
shì yìnɡ xìnɡ cè yàn
  • adaptability test
  1. 本文通过对DIF的提出作简要的回顾,着重介绍如何运用LogisticRegression探测一致性DIF和非一致性DIF,并例证了学习适应性测验(AAT)的6个项目在性别上存在题目差异功能。

    This study reviews the history of DIF and introduces how to using Logistic Regression to detect uniform DIF and nonuniform DIF , then illustrates the DIF analysis of Academic Adaptability Test in sex .

  2. 方法:采用《学习适应性测验(AAT)(初、高中使用版)》测查了465名中职生的学习适应性。

    Methods : A sample of 465 vocational students in senior middle school was tested by the Academic Adaptability Test ( AAT )( for junior and senior middle school students ) .

  3. 对安全驾驶适应性测验的可行性研究

    Study on Feasibility of the Adaptability Test for Safe Drive

  4. 重点对安全驾驶适应性测验的信度和效度进行了研究和检验。

    The reliability and validity of the Adaptability Test for Safe Drive were emphatically ?

  5. 适应性测验的发展:历史与现状

    The Development of Adaptive Tests

  6. 珀杜文书工作适应性测验

    Purdue clerical adaptability test

  7. 本文通过对313名小学生的测试,比较了《学习适应性测验》(小学生5、6年级用)和《儿童自我控制学生自陈表》这两张量表,并探讨了学习适应性与自我控制的关系。

    This study investigates the relation between self control and learning adaptability of pupils in grade five by questionnaires .

  8. 适应性测验作为一种测验形式,与传统的纸笔测验形式相比,具有省时、高效等很多优越性。

    Comparing with traditional paper-and-pencil tests , adaptive tests have many advantages , such as saving time , highly efficient , etc.

  9. 以《中学生个性测验量表》和《学习适应性测验量表》为研究工具,以320名初一学生为被试,探讨初一学生个性因素、学习适应性与学习成绩的关系。

    Using the method of Personality Test of Middle School Students and Academic Adaptation Test , 320 the first grade middle school students were collected as the samples .

  10. 方法采用气质调查量表评定儿童的气质类型,再分别抽取4种气质类型儿童各10名进行学习综合能力测试,包括智力测验、学习障碍筛查、学习适应性测验、厌学情绪测定等。

    Methods Children 's temperament types were determined by Temperament Inventory . Raven 's Standard Progressive Matrices , PRS and AAT were applied to test 40 children with different temperament type .

  11. 方法按整群、分层、随机的原则,采用学习适应性测验(中学生版)对全市中学进行抽样调查。

    Methods The sampled students , which were taken out from the all middle schools in Sanming city by means of randomized stratification cluster sampling , were investigated with AAT ( adaptability test ) .

  12. 目前对它的研究日益深入,主要有项目克隆、项目曝光、多维适应性测验、被试诊断、人格适应性测验等问题。

    In the recent years , the emphasis of research in adaptive tests are on the directions of item cloning , item exposure , multi-dimensional computerized adaptive testing , diagnosis on examinees , personality computerized adaptive test , etc.

  13. 采用学习适应性测验测量学生学习适应的基本情况,该测验由12个内容量表构成,按照测查内容分成学习态度,学习技术,学习环境和身心健康4个分量表。

    Basic condition of learning adaptation in students was detected with Academic Adaptation Test ( AAT ), which contained twelve content scales , which formed 4 sub-scales about study attitude , study skill , study environment , body or mental health .