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yǎng mǔ
  • adoptive mother;foster mother
养母 [yǎng mǔ]
  • [adoptive mother; foster mother] 收养他人子女为自己子女的女人

养母[yǎng mǔ]
  1. 她必须照顾养母。

    She has to take care of her adoptive mother .

  2. 她有义务赡养她的养母。

    She is under an obligation to her adoptive mother .

  3. 寄养母是一个很不错的热心人。

    The foster mother was a wonderful , warm person .

  4. 你的养母是jennifer吗?

    Was your foster mother jennifer ?

  5. 你养母说devon几个月前离开了。

    Your foster mom said that Devon left months ago .

  6. 幸亏有寄样家庭的支持,Squirt才得以茁壮成长,而这个寄养家庭有养母,和四个兄弟姐妹,还有科迪的两只狗狗。

    Squirt is continuing to get stronger thanks to the support of her adoptive family , which includes her new mom , her four siblings , and Cody 's two dogs .

  7. “Squirt需要一个妈妈,这样才能解决问题。”幸亏有寄养家庭的帮助,Squirt才得以茁壮成长,而这个寄养家庭除了它的养母和兄弟姐妹之外,还有科迪的两只狗狗。

    She needed a mom so it worked out . ' Squirt is continuing to get stronger thanks to the support of her adoptive family , which includes her new mom , her siblings , and Cody 's two dogs .

  8. 鲜花,蛋糕和玩具车给到ArtyomSavelyev,他带着他养母给的一张纸条在上周就被单独送到莫斯科。

    Flowers , a cake and toy car went to Artyom Savelyev who was sent unaccompanied to Moscow last week with a note from his adoptive mother .

  9. 汤姆是个孽子,因为他拒绝扶养他的养母。

    Tom was a heel for refusing support his foster mother .

  10. 我的意思是想想看看着他养母

    I mean , think about it -- watching his adoptive mother

  11. 等待养母产下克隆幼仔。

    Wait for foster mother to give birth to the clone .

  12. 我养母收集了以他们婚礼做封面的杂志

    foster mom collected magazines with their wedding on the cover ,

  13. 和伊莱一起去处理我们养母的事

    Driving down with Eli to manage our foster mother situation .

  14. 我的养父养母要把奶奶送去疗养院。

    My mom and Dad were moving grandma into a nursing home .

  15. 她的养母自杀了,养父进了监狱。

    Her adoptive mother committed suicide and her adoptive father went to jail .

  16. 我可以跟你的养母谈谈。

    Maybe if I talk to your adopted mother .

  17. 她是我和阿曼达的养母

    She was my foster mother , and Amanda 's.

  18. 她将成为他的养母让他度过青春期。

    She would be his adopted mom through adolescence .

  19. 在过去的18个月里,我是一个养母。

    So for the last 18 months I have been a foster parent .

  20. 繁殖期驯养母蓝狐的温驯行为与繁殖率

    Gentle Behavior and Reproductive Rate of Domesticated Female Alopex lagopus in Seminal Period

  21. 提倡让养父养母在讨论寄养方案问题上应有一份发言权的运动。

    A campaign for foster parents to have a share in discussing fostering policy .

  22. 他的寡母把他抚养成人。他们为这些孤儿找到了养父养母。

    His widowed mother brought him up . They placed the orphans with foster-parents .

  23. 查到伊莱一直还和我们的养母有联系

    I found out that Eli 's been in contact with our foster mother .

  24. 那些歌和儿语曾是安迪和他养母之间的秘密。

    The songs and the baby-talk had been a secret between Andy and his foster-mother .

  25. 将她们归类型研究,按血缘关系可分成生母和养母。

    They can be divided into biological mother and adopted mother according to the kinship .

  26. 他的养母[父母]

    His adoptive mother [ parents ]

  27. 由于我是养母,我看不到家庭里的血缘关系。

    And because I 'm an adoptive mother , I don 't see blood as family .

  28. 由于被接纳进我们伟大养母宽大的怀抱里,他成了一个美国人。

    He becomes an American by being received in the broad lap of our great Alma Mater .

  29. 得4:16拿俄米就把孩子抱在怀中、他的养母。

    Then Naomi took the child and laid him in her lap , and became his nurse .

  30. 作为你的养母,我敢肯定你现在一定很紧张,因为要见你的亲生母亲了

    As your adoptive mother , I 'm sure you 're feeling nervous about meeting your birth mother