
  • 网络public elective course
  1. 浅议加强高校公共选修课建设和管理

    On Strengthening the Construction and Management of College Public Elective Courses

  2. 浅谈我国高校开设民俗类公共选修课的意义

    On the Significances of Offering Folkloric Public Elective Courses in Colleges of Our Country

  3. 基于WEB技术的公共选修课网上选课系统

    The WEB - based System for Selecting Optional Courses on Net

  4. 以皖西学院体育系公共选修课网上选课系统的设计与实现为例,介绍了PHP与MySQL技术。

    This paper primarily introduces the PHP & MySQL techniques , which is fully illustrated by the design and realization of the selecting optional courses on net in the Physical Department , West Anhui University .

  5. 高校公共选修课管理信息系统的开发

    The design of information management system for the college elective courses

  6. 公共选修课《新能源技术》的教学

    Teaching Experience in Common Elective Course & New Energy Sources Technology

  7. 关于高校开设运筹学公共选修课的思考

    Reflection On the Public Elective Course of Operational Research in Universities

  8. 公共选修课《汽车文化》教学探讨

    Discussion on the teaching of automotive culture of the public selected course

  9. 旅游地理公共选修课开设初探

    The Establishment of Tourism Geography as a Common Elective Course

  10. 经贸类专业计算机课程的网络教学模式探索计算机类公共选修课网络教学模式探讨

    Discuss on Economic Trade Professional Network-teaching Mode of Calculator Course

  11. 地方院校公共选修课存在问题分析

    Analysis on the Problems about Public Elective Course of Local Undergraduate Institutions

  12. 大理学院公共选修课开设现状调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Public Optional Courses Offered in Dali University

  13. 我校公共选修课现状及其应对分析

    The Actualities Analysis and the Corresponding Measures of Optional Courses in our College

  14. 高校公共选修课自动排课系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a College Course Arrangement System

  15. 医学院公共选修课管理系统的设计与实践

    The design and practice of the public elective management system for the medical college

  16. 综合大学医学类公共选修课建设研究

    A Study on the Construction of the Open Optional Courses of Medicine in Universities

  17. 全校通识类公共选修课的设计与教学

    Design and Teaching Practices of Public Elective Courses

  18. 实验室开设可编程逻辑器件公共选修课的效果

    The Effect of Offering a Public Elective Course of Programmable Logic Device in Lab

  19. 加强公共选修课教学及管理的思考

    On How to Improve the Teaching and Administration of Public Optional Courses in Hainan University

  20. 将公共选修课打造成素质教育的一块宝地

    Research on Public Electives for Quality Education

  21. 加强高职院校公共选修课建设,促进学生可持续发展关于高校选修课课程建设问题的几点思考

    Strengthening the construction of common-selected courses to promote students ' sustainable development at higher vocational colleges

  22. 浅析新形式下开设电子设计实验公共选修课

    Generally Analyzing for Setting-up " Electronic Design Experiment " Common Elective Course in the New Situation

  23. 高职院校公共选修课教学管理中存在的问题及对策

    The Problems in and Countermeasures for the Teaching Management of Public Selective Courses in Higher Vocational College

  24. 大学生自由选课背景下的历史类公共选修课的教学探索

    The Teaching Exploration of History-type Public Optional Course under the Context of College Student ' Free Course-choosing

  25. 专题学习网站在高职院校公共选修课的设计与应用

    Design and Application of the Subject-based Learning Web Site for Public Elective Courses in Senior Vocational College

  26. 开设公共选修课是多数高校加强大学生文化素质教育的重要途径。

    The setting of public selecting courses is an important way to strengthen the quality-oriented education in universities .

  27. 高校公共选修课质量管理问题探讨&基于福建农林大学公选课教学的调查

    Improvement of public optional courses at colleges and universities & An investigation of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

  28. 公共选修课《观赏鱼养殖》的选课学生状况调查与教学内容设计

    Investigation on the Circumstances of Students about Selective Course of Ornamental Fish Farming and Design of Its Teaching Concent

  29. 当前高校公共选修课存在的问题及对策&以上饶师院公选课为例

    Problems of University Public Courses and Solutions & to take the public courses at Shangrao Normal University as an example

  30. 高校开设公共选修课,有利于学生知识结构优化和素质提高。

    The public elective courses set up in colleges & universities do good to students'optimizing their knowledge composition and improving their qualities .