
  • 网络Proper management;adequate management
  1. FDA裁决菸草水属于药品应受适当管理

    FDA Rules Nicotine Water as Drug and Should be Subject to Regulation

  2. 具有适当管理权限的用户能够设置portlet中每个页面所能显示的页面和portlet的数目。

    Users with the appropriate administrative authorization can set the number of pages and portlets displayed on each page of the portlet .

  3. 因此,通过对这两个ESB中的访问权限和策略进行适当管理,一个部门中的请求者要调用另一个部门提供的服务,可以通过直接连接这两个部门的ESB。

    Thus , with the appropriate management of access rights and policy in the two ESBs , a requester in one division can invoke services provided by another by directly connecting the two divisions ' ESBs .

  4. 对肉眼可见的颗粒物质的污染通过适当管理即可加以控制。

    Visible particulate matter can be controlled by adequate regulations .

  5. 出现广泛传播的国家应侧重于适当管理患者。

    Countries with widespread transmission should focus on the appropriate management of patients .

  6. 审计报告将分发至适当管理层次。

    Reports of audit results will be distributed to the appropriate levels of management .

  7. 适当管理饲料饲草资源的基本原则是理解多年生牧草如何生长。

    A basic tenet to properly managing forage resources is to understand how perennial grasses grow .

  8. 虽然哮喘病不能治愈,但适当管理可以控制该病,使人们能够提高生活质量。

    Although asthma cannot be cured , appropriate management can control the disorder and enable people to enjoy good quality of life .

  9. 管理人与本人之间产生无因管理之债:一方而,管理人负有三项义务&适当管理义务、通知义务、报告和计算义务。

    On the one hand , managers have three obligations-obligation of proper management , obligation of notification , obligations of reporting and accounting .

  10. 在世界的许多地区,灌溉的不适当管理与疟疾、血吸虫病(裂体血吸虫)以及其它媒体传播疾病的增加风险有关。

    In many parts of the world , inadequate management of irrigation is linked to increased risks of malaria , schistosomiasis ( bilharzia ) and other vector-borne diseases .

  11. 确保贸易与卫生利益的适当管理还意味着,不应阻碍包括非专利药物在内的合法药物流入。

    Ensuring that the interests of trade and health are appropriately managed , also means that the flow of legitimate medicines , including generic medicines , is not impeded .

  12. 虽然组织对产品使用和用后处置的控制力很有限,不过还是须尽可能考量适当管理和处置方式。

    Whilst recognizing that organizations may have limited control over the use and disposal of their products , they should consider , where practical , proper handling and disposal mechanisms .

  13. 鉴于中国储蓄资金的规模,如果不加以适当管理,就可能导致国内外的资产泡沫(与中国房地产市场的状况不无相似)。

    Given the scale of Chinese savings , this could lead to an internal and external asset bubble ( not dissimilar to what happened to Chinese real estate ) if not managed properly .

  14. 驿运工具与兽力是四川省办驿运业务开展的根本,在营运中,四川省办驿运尽力对其加以保养与适当管理。

    The post-station transportation tool and beast is the root of the post-station transportation . In the operation , the post-station transportation organization of Sichuan Take in to maintain to the tool and the beast .

  15. 针对这些不足,本文提出确立孤儿作品的确定方式、设立使用人义务、设定保护模式以及选择适当管理方式的完善建议。

    To address these deficiencies , we propose a method for determining the establishment of orphan works , the obligation to establish the use of people , to set the protection mode and select the appropriate management of the suggestions for improvement .

  16. 未来国际投资的国际立法,应当注意在推动国际投资自由化和保护投资者利益的同时,确保东道国对跨国投资的适当管理和控制,以利于建立投资领域的国际法律新秩序。

    While trying to promote international investment liberalization and protect the interests of international investors , the international legislation of investment in the future shall guarantee appropriate regulation and control of foreign investment by the host country so as to contribute to the establishment of a new international legal order .

  17. 选择适当的管理帐号(例如,Localsystemaccount)并单击Next。

    Select an appropriate administration account ( for example , Local system account ) and click Next .

  18. 添加条目,以便为IDS备份文件分配适当的管理类(请参阅管理类的分配)。

    Add entries to assign appropriate management classes to your IDS backup objects ( see Management class assignment ) .

  19. 通常许可问题在技术设计中没有多大的利害关系,不过由于一些ISV工作负载可能需要使用非IBM软件,所以您必须适当地管理软件和中间件许可。

    Normally licensing issues don 't mean much in technology design , but since some ISV workloads might require non-IBM software , you have to properly manage software and middleware licensing .

  20. 管理一间工厂不能单靠努力,还要运用适当的管理方法。

    Managing a plant is not rocket science it just takes hard work .

  21. 就一个坡地社区使用者而言,如何透过适当的管理策略达到零灾害的管理目标;

    The strategy of management to decrease the disaster probability on this base .

  22. 凡未经适当的管理层正式授权的人士,不得取用记录及数据。

    Access to records and data without appropriate management authorization are strictly prohibited .

  23. 对优惠卡的存货数量有否适当的管理措施?

    Is there adequate control over card stock ?

  24. 这可以通过一个适当的管理政策和环境项目显示出来。

    This has to be displayed by an adequate management policy and environmental program .

  25. 利用适当的管理和努力的调和,开端应当被当作一个项目来运作。

    This initiative should be run as a project , with appropriate management and coordination of efforts .

  26. 虽然这可以成为一个适当的管理结构,但它还创建了团队之间的屏障。

    While this can be an appropriate management structure , it can also create barriers between teams .

  27. 其中一些与健康和安全有关,而且需要适当的管理来保护这两者。

    Some relate to health and safety , and the need for appropriate regulations to defend both .

  28. 最大的一部分是具有适当的管理策略来与云服务提供者交互。

    A big part is having the proper management strategy for interaction with those providing the cloud services .

  29. 但是,成人们却缺少适当的管理方法。

    To be blunt , though , there 's been a lack of appropriate management by the adults .

  30. 同时,用详细的实验数据进行补充,然后,提交适当的管理机构。

    Such data , supplemented with detailed experimental data , are then submitted to the appropriate regulatory agency .