
  • 网络toland;Tolland;Gregg Toland
  1. 托兰被奥布里的巨石阵理论迷住,但没有相信奥布里,并且写了自己的书。

    Toland was fascinated by Aubrey 's Stonehenge theories , and wrote his own book , without crediting Aubrey .

  2. 山托兰希望吸引共和党中社会和宗教保守派选民。

    Santorum hopes to appeal to social and religious conservatives within the Republican Party .

  3. 英国《每日邮报》4月22日报道,德国多特蒙德大学教授麦丁•托兰表示,根据他建立的数学公式,德国人将在2010年南非世界杯上笑到最后。

    A university professor claims he has developed a mathematical formula which shows Germany will win the2010 World Cup in South Africa .

  4. 沼泽为诗人的文学创作提供了极其重要的精神资源,而在沼泽地发现的托兰人尸体则寄托了诗人对北爱尔兰长期的宗教战争、民族冲突的关切与困惑。

    The ash discovered in the bog bears the poet 's attention and puzzle to the religionary battles and ethnic conflicts in Northern Ireland .

  5. 里克。山托兰回到自己在宾夕法尼亚西部的家乡来正式宣布他将参加2012年的总统选举。

    Rick Santorum returned to his home roots in western Pennsylvania to make the official announcement that he is in the2012 race for president .

  6. 山托兰加入了已经拥挤的宣布参加总统竞选的共和党人的竞技场,但是在最近的民调中,他在角逐总统候选人的竞争中排名最低。

    Santorum joins an increasingly crowded Republican field , but he remains at the bottom of most recent polls gauging the strength of presidential contenders .

  7. 在此之前,托兰就曾预测本国球队将问鼎2006年世界杯,不幸的是,德国队最终在半决赛中输给对手意大利。

    Prof Tolan had predicted Germany would win the last World Cup , which they hosted in2006 , but unfortunately for his theory , the home nation was beaten by eventual winners Italy in the semi-finals .

  8. 其它5名参加辩论的竞争者包括,前明尼苏达州州长蒂姆.普兰提,美国国会众议院前议长纽特.金里奇,来自宾夕法尼亚州的前联邦参议员里克.山托兰,来自德克萨斯的联邦众议员罗恩.保罗以及乔治亚商人赫尔曼.凯恩。

    Five other contenders took part in the debate including former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty , former U.S. House speaker Newt Gingrich , former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum , Texas Congressman Ron Paul and Georgia businessman Herman Cain .