
yǎng zhū
  • Raising pigs;raise hogs or pigs
养猪[yǎng zhū]
  1. 约翰尼·沃里克在亚拉巴马州有个养猪场。

    Johnny Warrick has a hog farm in Alabama .

  2. 在公社里,他是数得着的养猪能手。

    He is one of the outstanding pig-breeders of the commune .

  3. 养猪不独可以改善人民生活,还能多积肥料。

    Pig-breeding not only improves the people 's diet ; it makes more manure available .

  4. 办个小型养猪场养50头猪一般要投资多少

    Handle minitype hoggery fostering the essential points pork like 50 investment number ?

  5. 该项目由现代化养猪场,现代化养鹅场,以及沼气发电厂组成

    The project is consisted of a modern hoggery , goose house and methane plant .

  6. 李小姐在湖南省的一家养猪场长大,她嘲笑祖父母及父母吝啬的生活方式。

    Raised on a hog farm in Hunan Province , she laughs off the penurious ways of her parents and grandparents .

  7. DNA多态性遗传标记及其在养猪业中的应用

    DNA Polymorphic Marker and Applications on Pig

  8. 加入WTO后,我国养猪业比较优势明显,面临难得发展机遇。

    When China entering WTO , swine production faces a rare chance to develop .

  9. 通过实验室静态模拟实验研究,对养猪场废水混凝的最佳混凝剂、投药量、水力条件等工艺参数和进水浓度、pH等一系列影响因素进行了详细的研究和探讨。

    The organism dose , pH and a series of influence factors had also been detailedly researched and discussed .

  10. GIS在环保型养猪业区域规划中的应用规模化养猪场配套肉狗饲养的探索

    Regional planning of pig husbandry with environmental protection using GIS Study of Meat-dog Husbandry Attached to a Massive Pig Farm

  11. EM在养猪业中的应用

    The Application of EM in Pig - raising

  12. 浸没式MBR技术在养猪场废水处理中的应用

    Application of immerged MBR technology for hoggery wastewater treatment

  13. 我国养猪场清洁发展机制(CDM)发展潜力分析研究

    Potential of Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) for Swine Farms in China

  14. 猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)是近年来发现严重影响养猪业的一种最小的DNA病毒,是断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合征的主要病原。

    Porcine circovirus type 2 ( PCV2 ) is the main pathogen associated with post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome .

  15. 第五部分以武汉市规模型养猪业为例,基于logistic模型,对养猪业生态产业链耦合的不同主体的各个影响因素进行了实证分析。

    The fifth part , taking scale pig-farming industry as an example , discusses the influence and effect of coupling of pig-farming eco-industrial chain by logistic model .

  16. 因此,控制猪的JE不仅对养猪业而且对人类健康都具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore prevention of JE in swine can benefit for swine production and health of human being .

  17. 而在较东部的伦道夫县(randolphcounty),当地规划委员会将于下月就是否限制养猪场的扩张进行表决。

    Farther east , in Randolph County , the local planning commission will vote next month on whether to limit the expansion of pig farms .

  18. 猪链球菌(StreptococcusSuis)是一种重要的人兽共患病病原,广泛分布与世界各地,给养猪产业带来巨大经济损失,同时也严重威胁着人类健康。

    Streptococcus suis is an important swine pathogen , causing economic loss in swine industry worldwide , and is also a threat to human health .

  19. 乙型脑炎(JapaneseEncephalitis,JE)和伪狂犬病(Pseudorabies)均是危害养猪业的重大疫病,主要引起种猪繁殖障碍,给养猪业造成了巨大的经济损失。

    Japanese encephalitis ( JE ) and pseudorabies are the main causes of infectious reproductive failure in swine , and make significant economic losses in the pig industry .

  20. 紫花苜蓿-玉米草粮间作提高了土地的利用率及土地单位面积的产出,每hm2产牧草可养猪180头,经济效益12万元。

    Lucerne-maize intercropping improved the land utilization and output per area . For-age per hectare raised 180 pig and its benefit was 120 000 yuan RMB .

  21. 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)是当前严重危害我国养猪业的重要传染病。

    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome ( PRRS ) becomes an economically significant disease for the Chinese swine industry .

  22. SIV不但给养猪业带来巨大损失,同样具有重要的公共卫生学意义。

    SI leaded to not only a great loss of pig-raising industry , but also has important public health significance .

  23. 呼吸道症状是PRRS的另一个显著特征,可发生于养猪生产周期的大多数阶段。

    Respiratory symptoms are also significant features of PRRS , which could occur in the most stage of pig production cycle .

  24. 只有建立PrVgE阴性种猪场,才能彻底控制本病,促进养猪业的健康发展。因此,作者开展了本研究。

    The research was carried out in order to build PRV gE antibody negative pig farm , and finally control pseudorabies , promote the development of swine industry . 1 .

  25. 自1978年报道以来在欧洲以及亚洲许多国家相继爆发,给养猪业带来巨大损失,因此对于PED的诊断以及疫苗的研究就显得尤为重要。

    Since 1978 , the outbreak of PED in Europe and many Asian countries have led to huge economic losses in pig industry .

  26. 从厌氧养猪废水中去除和回收磷(P)元素,对该废水的污染控制和资源化利用具有重要意义,其中磷酸钙(calciumphosphate,CP)结晶法是一种主要的工艺。

    Phosphorus ( P ) removal and recovery from anaerobic swine wastewater is very important for the pollution control and utilization of this kind of wastewater , and the crystallization of calcium phosphate ( CP ) is a main process for this purpose .

  27. ABR-SBR组合工艺处理养猪场废水研究

    Piggery Wastewater Treatment by ABR-SBR Combined Process

  28. 德阳市散养猪繁殖障碍性疾病血清学检测及猪瘟免疫抗体动态观察猪繁殖障碍性疫病流行毒株的分离、鉴定及其多重PCR诊断方法的建立

    Serum Diagnosis of the Reproductive Syndrome and Detection of the Dynamic Level of Antibody to Swine Fever Virus in Extensive Feeding Pigs in Deyang Area ; Isolation , Identification of Viruses Diseases with Porcine Reproductive Disturbance & Establishment of a Multi-PCR Diagnosis Method

  29. 自2000年进入市场以来,genus已经成长为领先的牛精液(用于牛奶生产和牛肉生产)供应商,也为商业养猪场培育种猪。

    Since coming to market in 2000 , genus has built itself up to become a leading provider of bovine semen needed for milk production and beef farming , as well as tailored pig breeding stock for commercial pork farmers .

  30. 来自拉斯维加斯的养猪场农民Bob从赌场自助餐回收吃剩下的食物喂猪。他的猪比地球上其它的猪生长速度都要快、收益都高;

    Bob , the pig farmer in Las Vegas who collects the uneaten food from casino buffets and feeds it to his swine , which now grow faster and more profitably than any other pigs on the planet ;