
  • 网络Film Academy;film school;Academy of Film
  1. 从2000年春北京大学电影学院成立实践社起,DV进入中国大学校园已有十年。

    The DV has entered Chinese universities for ten years since the Practice Community of Peking University Film School founded .

  2. 所以我要去电影学院学�

    That 's why I 'm going off to film school .

  3. 我将担任上海大学电影学院院长。

    I will serve as president of Shanghai Film Academy . It 's a university .

  4. 北京N·S·D动画工作室是由北京电影学院等著名院校的毕业生组成,致力于影视广告动画领域的专业化精英型创作团队。

    Beijing N · S · D animation studio is famous by the Beijing film academy graduates of colleges and universities , television advertisement animation to the professional elite of the creative team .

  5. 结果Jon话锋一转说“奥斯卡电影学院经常忽略那些不怎么好看的电影!”

    ( Audience applause ) Too often the Academy ignores movies that aren 't good . ( Audience

  6. 目前,他是北京电影学院教授,并著《看不见的影像》和《一个人的影像:DV完全手册》等书,讲述中国独立电影。

    Zhang is currently a professor at Beijing Film Academy , and has authored the books Invisible Images and All about DV , regarding Chinese independent film .

  7. 这档分四集播出的节目获得了英国电影学院奖(BaftaAward,相当于英国的艾美奖[Emmy])提名,并引发人们对兰格的研究产生新的关注。

    The program , which was shown in four parts and nominated for a Bafta Award ( a British Emmy ) , brought new attention to Langer 's work .

  8. 11月,在电影学院的非竞赛奖项理事会奖(GovernorsAwards)的颁奖礼上,艾萨克斯介绍了一项旨在增进多样性的方案,请求有影响力的与会人士注意“这项极为重要的举措”。

    In November , at the Academy 's noncompetitive Governors Awards , Ms. Isaacs introduced a plan to increase diversity and implored the A-list attendees to pay attention to " this critically important initiative . "

  9. 电影学院的管理者们拒绝就缺乏多样性问题发表评论,试图邀请克里斯·洛克(ChrisRock)回来主持今年的颁奖礼,以此平衡种族问题。今年的颁奖礼将于2月28日在ABC电视台直播。

    Academy officials , who declined to comment on the lack of diversity , had tried to squarely face their racial issues by inviting Chris Rock to return as host for this year 's ceremony , which will be broadcast by ABC on Feb. 28 .

  10. 电影学院去年未曾把提名授予任何黑人男演员与导演,因此受到激烈抨击,就连学院主席谢丽尔·布恩·艾萨克斯(CherylBooneIsaacs)对多样化的呼吁似乎也被完全无视。

    The Academy , stung by fierce criticism of its failure to nominate any black actors and directors last year , also seemed to ignore a plea from its own president , Cheryl Boone Isaacs , for increased diversity .

  11. 美国电影学院主席谢莉尔布恩伊萨克斯(CherylBooneIsaacs),呼吁她的同事应该“采取行动”,因为“我们产业的每个方面,都应该像我们的观众构成一样具有全球性和多样性。”

    And the academy president , Cheryl Boone Isaacs , called on her colleagues to " take action " because " our audiences are global and rich in diversity , and every facet of our industry should be as well . "

  12. 展览、求变与反思:对摄影教育的再思考从北京电影学院摄影学院2006届学生毕业创作展说开去

    Exhibition , Innovation , and Meditation : Reconsideration to Photographic Education

  13. 半年以后考试进入北京电影学院表演系。

    Six months later entered the Beijing Film Academy in examinations .

  14. 最佳女配角(提名)《骗子》1990英国电影学院奖

    Best Supporting Actress ( nom ) The Grifters 1991 British Academy Awards

  15. 鲍鲸鲸毕业于北京电影学院文学系。

    Bao graduated from Beijing Film Academy with a degree in literature .

  16. 《草原》,北京电影学院,中国。

    The Grassland , Beijing Film Academy , China .

  17. 曾毕业于北京电影学院美术系,后赴美国进修。

    Had graduated from Beijing film academy in America for study after fine .

  18. 后来,他考上了北京电影学院。

    Later , he entered the Beijing Film Academy .

  19. 显然,我们的第一站是电影学院。

    First stop was the film school , obviously .

  20. 小奖没意义&虽说电影学院总是在坚持这些奖项的必要性,但是真的有必要么?

    No Minor Awards & The Academy has always resisted this , but really .

  21. 当斯皮尔伯格小的时候,他的梦想是上电影学院。

    When Spielberg was young , his dream was to go to the Film Academy .

  22. 短片《流浪的女人》是在北京电影学院学习期间的毕业作业。

    During her spare time , she studied film directing at the Beijing Film Academy .

  23. 北京电影学院,不过,我还算不上是一个真正的电影演员。

    I studied at the Beijing Film Academy , but I 'm not really a film actor .

  24. 他们的照片拍摄于伦敦市中心在英国电影学院奖晚宴派对之后没一会儿。

    They were pictured together shortly after partying in Central London after a night at the BAFTAs .

  25. 他没有进入电影学院的原因是分数太低。

    The reason why he could not go to the filmacademywas that his grades were too low .

  26. 凭借在《华尔街之狼》中的精湛演技,让他提名英国电影学院最佳男主角。

    His role in The Wolf of Wall Street earned him a BAFTA nomination for Leading Actor .

  27. CNNCNN特派员安姿丽:你曾经在纽约大学电影学院跟随马丁·斯科赛斯学习。

    ANJALI RAO , CNN CORRESPONDENT : You studied at the NYU film school under Martin Scorsese .

  28. 北京电影学院摄影学院教学改革对中国高等摄影教育的启示

    The Inspiration of Teaching Reform of the Photography School of Beijing Movie College for Chinese Higher Photography Education

  29. 这个广告由德国一家电影学院的学生完成。

    Done on spec by a German film school , this ad spoofs the horror classic The Exorcist .

  30. 她的演技在北京电影学院以及多年的电视剧演员生涯中得到了充分的磨砺。

    Her acting skills were honed at the Beijing Academy as well as through those years of TV .