
  1. 随着《公务员法》、《公务员考核规定》的颁布实施,公务员考核逐步走上了制度化、规范化的道路。

    Along with the " civil law "," the civil service examination regulations " promulgated and implemented , the civil service examination gradually embarked on a system to change , standardization of the road .

  2. 再次,介绍了淄博市公务员的基本现状,根据淄博市公务员考核的相关规定和实施情况,深入分析了绩效考核中存在的问题及原因。

    Thirdly , it introduces the status of Zibo civil servant , and analyzes the problems and causes of performance appraisal , in accordance with the relevant provision and implementation .