
  • 网络Schlesinger;Arthur Schlesinger;Slazenger
  1. 这些国家果真象骨牌效应一样在印度支那倒下了(孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    The dominos did indeed fall in Indochina ( Arthur M. Schlesinger , Jr. )

  2. 拉丁美洲的债务,犹如达摩克利斯剑一样威胁着美国诸银行(孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    The Latin American debt , overhanging American banks like the sword of Damocles ( Arthur M. Schlesinger , Jr. )

  3. 平淡讲话的支持者(b孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    The paladin of plain speaking ( bArthur M.Schlesinger , Jr )

  4. 国内的败者到不发达国家去寻找财富和荣誉(b孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    Losers at home seeking wealth and glory in undeveloped countries ( bArthur M.Schlesinger , Jr )

  5. 拒绝联邦政府对失业人员直接援助的自大的理由(b孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    Highfalutin reasons for denying direct federal assistance to the unemployed ( bArthur M.Schlesinger , Jr )

  6. 曾一度唤醒选民意识的事件已逐渐消失为不相关的事情(孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    Issues that once galvanized the electorate fade into irrelevance ( Arthur M.Schlesinger , Jr )

  7. 曾在1973年到1975年担任美国国防部长的施莱辛格同意这种观点。

    Former Secretary of Defense [ 1973-75 ] James Schlesinger agrees .

  8. 施莱辛格对完美交易软件的想法报以一笑。

    Schlesinger chuckles at the notion of perfect trading software .

  9. 我建议施莱辛格暂时停止昨天午夜开始的戒备措施。

    I recommended that Schlesinger stand down the alert starting at midnight .

  10. 许多专家,包括施莱辛格都表示,最终来说,阿富汗问题没有军事解决的办法。

    Many experts , including Schlesinger , said ultimately , there is no military solution in Afghanistan .

  11. 但是伊格尔伯格和其他人,包括于1973年到1975年期间担任国防部长的施莱辛格都认为,这不可能实现。

    But Eagleburger and others-including former Secretary of Defense [ 1973-75 ] James Schlesinger-believe that will not happen .

  12. 美国前国防部长施莱辛格是这样评论诺贝尔评审会的决定的:

    Former Secretary of Defense [ 1973-75 ] James Schlesinger describes the Nobel Committee 's decision this way .

  13. 不过,前美国中情局主任兼国防部长施莱辛格对北京是否愿意对平壤采取强硬立场提出质疑。

    But former CIA director and secretary of defense James Schlesinger questions whether Beijing is willing to be tough with Pyongyang .

  14. 施莱辛格在尼克松总统和福特总统在位期间担任国防部长一职,并在卡特总统在位期间成为美国首位能源部长。

    Schlesinger was defense secretary under Presidents Nixon and Ford and was the nation 's first energy secretary under President Carter .

  15. 施莱辛格在离开政坛以后曾做过企业经理人、以及国家安全事务负责人及议员的顾问。

    After leaving government Schlesinger was a business executive and consultant with presidents and lawmakers on a range of national security issues .

  16. 施莱辛格认为,创立能源部的立法赋予了他足够的权力,能够完成这次有效的整合。

    The legislation creating the Department of Energy , Schlesinger believed , was broad enough to allow him to achieve the desired effective integration .

  17. 施莱辛格所说的“野蛮”是去年8月俄罗斯同格鲁吉亚之间进行的5天交战。那次冲突进一步使美俄关系降温。

    Schlesinger was referring to the August five-day war between Russia and Georgia-a conflict that cooled relations between the United States and Russia even further .

  18. 曾在1973年到1975年担任美国国防部长的施莱辛格认为,美国会继续奉行“不同哈马斯谈判”的政策。他说:

    Former Defense Secretary James Schlesinger ( 1973-1975 ) believes the United States will continue to abide by its " no talks with Hamas " policy .

  19. 斯考克罗夫特、伊格尔伯格和施莱辛格都同意,阿富汗通往稳定和安全的道路依赖经济发展,良好的管理,以及法治。

    Scowcroft , Eagleburger and Schlesinger agreed that the path to a stable and secure Afghanistan lies through economic development , good governance and the rule of law .

  20. 去年乌克兰危机爆发前施莱辛格接受了采访,他表达出对西欧的北约同盟可能将俄罗斯推进后冷战时期的担忧。

    In an interview last year well before the crisis in Ukraine , Schlesinger expressed concern about how likely NATO allies in western Europe seem to be taking Russia in the post-Cold War era .

  21. 哈佛大学学者、发展迅速的美味面包连锁店前任总裁莱昂纳多?施莱辛格说,许多“公司重组”都很粗糙。

    Leonard Schlesinger , a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain , a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes , says that much " re engineering " has been crude .