
ɡōnɡ pínɡ jìnɡ sài
  • equally competition
  1. 桑顿中学历史公平竞赛

    Thornton Middle School History Fair Competition

  2. 桑顿中学历史公平竞赛让理解历史变成一件激动人心、令人愉快又乐趣非凡的事。

    Thornton Middle School History Fair Competition makes understanding history exciting , engaging , and fun !

  3. FIFA官方的公平竞赛奖:哥伦比亚

    FIFA Fair Play Award : Colombia

  4. 国际奥委会(ioc)宣扬,在友谊、公平竞赛、相互谅解和排除歧视的环境中,开展体育竞技。

    The International Olympic committee talks about sport practised without discrimination in mutual understanding amid friendship and fair play .

  5. 我为和平而来。他在耶路撒冷的一场夜间记者会中表示,讲台上摆着FIFA的公平竞赛标志。

    I am here on a mission of peace , he said at an evening news conference in Jerusalem , where a FIFA emblem proclaiming My game is fair play sat on the dais .

  6. 阿森纳主帅温格(ArsneWenger)质疑,此次交易是否是有意设计绕开财政公平竞赛规则,上一赛季曼城就未成功。

    Arsenal manager Arsne Wenger questioned whether the move was designed to get around the FFP rules - which City failed last season .

  7. 首先发难的是索尼(Sony)。它上周日表示:我们希望这些指控得到充分调查,并希望国际足联在各方面都坚持诚信、道德和公平竞赛的原则。

    Sony SNE 1.24 % was the first to break ranks on Sunday , saying that we expect these allegations to be investigated appropriately , and that we continue to expect FIFA to adhere to its principles of integrity , ethics and fair play across all aspects of its operations .

  8. 首先发难的是索尼(Sony)。它上周日表示:“我们希望这些指控得到充分调查,并希望国际足联在各方面都坚持诚信、道德和公平竞赛的原则。”

    Sony SNE 1.24 % was the first to break ranks on Sunday , saying that " we expect these allegations to be investigated appropriately , and that we continue to expect FIFA to adhere to its principles of integrity , ethics and fair play across all aspects of its operations . "

  9. 运动员们必须知道他们是在公平竞赛。

    Athletes need to know they are competing on equal terms .

  10. 公平竞赛的愿望以及对弱者的帮助。

    A desire for fair play , and help for the underdog .

  11. 别跟我谈公平竞赛,你的孩子们在找茬。

    Don ` t talk about fair play when your kids are throwing punches .

  12. 我个人希望,这是一次进球、激情和公平竞赛的节日。

    I 'm personally looking forward to a festival of goals , excitement and fair play .

  13. 你们一定要淋漓尽致地发挥,一定要尊重公平竞赛的精神。

    So you should fully bring out your potentials and respect the the spirit of fair play .

  14. 例如,她可能会夸张地表示出对“英式公平竞赛”的赞赏。

    She may , for instance , have an exaggerated admiration for " le fair-play britannique . "

  15. 国际足联与公平竞赛

    FIFA and Fair Play

  16. 体育道德中的公平竞赛原则是体育竞赛的内在要求,也是奥林匹克精神的重要内核和一切体育比赛都必须坚持的原则。

    The fair competition principle is an important point in sports competitions , and a core of the Olympic spirit .

  17. 比赛中有一些紧张,但重要的是展现出公平竞赛的原则,这就是我们今晚所做的。

    There can be some tension , but the important thing is to show fair play and that is what we did tonight .

  18. 国际足联公平竞赛奖颁发给世界杯决赛阶段比赛最公平的球队。

    The FIFA Fair Play Trophy is given to the team with the best record of fair play during the World Cup final tournament .

  19. 奥运会被看作是测验运动员能力的最重要的比赛,因此它也被认为最能体现公平竞赛的精神。

    THE Olympic Games are seen as the greatest test of an athlete 's ability and are supposed to celebrate the spirit of fair play .

  20. 第二个理由比较复杂,用兴奋剂作弊玷污了人类公平竞赛的高尚场面;这种行为意味着不公平竞赛。

    More complex is the second argument : that doping perverts the noble spectacle of humans competing on a level field - that it is not fair play .

  21. 体育带给了人们无穷的乐趣,在体育世界里,人们可以找到激情,顽强拼搏和团队协作的精神以及公平竞赛的理念。

    People get a lot of fun from sport . In the sports world , people find passion , indomitable spirit and spirit of team work and fair competition .

  22. 在最不重要的比赛中,你总是请人做裁判,确保人们常说的公平竞赛。

    In your lightest games you have always someone to see what you call " fair play " . In boxing you must hit fair ; in racing , start fair .

  23. 魔力鸟批评巴萨没有公平竞赛的精神,不论是在场上还是场下,同事他呼吁球迷去机场迎接英雄般的球队。

    Jose Mourinho blasted Barcelona 's " lack of fair play , on or off the pitch " and called on fans to greet the " heroic " team at the airport .

  24. 参与校园足球运动,不仅可以提高学生们的足球技术和智慧,点燃他们的激情,足球也可以培养学生们的团队精神,推动公平竞赛,足球是一所关于人生的学校。

    Campus to participate in football , can not only improve the students ' football skills and wisdom , and ignite their passion , football can also develop students ' teamwork , and promote fair play .

  25. 因此要完善立法,改革管理体制和运行机制,提高执法人员素质,加强监督,大力开展体育道德教育,增强公平竞赛意识。

    We therefore , should perfect legislation , reform the administrative system , improve the quality of the law enforcers , strengthen supervision , carry out education in PE ethics and enhance the consciousness of fair competition .

  26. 从产权和制度的角度去认识这个问题,认为:西方职业联赛中,各私有俱乐部本着追求长期利益的动机而进行的是长期重复博弈,重复博弈使得公平竞赛自我维持。

    This paper studies the problem from the angle of ownership and institution , then concludes that in the western league matches , what clubs conduct is long-term repeated games in seeking long-term interest , which in turn makes the fair-play institution self-enforcing .

  27. 获奖者将荣获国际足联公平竞赛奖杯、一张证书、每位球员和球队获得一个公平竞赛奖牌、以及支持青少年足球发展的价值5万美元的足球器材。

    Only teams that qualified for the second round are considered . The winners of this award earn the FIFA Fair Play Trophy , a diploma , a fair play medal for each player and official , and $ 50,000 worth of football equipment to be used for youth development .

  28. 这是一场不公平的竞赛。

    It was an uneven contest .

  29. 聪明的毕业生会看到,技术正帮助营造公平的竞赛场:大型企业不再拥有压倒性优势。

    Clever graduates can see that technology is helping to level the playing field : big institutions no longer have all the advantages .

  30. 足协对“关联俱乐部”的处罚确保了公平的竞赛环境,也由此引发了很多问题:行规与法律的冲突,法律在职业足球中的适用等。

    It is necessary for the Football Association to give some punishment to connected clubs , in order to ensure the fair competition environment . However , some problems related were caused : the collision between laws and regulations , the fitness of laws and the professional football .