
  • 网络public radio;Npr
  1. "爵士乐似乎并不符合美国人的胃口,"莫兰告诉国家公共广播电台的记者尼尔·柯南。

    " Jazz seems like it 's not really a part of the American appetite , " Moran tells National Public Radio 's reporter Neal Conan .

  2. Troy公共广播电台的卡尔·加塞特将带来详细报道。

    Details from Troy public radio Carl Gasset .

  3. 世界上任何一个角落一有新闻发生,全国公共广播电台就会不知从什么地方挖个专家出来。

    When something happens anywhere in the world , NPR digs up an expert from someplace or other

  4. 这里是墨西哥美国国家公共广播电台,我是CarryCon。

    Carry Con , NPR news , Mexico City .

  5. 这里是华盛顿,美国国家公共广播电台,我是杰克·斯皮尔(JackSpear)。

    From NPR news in Washington , I 'm Jack Spear .

  6. 周末,我在听金钱星球(PlanetMoney)节目[译者注:该节目由美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)制作]中有关阿里巴巴在线批发市场的有趣讲解,其中便提到了阿里巴巴的主导地位。

    I was reminded of this over the weekend while listening to Planet Money 's entertaining explainer of the Alibaba wholesale market .

  7. 这里是华盛顿美国国家公共广播电台,我是JonesCee。

    Jones Cee NPR News , Washington .

  8. 在上海机场,我买了《中国之路》(ChinaRoad)&美国公共广播电台(NationalPublicRadio)前驻中国记者罗布•吉福德(RobGifford)对中国问题坦率的评述。

    At Shanghai airport , I bought China Road , a candid account of the country 's problems by Rob Gifford , a former China correspondent for National Public Radio .

  9. 处理这起事件的确是BP的责任,我们正在处理之中,他对美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)说。

    It is indeed BP 's responsibility to deal with this , and we are dealing with it , he told National Public Radio .

  10. 数十年来一直是美国国家公共广播电台代表声音的卡尔·卡塞尔宣布,他将于今年春天辞去在NPR机智问答节目《waitwaitdon'ttellme》中担任的工作。

    A signature voice here in NPR for decades , Carl Kasell is announcing effectively this spring he 'll be stepping down from his work on the NPR quiz show wait wait don 't tell me .

  11. 那周,美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)采访俄罗斯的一位安全官员,他认为,斯诺登可能——很可能——肯定是在与俄罗斯情报机构合作。

    That week , NPR ran an interview with a Russian security official who posited that Snowden is maybe , probably , most definitely cooperating with Russian intelligence .

  12. 2010年,该公司推出了一个项目,让驾车者能够通过语音来操控一系列移动应用,如今这些应用包括Pandora电台、Scout导航与美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)新闻等。

    In 2010 , the company launched a program that provides voice command and control of a series of mobile apps that now include Pandora radio , Scout navigation and NPR news .

  13. 巴卢和钱伯斯-普利斯正在拓展这一观众市场&美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)在十几个城市举行的每月故事大赛TheMoth、CreativeMornings和TedX大会的观众。

    Ballew and chambers-price are tapping into the kind of audience that shows up for the moth , the NPR monthly story-slams staged in a dozen cities , creative mornings , and tedx conferences .

  14. 洛厄里最初从2012年开始倡导对保护音乐版权的保护。当时美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)的一名实习生在一篇文章中写道,她不认为自己以及同龄人会花钱购买音乐专辑。

    The rocker 's crusade for music rights first kicked off in 2012 , when he posted a biting rebuttal to an essay by an NPR intern who wrote that she didn 't believe she and her peers would ever pay for albums .

  15. 德国公共广播电台文学编辑胡贝特•温克尔斯(HubertWinkels)说,虽然战后德国也出现了其他伟大的作家,但格拉斯“独一无二的”地方在于,他是一位在文化、政治和社会领域都确立了影响力的人物。

    Hubert Winkels , the literary editor of German public radio , said that while the postwar years had produced other great writers in Germany , Grass was " unique " in establishing himself as a figure that spanned culture , politics and society .

  16. 博伊西州立公共广播电台的弗兰基·巴恩希尔有更多报道。

    Frankie Barnhill of Boise State Public Radio has more .

  17. 南达科他州公共广播电台的加里·艾伦伯特将带来详细报道。

    South Dakota Public Broadcasting 's Gary Ellenbolt has more .

  18. 国际公共广播电台记者问:我想请你们澄清一下。

    Public Radio International : I would like to ask for a clarification .

  19. 杰弗逊公共广播电台的利亚姆·莫莱蒂将带来报道。

    From Jefferson Public Radio , Liam Moriaty reports .

  20. 下面有请国家公共广播电台的加布里埃尔·伊曼纽尔。

    Here is Gabriele Emanuel of National Public Radio .

  21. 密歇根州公共广播电台的里克·普图塔将带来详细报道。

    Michigan Public Radio 's Rick Pluta has more .

  22. 据威斯康星州公共广播电台的查克·奎尔巴赫报道,沃克否认了这一指控。

    Chuck Quirmbach of Wisconsin public radio reports Walker 's downplaying the allegations .

  23. 阿拉巴马公共广播电台的帕特·杜金斯将带来详细报道。

    Pat Duggins of Alabama public radio has more .

  24. 夏威夷公共广播电台的韦恩·吉冈将带来详细报道。

    Wayne Yoshioka from Hawaii public radio has more .

  25. 实际玩我建议你角色扮演公共广播电台首先。

    For actual play I 'd recommend Role Playing Public Radio first and foremost .

  26. 科罗拉多州公共广播电台的本·马库斯将带来报道。

    Colorado Public Radio 's Ben Markus reports .

  27. 据蒙大拿州公共广播电台的埃里克·惠特尼报道,沃尔什自八月以来一直在接受调查。

    Montana Public Radio Eric Whitney says Walsh has been under investigation since August .

  28. 据圣路易斯公共广播电台的卡米尔·菲利普斯报道,警方也在继续进行调查。

    St Louis public radio 's Camil Phillips reports that police continue their investigation .

  29. 密歇根公共广播电台瑞克·普鲁塔报道。

    Michigan Public Radio 's Rick Pluta .

  30. 科罗拉多州公共广播电台的埃里克·惠特尼将带来报道。上千名居民得到允许可以返回家中。

    Colorado Public Radio 's Eric Whitney reports.Thousands of residents had been allowed to return home .