
  • 网络maintenance cost;upkeep costs
  1. 高等级公路路面养护费用模型的建立与应用

    Establishment and application of pavement maintenance cost model

  2. 并应用输入~输出法原理,在养护费用模型中提出增加延误费,使路面评价决策系统更加合理。

    Through input-output principle , dally fee is added up to maintenance cost model , which makes pavement decision-making assessment system more rational .

  3. 利用高等级公路路面状况指数PCI与路面养护费用之间的回归关系,建立路面养护费用模型,并把它应用于沈阳至大连高速公路路面养护排序,为路面养护科学决策创造了条件。

    The paper establishes a model of maintenance expenditure by using regressive relation between pavement condition index ( PCI ) and pavement maintenance expenditure . The model is applied for ordering shen Da freeway 's pavement maintenance which provides a deciding condition for pavement maintenance .

  4. 这辆车每年的养护费用越来越多了。

    It costs more and more to run this car each year .

  5. 高速公路路面养护费用模型的研究

    Research on the model for asphalt pavement maintenance of freeway

  6. 一个新交通系统,常因为加宽车行道而增加了道路的面积,以致增加了养护费用。

    A new highway system will normally increase the area of carriageway and hence the cost of maintenance .

  7. 而且这些地方浇水和施肥都很困难,相应的也就增加了额外的养护费用。

    They also are more difficult to water and fertilize , adding further to the cost of maintenance .

  8. 随着公路交通量的增长,公路的养护费用支出逐年加大。

    Along with the increase of the highway 's traffic volume , the maintenance cost of the highway is increasing year by year .

  9. 实践证明,这些措施是得力的,可有效抵制风吹雪对公路造成的危害,大大降低公路的养护费用。

    The practice showed that these measures were efficient in preventing the hazards of snowdrift on highways and reducing the maintaining cost greatly .

  10. “品牌”和“签名设计”几乎总是与抬高专业费用、建造成本和草坪养护费用,并且通常会伴随着一座奢华的会所。

    Name brand and signature involvement almost always raises the costs for professional fees , construction , turfgrass maintenance and often yields an excessive clubhouse .

  11. 穿越荒漠化农牧区的商安公路路基边坡在采取生态工程补救措施后,公路年养护费用减少了35%。

    The annual costs for road maintenance would decrease by 35 % after such ecological remedial measures are to be taken in Shang An highway subgrade slope .

  12. 因为沙漠地区经济发展滞后,公路交通量不大,一般情况下难以承受较高的公路建设与养护费用。

    In desert regions , the latter is especially important because that the poor-developed economy and the light road traffic make this region cannot bear the expensive cost .

  13. 据测算,湖北省收费公路中,三分之一的收费公路的通行费收入在扣除管理、养护费用后,尚不能偿还贷款利息。

    According to the research , after deducted the expenses of management and maintenance , the highway by one-third whose toll incomes can 't repay the loan interest .

  14. 也可开发利用古树名木这一不可再生的旅游资源来增加经济收入作为一部分养护费用。

    Also , we can make full use of ancient and famous trees , which is not recyclable resource , to plump up the money bag as the maintenance costs .

  15. 车辆在桥台和引路路堤接合处的跳车增加了行车的危险性,并且造成每年超过一亿美元的养护费用。

    The vehicles jumping at the joint of bridge abutment and the approach will increase the traffic danger , and cause the annual maintenance cost higher than 100 million US dollars .

  16. 通过对交通量、超限量、超载量及养护费用的数据分析,提出了降低公路养护费用的途径。

    Through the analysis on the data of the traffic volume , ultralimit volume , overload volume and the maintenance cost , this paper puts forward some paths for reducing the maintenance cost of the highway .

  17. 水泥混凝土路面作为一种高级路面结构形式,以其强度高、稳定性和耐久性好、耐高温、耐磨耗以及养护费用少等优点而得到了广泛的应用。

    Concrete pavement as a high-level road structure , with its high strength , well stability and durability , bear heat and bear to wear , less maintenance costs and other advantages have been extensive application .

  18. 预应力连续刚构箱形梁桥具有结构刚度大、行车平顺、伸缩缝小、养护费用低等特点,随着桥梁建设的发展,此类桥型得到了广泛的应用。

    With the development of bridge construction , prestressed concrete continuous rigid-framed box girder bridges have been widely constructed for its characteristics of higher stiffness , smooth pavement , less expansion joint and low maintenance costs .

  19. 拱桥具有外形美观、桥身结构坚固、承载能力强、取材方便、造价及养护费用低等优点,在旧桥中占据了相当大的数量。

    The arch bridge is with good-looking , solid bridge construction , strong bearing capacity , convenience in drawing materials and low cost in construction and maintenance , the number of which is large in old bridges .

  20. 圬工拱桥具有就地取材、节省钢筋和水泥、构造简单、有利于普及、承载潜力大、养护费用少等优点,在我国修建的比较多。

    The masonry arch-bridge has making use of the local materials , saving steel bar and the cement , structure simple , advantageous to the popularization , the load bearing potential is big , upkeep costs few and so on merits , construction in our country are quite many .

  21. 桥头跳车不仅影响了通行车辆的行驶速度和行车安全,而且在一定程度上也增加了车辆的运营费用和公路的养护费用,同时减少了通行车辆和公路、桥梁的使用寿命,危害非常严重。

    Bridgehead bump not only affects the access speed of the vehicle and traffic safety , but also vehicles the operating costs and road maintenance costs to some extent . At the same time , it reduces the service life of roads and bridges , the harm is very serious .

  22. 高速公路沥青砼路面养护施工费用测算和分析

    The Evaluation and Analysis of the Construction Cost for Expressway Bitumen Concrete Pavement Maintenance

  23. 拱桥作为一种古老的桥型,具有跨越能力大、造价经济、养护维修费用少、造型美观等特有的技术优势。

    As an old bridge type , arch bridge has his characteristic technical superiority such as long crossing ability , economical cost , less cost on Maintenance , and beautiful shape .

  24. 通过对沥青混凝土与水泥混凝土路面的研究比较,认为应根据修建及管理养护的费用、交通量等综合考虑选用路面类型。

    Comparing asphalt concrete ( AC ) with cement concrete ( CC ), the authors put forward that road type selection must be based on fare of building and managment as well as traffic .

  25. 由于拖轮配置及养护的费用大,如何为港口配置拖轮适当数量、功率的拖轮,以适应港口发展的需要具现实意义。

    The collocation and maintenance of tugboat is very costly , so to allocate the proper amount and proper power of each tug in the port is significance with the development of Guangzhou port in future .

  26. 城市森林是城市生命支持系统的主体,具有最大的生态服务功能,能提高城市国有生态资产,减少绿地养护管理费用,丰富城市景观。

    Urban forest is the main life support ecosystem in city , which can produce the maximum eco service function , improve urban state owned eco asset and reduce the cost for the conservation and management of green land and also enhance the urban landscape .

  27. 全寿命周期成本不仅包括了初期项目建设的费用,还包括了后期运营和维修养护方面的费用。

    The life cycle cost not only include initial the cost of building , including the later operation and maintenance costs too .

  28. 进一步完善相关的政策和法规,降低购买船只和日常管理、养护方面的费用,拉近帆船与大众的距离。

    Further improve the relevant policies and regulations , reduce the purchase of vessels and the daily management , conservation costs , to narrow the distance sailing with the public . 5 .

  29. 对德国私营铁路专用线的概况、换装业务、解编作业、货运业务办理、货车检查和专用线的养护、维修及费用清算进行了阐述,分析了德国私营铁路专用线的运作方式。

    The paper describes the situation , transshipment , marshalling operation , freight business , cargo-car check of German private special railway line as well as its maintenance and costs and analyzes the operation of the special railway line .

  30. 交通规费是指交通行政管理部门按照国务院和省(市)人民政府的规定,向车辆、船舶所有者和使用者征收并用于交通基础设施建设和养护的各种专项费用。

    The transportation fees is that the traffic administrative department in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council and the provincial ( town ) government levies the fee , which is used to construct and maintenance transportation infrastructures , on the owner or user of ships 、 vehicles .