
  • 网络highway maintenance
  1. 基于Fuzzy理论建立公路养护对策模型

    Constructing the Countermeasure Model for Highway maintenance based on Fuzzy Theory

  2. 本文介绍了基于Fuzzy理论建立公路养护对策模型的意义,同时提出了具体实现方法。

    This paper introduces the significance of constructing the Countermeasure Model for the highway maintenance based on Fuzzy Theory , and brings forward the concrete methods of realizing it .

  3. 谈我国加入WTO的公路养护体制改革

    Discussion on reform of road maintenance system after entering

  4. 基于GIS技术的公路养护管理系统开发

    Development of Pavement Management System Base on GIS Technology

  5. 谈开展QC小组活动与公路养护管理

    QC Group Activity and Highway Maintenance Management

  6. CPMS系统在公路养护管理中的实际应用具有实际意义。

    The Cpms system plays an important role in the application of the road maintenance .

  7. 根据公路养护工作的实际需要,对系统的功能进行具体的设计,并阐述了图像显示、图像放大和恢复以及路面损坏范围确定和多边形面积计算等主要关键技术的VB实现过程。

    According to the actual requirement of highway maintenance , the paper designs the idiographic system functions and expounds the realization process by Visual Basic , including such key technologies as image display , image enlargement and restoration , confirmation of scope of pavement dilapidation and calculation of polygon area .

  8. 加快公路养护机械化发展的探索与实践

    Research and Practice of Speeding up Development of Mechanized Highway Maintenance

  9. 中小型压实机械在公路养护中的作用

    Small and Medium-sized Compaction Machine at the Role of Highway Maintenance

  10. 市场经济条件下对发展公路养护机械化的探索

    The Study of Developing Highway Maintenance Mechanization under Market Economical Conditions

  11. 日常养护与维修在公路养护工作中的地位与作用

    The Important Status of Daily Maintenance and Repair on Highway Maintenance

  12. 浅析公路养护管理与养护机械的发展

    The administration of highway maintenance and the development of maintenance machinery

  13. 县乡公路养护机械配置及施工工艺

    Curing Machine Assembly and Construction Craft of County and Country Road

  14. 此外该项目还注重公路养护和交通安全问题。

    The project will also address highway maintenance and safety issues .

  15. 高新技术在国内外公路养护中的应用

    Advanced techniques using on the maintenance of highways in abroad and home

  16. 公路养护机械化是现代化公路养护发展的趋势

    Mechanisation of road maintaining is the developing trend of modern road maintaining

  17. 公路养护体制改革中分流人员如何安置

    How to Help Distributary Personnel of Highway Maintenance System Reform Settle down

  18. 基于遗传算法的公路养护资源最优分配

    Optimal Allocation of Highway Maintenance Resources Based on Genetic Algorithms

  19. 公路养护单位职工培训方案设计研究

    Program design on the human training for Road maintenance units

  20. 公路养护管理系统中数据安全和保护措施

    Data Safety and Protection Measure on Highway Maintenance Management System

  21. 关于实现养护机械化、提高公路养护水平的探讨

    Approach to Accomplish Maintenance Mechanization and to Enhance Level of Highway Maintenance

  22. 农村公路养护体制及运行机制改革研究

    Study on the Reform about Rural Road Maintenance System and Operational Mechanism

  23. 关于公路养护工程设计取费标准的研究

    A Study on Design Expenses Standard of Highway Maintenance Engineerings

  24. 费用效益模型在公路养护经济决策中的应用研究

    The Research of Benefit Model in Highway Maintenance Economical Decision-making

  25. 威海市公路养护管理现状及对策的研究

    The study on Weihai highway maintenance management present situation and development countermeasures

  26. 河南农村公路养护预算定额测定及计算模型

    Survey and Calculation Model for Rural Road Maintenance Budget Ration in Henan

  27. 浅谈公路养护管理存在的问题与对策

    Discussion on the Problems and Solutions in Highway Maintenance Management

  28. 此后,我国公路养护管理体制改革步伐不断加快。

    After that , the maintenance management system reform steps forward fast .

  29. 预防性养护是公路养护领域一个较新的理念。

    Preventive maintenance is a quite new concept in highway maintenance field .

  30. 市场经济条件下公路养护段机械班(队)发展模式初探

    Developed Mode of Machinery Gang in Maintenance Devision Under Market Economical System