成功的公司。据专业电影杂志《好莱坞报道》估计,该公司去年收入为6500万美元。

    The family has taken a massive amount of press attention and turned it into a thriving business that The Hollywood Reporter estimates brought in $ 65 million last year .

  11. 包括电子zines和专门研究的经典电影印刷杂志网站。

    Including both e-zines and Web sites for print magazines devoted to the study of classic film .

  12. 电影,杂志,一切皆有可能。

    Movies , magazines , whatever the hell .

  13. 一些其他的广告方式,例如电影、杂志和报纸,尤其是树立在大路旁边。

    Large boards can be used for printed posters , especially near main roads . A.

  14. 在周三举行的新品推介会上,谷歌把大部分时间用于展示其电影、杂志和音乐的图书馆。

    Google focused much of its presentation Wednesday showing off its library of movies , magazines and music .

  15. 本文的研究标本是1950年到2009年间出版的《大众电影》杂志封面。

    This paper concentrates on the covers of Popular Cinema magazine , which published form 1950 to 2009 .

  16. 你去金石堂书店的时候,请(顺便帮我)问一下新的一期“世界电影”杂志什么时候到。

    When you go to Kingstone Bookstore , please ask when this month 's issue of World Movie will be in .

  17. 2000年,“完全电影”杂志的读者进行了投票,这部影片成为了24部最佳喜剧片中的一部。

    In 2000 , readers of " Total Film " magazine voted it the 24th greatest comedy film of all time .

  18. 暴露在国际媒体,比如电视、电影和杂志,对本地文化有重大的影响。

    Exposure to international media , such as TV , film and magazine , has a significant impact on the local culture .

  19. 她现在的博客主要是为了宣传她的电影和杂志。

    Han , and when she writes , mostly to promote her film and magazine , the posts command heavy online traffic .

  20. 通俗文化(如电视、电影和杂志等)可能会告诉你只有一种身材是美的。

    Pop culture ( television , movies , magazines , etc ) may tell you that only one body shape is beautiful .

  21. 不要从电影、杂志或报纸上获取建议,你要读好书,从实践中学习并得出自己的结论。

    Don 't take advice from movies , magazines , or newspapers . Read good books , learn by doing , and come to your own conclusions . 9 .

  22. 新浪网仍然将徐静蕾列为受欢迎度仅次于韩寒的博客作者,当她更新时,新写的博客总会吸引大量浏览量。她现在的博客主要是为了宣传她的电影和杂志。

    But Sina.com still lists her as the second most popular blogger after Mr. Han , and when she writes , mostly to promote her film and magazine , the posts command heavy online traffic .

  23. 在《了不起的盖茨比》一书的创作中,菲茨杰拉德很大程度上依赖于这些新发明,如电话,汽车,电影,杂志等等。

    In his writing , Fitzgerald relies on the new inventions greatly , and most of his novels are pervaded with innovations such as telephone , automobile , cinema , and magazine to name just a few .

  24. 难道电视,电影和杂志没有告诉你穿什么并怎样变的迷人,难道这样的控制没有迫使你穿他们想让你穿的?

    Doesn 't TV , movies and magazines tell you what to wear and how to be attractive , isn 't that control pressure you to wear what they want you to wear ? They 're not just controlling you ;

  25. 1940年,30多万受困盟军士兵从敦刻尔克海滩撤退,诺兰重现了这一历史事件,他告诉《完全电影》杂志说,“这是一部大制作”,但“与其说它是战争片,不如说这是一个关于生存的故事”。

    Nolan has re-enacted the 1940 evacuation of more than 300000 stranded Allied troops from the beaches of Dunkirk , telling Total Film " it 's on a colossal scale , " but " it 's a survival story more than a war film . "

  26. 许多媒体应用与我们的日常生活,例如电影电视,杂志,报纸广播和书籍,你认为哪个最好?优点和缺点?

    Nowadays so many media used for our daily life , such as films tv radio and book , which do you think is most effective ?

  27. 但是只要打开电视、看场电影或翻开杂志,有关只有年轻人才这样的想法便会获得谅解。

    But turn on the television , watch a film or open a magazine and you 'd be forgiven for thinking that only the young were at it .

  28. 《电影威胁》杂志的洛里·基克塔评价《远走高飞》“非常神奇,是一部令人心碎又快乐的儿童佳片,即使是最心灰意冷的成人也会被打动”。

    Lorry Kikta of Film Threat calls Come Away " pure magic ... a heart-rending , joyful , and gorgeous movie for kids [ that ] doesn 't hesitate to dazzle even the most jaded of adults . "

  29. 娱乐的提供,例如:游戏,电影,音乐和杂志。

    Availability of entertainment , e.g : games , films , music and magazines .

  30. 电影明星控告该杂志在未经授权的情况下刊登了他们的结婚照。

    The movie stars pressed charges against the magazine for publishing unauthorized pictures of their wedding .