
yǎng yú
  • fish-farming;fish farm;fish culture;pisciculture
养鱼 [yǎng yú]
  • (1) [fish farming]∶饲养鱼类,尤指在池塘里饲养鱼类作为食用

  • (2) [fish culture]∶鱼类养殖

养鱼[yǎng yú]
  1. 杂鱼在养鱼水库中的作用及其种群控制

    Role of minnows ! N fish-farming reservoirs and control of their populations

  2. 西北地区池塘养鱼决策系统的研制

    Study of Decision System on Fish-farming in the Pond in Northwest of China

  3. 淡水养鱼大有可为。

    There are bright prospects for freshwater fish farming .

  4. 守着水的地方要多养鱼。

    Where there is water nearby , make a special effort to breed fish .

  5. 中国战国时代范蠡所著《养鱼经》是世界上最早的养鱼文献。范在公元前473年即开始养殖鲤鱼,并写下这本书。

    “ The Classics on Fish Breeding ”, written by Fan Li of the Warring States Period ( 475 B.C. - 221B . C. ), was the world 's first book on fish breeding . Fan started to breed silver carp in 473B . C. , and the book was based on his experience .

  6. 高密度流水养鱼(FlowingWaterFishCulture)新技术研究

    A Study on New Technique of Flowing Water Fish Culture with High Density

  7. 纳米(Nanometer)与纳米养鱼技术

    Nanometer and Fish Farming Technique of Nanometer

  8. 把握入世契机加强淡水健康养鱼HACCP体系在我国水产业中的应用进展

    Seizing the Opportunity of Joining WTO and Developing Healthy Aquaculture of Fresh Water Application of HACCP System in Aquaculture in China

  9. 上海大自然野生昆虫馆纳米电气石(Tourmaline)养鱼不换水技术

    The Technology of Cultivating Fish Without Changing Water by Using Nano Tourmaline in Shanghai Natural Wild-insect Kingdom

  10. 目的了解养鱼水中非结核分枝杆菌(NTM)的分布情况。

    Objective To investigate NTM distribution in fish tank water in Beijing area .

  11. 结果30份市售养鱼水中29份样本分枝杆菌培养阳性,其中6份样本分别生长出两种形态性状完全不同的菌落,共分离出35株分枝杆菌,表型特征均符合NTM。

    Results Thirty-five NTM strains were isolated in 29 out of 30 fish tank water samples .

  12. Bernstein利用一种化学肥料种植作物已多年,她发现,可以用养鱼的废水种植有机蔬菜和水果。

    Ms. Bernstein grew plants in water with a chemical fertilizer for years . Then she discovered she could use wastewater from fish to grow organic vegetables and fruit .

  13. D,B+大围沟,宽2m,深2~2.5m,占小区面积的15%,养鱼;

    D was same as B except the large surrounding ditch of 2m in width and 2.0 ~ 2.5m in depth , occupying 15 % area ;

  14. 结果表明,饵料系数为4,养殖效果良好,产量可达8273.26Kg/hm2,投入与产出比为1:1.8,笔者认为农作物秸秆发酵饲料,是一种经济低廉,值得推广的养鱼饲料。

    The results show that the fermented feed is an economic feed worthy of recommendation as the feed coefficient is 4 , input / output ratio 1 : 0 . 8 and the production output reaches 8 273 . 26kg / hm2 .

  15. 通过对我国淡水养鱼现状的分析,提出入世后要大力加强淡水健康养鱼,并提出了6大具体措施:1.引入HACCP管理体系;

    Through analysing present situations of fresh water aquaculture in nation wide , the issue of energetically developing healthy aquaculture of fresh water after joining WTO is raised , and six effective mesures are also raised as follows . 1.Leading into system of HACCP management .

  16. 淡水网箱养鱼能量效益的初步评价

    Primary evaluation on the energy efficiency of freshwater cage fish culture

  17. 这种方式下你可能不需要养鱼。

    This way you may not have to feed the fish .

  18. 小型网箱养鱼高效试验

    Experiment on High Yield of Fish Culture with Small-Sized Net Cage

  19. 浅谈农村养鱼饵料来源与养殖模式

    A Brief Discussion on Source of Fish Feed and Fish-Raising Pattern

  20. 小体积高密度网箱养鱼技术途径的探讨

    A Study on Techniques of Small Cage Culture with High Density

  21. 但是这种类型的养鱼人很少。

    But there are only a few collectors of this type .

  22. 网箱养鱼水塘眼虫属种群结构变动研究

    The Study on Population Structure of Euglena in the Fishery-Cage FishPond

  23. 关于网箱养鱼应思考的几个问题

    Some Problem to Be Thought for Net - Cage Fish Farming

  24. 浅析淡水网箱养鱼对水环境的影响及对策

    Impact and Counter-Measure of Fishpond Using Netted Boxes on Water Environment

  25. 深水网箱养鱼产业化的特点与技术关键

    Characteristics and Technical Key for Farming Industry of Deep Sea Cage

  26. 对我来说,养鱼真是一次冒险。

    Raising all those fish was such an adventure for me .

  27. 水库网箱养鱼环境经济学分析

    Environmental Economics Analysis of Raising Fish in Net Box in Reservoir

  28. 水库主施化肥养鱼的试验

    The experiment of fish farming on mainly applying fertilizer in reservoirs

  29. 养鱼用的鱼缸有木盆和陶瓦盆。

    In the aquarium fish bowl and ceramic made of wood .

  30. 湖泊(水库)网箱养鱼水质模型研究

    Water quality modeling for fish gage culture in lakes or reservoirs