
yǎng jī
  • raise chickens
养鸡[yǎng jī]
  1. 有些干部不是喜欢养鸡、养兔、养鸭吗?

    We all know that some cadres like to raise chickens , rabbits and ducks .

  2. 在这个游戏中你可以为她们的卵子植物水果和蔬菜或养鸡。

    In this game you can plant fruit and vegetable or raise chickens for their eggs .

  3. 他们在后院养鸡。

    They keep chickens in the back yard .

  4. 我给你带了些鸡蛋。我们养鸡。

    I 've brought you some eggs . We keep chickens

  5. 鸡饲料的缺乏意味着养鸡场将不得不杀掉饲养的鸡。

    Lack of chicken feed means that chicken farms are having to slaughter their stock .

  6. 格雷西在管家学校读三年级时就开始养鸡了。

    Gracie started breeding chickens in her third grade at Steward School .

  7. 养鸡对青少年来说似乎是一项艰巨的任务。

    Raising chickens seems a difficult task for teenagers .

  8. 从那时起,这位年轻的科学爱好者开始尝试寻找最健康的自由放养鸡。

    Since then , the young science lover started to try to find the healthiest free-range chickens .

  9. 美国弗吉尼亚州的格雷西·古德普雷斯特不仅养鸡,还试图培育出"完美的鸡"。

    Gracie Goodpasture , from Virginia , US , not only raises them , but also tries to breed the " perfect chicken " .

  10. 从事宠物食品行业的Ng认为,养鸡是教育孩子宠物营养和生态系统的好方式。

    Ng , who works in the pet food industry , saw chicken keeping as a good way to educate his children about pet nutrition and ecosystems .

  11. 运动按摩治疗师GloriaSharp虽然是第一次养鸡,但她表示自己得到了新加坡养鸡者社区的大力支持。从如何处理公鸡的啼叫到常见的疾病,比如鸡趾瘤症,乌鸡的主人经常在网络论坛上讨论和分享饲养乌鸡的技巧。

    From how to handle roosters ’ crowing to common ailments like bumblefoot , Silkie owners often discuss and share tips for raising Silkies in online community groups .

  12. 经验丰富的养鸡人也慷慨地指导新手处理与鸡有关的问题。

    Experienced chicken owners are also generous in guiding newbies who are dealing with chicken-related issues .

  13. 鸡的兴起一直贯穿了大萧条(GreatDepression)时期,那时的养鸡产业帮助许多农户度过困境。

    The rise of the chicken continued through the Great Depression , when chicken farming helped many farmers get by .

  14. 笼养鸡的肝脏FAS、MEmRNA水平及其酶活性显著高于散养鸡(p<0.05)。

    The hepatic FAS and ME mRNA level and activity in females were higher than that in males .

  15. 全美养鸡理事会(NationalChickenCouncil)发表声明称,业界用于预防疾病的绝大部分抗生素都从未用于人体。

    The National Chicken Council said in a statement that the vast majority of antibiotics used for disease prevention in the industry were never given to humans .

  16. 全美养鸡理事会(NationalChickenCouncil)发表声明称,业界用于预防疾病的“绝大部分”抗生素都从未用于人体。

    The National Chicken Council said in a statement that the " vast majority " of antibiotics used for disease prevention in the industry were never given to humans .

  17. 鸡毒支原体(MG)会引发鸡的慢性呼吸道疾病和火鸡传染性窦炎,是最主要的禽病原菌之一,它给养鸡业带来很大的经济损失。

    Mycoplasma gallisepticum can evoke the chronic respiratory disease of chicken and infectious sinusitis of turkey , which is a kind of most important pathogen endangering poultry industry .

  18. 危害分析及关键控制点(HACCP)体系在无公害养鸡中的推广与应用

    Expansion and Application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point ( HACCP ) Systems in Harmless Meat Chicken Production

  19. 对于KKR而言,这是中国成长基金(ChinaGrowthFund)最近的一笔交易。去年夏季,该基金为中国东南部省份福建省的一家养鸡场投资了大约4亿美元。

    For K.K.R. , the deal is the latest by its China Growth Fund , which last summer invested about $ 400 million in a chicken breeder in Fujian Province in southeastern China .

  20. 于1996年从长春地区一养鸡场分离到一株新城疫病毒(NDV长春株),经过病毒生物学特性的研究表明该NDV毒株为弱毒株。

    The Changchun strain of Newcastle disease virus ( NDV ) was proved one avirulent by its biological characteristics .

  21. 继韩国一养鸡场爆发禽流感A(H5N1)之后,又有14家养鸡场受到感染。

    Following an initial avian influenza A ( H5N1 ) outbreak on a chicken farm in the Republic of Korea , avian influenza spread to14 other farms .

  22. 赚取的利润重新投资在土地上,或是(这一点至关重要)投入到养鸡场和vcd工厂等各种项目中。

    Profits went back into the land or , crucially , into projects as diverse as chicken farms and VCD factories .

  23. 1957年首次子美国甘博罗地区发生鸡传染性法氏囊病(IBD),现流行全世界,对养鸡业危害较大。

    Infectious Fowl IBD , which was first discovered in America in 1957 , has been world-wided prevalent and is harmful to fowl breeding industries .

  24. 禽传染性支气管炎(IB)呈世界广泛流行,是危害养鸡生产最严重的病毒性传染病之一。

    Infectious bronchitis virus ( IBV ) is a world-wide viral disease of poultry , which poses a major economic threat to the poultry industry .

  25. ND的病原为新城疫病毒(NDV),属副黏病毒科腮腺炎病毒属的成员,是一种具有囊膜的RNA病毒,严重地危害着养鸡业的发展。

    The pathogen of ND is Newcastle disease , a member of the paramyxovirus Division mumps virus , and is an enveloped RNA virus , seriously harm the development of the chicken industry .

  26. 在一款名叫农场物语(美版的开心农场FarmVille)的在线游戏中,玩家可以在农场中养鸡,当然这些鸡和农场都是虚拟的。

    PLAYERS of FarmVille , an online game , raise virtual chickens on an imaginary farm .

  27. 村民们靠林业、园艺、养鸡、酿造蜂蜜、出售苹果(水果,而非Iphone手机或Ipad平板电脑)谋生,赚取一些闲钱。

    They make a living and some extra cash for the community , mainly through forestry , gardening , growing chickens , honey bees and selling apple products ( real apples , not iPhones or iPads ) .

  28. 另一家高档餐厅下设的咖啡屋是Buvette,那儿的大厨用勃艮第红酒慢炖散养鸡,烹制出经典的酒闷仔鸡(coqauvin),这道菜如今在小餐馆里已经难觅踪影。

    Another restaurant offshoot is Buvette , where the chef simmers free-range chicken in red Burgundy for classic coq au vin , a dish rarely seen in bistros nowadays .

  29. 鸡大肠杆菌病(Aviancolibacillosis)是由大肠杆菌的某些致病性血清型所引起鸡的一种传染病,其高发病率、高致死率和导致生产性能下降是制约养鸡业发展的主要因素。

    Avian colibacillosis is a kind of acute infectious disease induced by Escherichia Coli , which can cause high incidence and mortality rates , decrease the production performance , therefore hinder the development of poultry industry .

  30. 如今,这家总部位于阿肯色州斯普林代尔(Springdale)的公司在中国的养鸡场数量已经从三年前的零增加到20个。

    Today the Springdale , Ark . , company has 20 farms in China . Three years ago , none .