
  • 网络Electronic Technology;elektrotechnik
  1. 普通高等教育中电子技术专业课程教法初探

    Professional Course Teaching Method of Electronic Technology in Ordinary Higher Education

  2. 高等院校电子技术专业毕业设计指导

    Elementary Introduction to Graduation Project Directing at College of Electronics

  3. 关于高职应用电子技术专业建设的思考

    Application of Electronic Technology on the Higher Professional Construction

  4. 电子技术专业实践的探讨与运作

    Exploring and Operating in Electronical Technique Special Practice

  5. 中专电子技术专业实训内容的选择

    Selection of Practical Training Content for Students Majoring in Electronic Technology in Secondary School

  6. 创办汽车电子技术专业&适应现代汽车技术的发展之路

    Establishing Automobile Technological Speciality : Meeting the need of modern motor 's technology development

  7. 对应用电子技术专业课程设置的思考

    From Specialized to Integrated Science Course The thinking on setting of electronic technology specialized course

  8. 如何培养电子技术专业学生的动手能力

    How to Train The manipulative Ability of Student That is Specialized in the Electronic Technology

  9. 高职应用电子技术专业课程体系的模块式结构

    Commentary on the Modular Structure of Curriculum System of Applied Electronic Technology Speciality in Higher Vocational Education

  10. 课外科技活动是应用电子技术专业教学改革的重要环节和手段

    Scientific and Technological Activities after Class should be Important Link and Means of Electronic Speciality Reform in Teaching

  11. 论专科层次的应用型电子技术专业人才的培养

    Train men for applied electronic technology profession to meet the needs of the market based on Polytechnic characteristis

  12. 高职应用电子技术专业的能力培养与课程体系构建

    On the ability training & the construction of course system of applied electronic technology specialty in higher vocational university

  13. 闽西职业技术学院应用电子技术专业与时俱进,建设生产性教学工厂。

    The applied electronic technology major of Minxi Vocational and Technical College keeps pace with the times , and constructs productive training base .

  14. 高职应用电子技术专业人才培养规格和课程体系改革的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on Talent-developing Standards and Course System Reform for the Specialty of Applied Electronic Technology of Higher Vocational and Technical Education

  15. 本文是以应用电子技术专业的模拟电子技术和数字电子技术课程为例,叙述了电子技术课程的性质。

    This paper describes the character of electronic technology course by taking the example of analog electronic technology and digital electronic technology course of electron-technical specialty .

  16. 本文结合应用电子技术专业教改实践就素质养成体系的能力观、素质观及其原则进行阐述。

    This paper expounds the capability and quality conception in constructing quality development system and their principles combining with the teaching reform practice of Applied Electronic Technology .

  17. 在技术变化和产业结构调整背景下,分析了应用电子技术专业课程体系的构建与专业设置的调整。

    Under the background of technical change and the industrial structure adjustment , has analyzed specialized course system constructing and specialized establishment adjustment of electronic technology specialized course .

  18. 我们以应用电子技术专业的电视技术课程考试改革为例,提出考试方法改革的指导思想、整体方案和具体措施。

    Taking exam-reform of TV technology lesson in applied electronic technology major as an example , its guidance , whole scheme and concrete measurement are discussed in the paper .

  19. 通过对电子技术专业实践现状的分析,强调了实践环节对培养学生的创新精神和实践能力的意义,并就电子技术的实验教学、课程设计和专业实习做了一些有益的探讨。

    The state of electronical technique practice is analyzed and links in practice which is of importance for training students ' innovation spirit and working ability is emphasized . The experiment teaching of electronic circuit , course design and special practice are discussed .

  20. 电子技术类专业英语课程的探讨

    Discussion on Professional English Course of Electronic Technique

  21. 浅谈电子信息技术专业建设改革特色

    Reforming Characteristic of Electronic Information Technology Special Field

  22. 在经济全球化和地方经济快速发展的背景下,高职电子信息技术专业课程体系整体改革显得十分重要。

    Under the background of economic globalization and fast-developing local economy , it is important to make the whole reform for high vocational electronic information technology system .

  23. 文章从高职电子信息技术专业的培养目标定位出发,论述了贯穿于三个学年中的各个实践环节,讨论了它们的目标、任务和实施方法。

    From the education target of electronic & information technology specialty in higher vocational university , this paper expounds the practice modules through three school years , discusses their projects , assignments and pro - cessing methods .

  24. 对于电子技术类专业的教学,要培养具有创新能力的复合型人才,光子技术类课程应该融合到现有的专业课程体系中去。

    For the teaching in electron technology specialties , it is necessary for photon technology courses to merge into present courses system in order to cultivate the compound type of future technicians with the abilities of making innovations .

  25. 电子科学与技术专业实验教学体系建设

    Construction of Experimental Teaching System for Electronics Science and Technology Major

  26. 电子科学与技术专业、微电子学专业必修课。

    Compulsory for electrical science & technology major and microelectronics major .

  27. 影响电子科学与技术专业教育的因素分析

    Factors That Influence the Major Education of Electronic Science and Technology

  28. 电子科学与技术专业课程设置的探讨

    On Curriculum Plan of Electronics Science and Technology Department

  29. 电子科学与技术专业教学计划的修订

    Establishment of Electronics Science and Technology Specialty Teaching Plan

  30. 电子科学与技术专业人才的实践培养模式探索

    The Cultivation Mode for Professionals in the Domain of Electronic Science and Technology