
  • 网络ICC;supply current;Idd
  1. 这电源电流可设定使用一个电阻的I调节脚。

    This supply current can be set using a resistor on the I ADJ pin .

  2. CMOS数字集成电路的各种缺陷集中地反映在输入电流和电源电流这两个参数上。

    The major shortcomings of CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit concentrate on two primary parameters : input current and supply current .

  3. PWM整流器直流电压对电源电流控制的影响

    Effect of DC Output Voltage on Source Current Control in PWM Rectifier

  4. 新型方波交流TIG焊电源电流调节电路的设计

    Design of Regulating Circuit of TIG Electric Welder

  5. APF的作用是测试电源电流,迫使电源电流为正弦电流。

    The APF works measuring the source currents , forcing them to be sinusoidal .

  6. 采用双极调制方式单周控制APF补偿后的电源电流中存在直流分量。

    There are DC off-sets in the compensated source current of the APF with one-cycle control under bipolar modulation .

  7. 为了简化系统设计,采用非均匀量化规则,并由直流侧电压的控制直接得到电源电流参考值,最后将模糊控制和PI控制相结合,构建了复合控制器。

    To simplify the system process , the non-uniform quantizing rule is adopted , and the reference current is regulated by the DC-link voltage directly .

  8. 实测电源电流稳定度在24h内≤1×10-4。

    The current stability of the power supply at 40 A is ≤ 1 × 10 - 4 for 24 h.

  9. 电源电流(Idd)测试对模拟/混合集成电路的故障诊断十分有效。

    Power circuit test is very efficient for fault diagnosis of simulated / mixed integrated circuit .

  10. LEM电流传感器在开关电源电流检测及保护中的应用

    Application of LEM current sensors in detection of current and protection of switching mode power supply

  11. 本着节约材料和减少能源消耗的目的,对新型方波交流TIG焊电源电流的调节电路进行了详细的分析与设计。

    For the purpose of economizing on raw materials and reducing consumption , the detailed analysis and design of the regulating circuit of TIG electric welder have been presented in this article .

  12. 该MAU器件支持所有发送与接收功能,吸收总线上附加电源电流并具有高阻特性.采用两种稳压电源供电并允许电源具有电隔离。

    This MAU device supports all send and receive functions , additional absorption of the bus supply current and has high impedance characteristics .

  13. 动态电源电流测试(IDDT)对模拟电路故障诊断非常有效,而小波变换能够有效提取动态电流的故障特性。

    Dynamic supply current test ( I_ ( DDT )) was very useful for fault diagnosis in analog circuits .

  14. 分析了CMOS集成电路电源电流与集成电路芯片缺陷的相关性,介绍了CMOS集成电路新的测试方法&IDD频谱图形测试方法的测试原理,以及实现CMOS集成电路IDD频谱图形测试的测试框图。

    This paper analysis the relation between CMOS IC power current and IC chip defects , it introduces the new test method of IDD frequency spectrum test theory , and the test frame of IDD frequency spectrum graphics test .

  15. 仿真结果表明,单极调制单周控制APF能有效补偿非线性负载所导致的谐波和无功电流,补偿后电源电流中不含直流分量;

    The simulative results show that the unipolar modulation APF with one-cycle control can compensate the harmonic and reactive currents caused by nonlinear load effectively and there is no DC off-set in the compensated source current .

  16. 在经理论分析得出经典有源电力滤波器(APF)中的谐波及无功电流检测不是必需的结论的基础上,推出经典APF电流控制策略与电源电流直接控制策略之间的等效关系。

    Based on the conclusion that it is unnecessary to detect the harmonic and reactive current in classical active power filters ( APF ), a direct AC main current control scheme is presented in the paper .

  17. 对光功率控制系统也以单片机为核心,配合外围的功率采样电路和电流驱动电路,同时使用PD控制算法,控制电源电流,从而控制激光器光功率输出。

    The singlechip is the core of optic power of control system , and peripheral circuit includes power sampling and current driver . The PD control algorithm is used to control the electric current . So it can control the optic power of LD .

  18. 均方差抖动9ps,核心部分电源电流消耗3.9mA。

    Its rms jitter is 9 ps and current dissipated is 3.9 mA .

  19. 对脉冲电源电流采样电路补偿网络进行了PID设计,从而改善了脉冲电源放电电流的动态特性,通过实际应用,证明该脉冲电源的电能利用率可以达到70%左右,满足了脉冲电源的加工需要。

    In addition , the PID design of compensating net of pulse generator is made , it improves the dynamic character of discharging current , meets the machining demand . The practice proves that pulse generator can use energy above 70 % , which satisfy the need of matching .

  20. 在单相PQC的仿真研究中发现电源电流易出现直流分量,而且系统没有实现全局稳定。

    In the simulation study of single phase PQC , the dc offset current in source current can be observed and the global stability still has not realized .

  21. 逆变弧焊电源电流检测新方法的研究

    Study on New Methods of Current Measurement in Inverter Arc Power Source

  22. 电源电流控制的并联有源电力滤波器研究

    Research on Shunt Active Power Filter based on Supply Current Control Method

  23. 电源电流降低时,系统噪声又会增加,且带宽也跟着减小。

    System noise increases as operating supply current drops , and bandwidth decreases .

  24. 基于集成电流检测芯片的电源电流测量装置

    A Supply Current Measurement Based on the Current-Sense Amplifier

  25. 弧焊逆变电源电流闭环的设计计算方法

    Design and Analysis Method for Invert Welding Supply

  26. 弧焊电源电流控制中模拟信号的处理方法

    The Analogue Signal Process in the Current Control System of a Welding Power Source

  27. 弧焊逆变电源电流开关控制法

    Research on Switch Control Mode for Welding Current of Arc Welding Inverter Power Supply

  28. 方波电源电流正负半波比例可调电路的设计

    Designing the Circuit of the Adjusted Postive / negative Half wave Current ′ s Proportion

  29. 基于金属涂覆多模光纤传感器对矿灯充电电源电流的测量

    Current measurement of charge power supply used for miners lamp based on metal-coated multimode fibre sensor

  30. 连续调整串联型稳压电源电流倒灌问题的处理方法

    How to Deal with Electric Current Flow-backwards Questions of Series-regulated and Series-connected Steady Voltage Power Supply