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biǎo xiōng dì
  • cousin;first cousin
表兄弟 [biǎo xiōng dì]
  • [cousins]姑母、舅父或姨母的儿子

表兄弟[biǎo xiōng dì]
  1. 他是我表兄弟的儿子,所以他是我隔了一代的表亲。

    He 's my cousin 's son so he 's my first cousin once removed .

  2. 2010年,他加盟经营网页设计公司的表兄弟杰斐逊·苏亚雷斯(JeffersonSoares)。

    In2010 , he joined his cousin Jefferson Soares , who ran a company that designed Web pages .

  3. A:你会吗?听起来很好吃!我的俄罗斯表兄弟也会在。我相信他们会喜欢的。

    A : Would you ? That sounds delicious ! My Russian cousins are going to be there . I 'm sure they 'll love it .

  4. 科技公司、公司品牌以及具有企业家精神的社交媒体明星在竞相利用互联网最形象的文化单元的力量——表情符号以及它极度活跃的表兄弟GIF——他们可能会无意中摧毁周围兴起的创意世界。

    In a rush to harness the power of the web 's most evocative cultural units - emoji and their hyperactive cousins , GIFs - tech companies , corporate brands and entrepreneurial social media stars could risk inadvertently flattening the creative world that 's sprung up around them .

  5. 我下床后进入花园。我的表兄弟也在那里。

    I slipped out of bed and went to the garden .

  6. 他说谎!他是罗密欧的表兄弟!

    He is lying ! He is romeo 's cousin !

  7. 维沙尔与莫希特•麦瓦尼表兄弟有意向你兜售他们制作的一套西装,你会买吗?

    Cousins vishaal and mohit melwani want to sell you a suit .

  8. 弗兰克老是对他表兄弟进行人身攻击。

    Frank is always making personal remarks about his cousin .

  9. 你为什么不让我表兄弟来帮忙?

    Why you don 't let my cousins to help ?

  10. 是的,我在那里有两个表兄弟。

    A Yes , I 've got two cousins there .

  11. 我的堂表兄弟姊妹并不是核心家庭的一部分。

    My cousin is not part of my nuclear family .

  12. 我去参观了博物馆还和表兄弟们一起玩耍。

    I visited museums and played with my cousins .

  13. 这两个表兄弟只是彼此知道名字而已。

    The cousins knew each other only by name .

  14. 维多利亚和她表兄弟的婚事未被她家人所接受。

    Victoria 's marriage to her cousin was not welcomed by her family .

  15. 那些白色的夹克衫是我表兄弟们的。

    Those two white jackets are my cousins ' .

  16. 据说奥巴马总统和布拉德皮特是第九代的表兄弟。

    President Barack Obama and Brad Pitt are said to be 9th cousins .

  17. 表兄弟两人已经拥有了许多热情的支持者。

    The melwani cousins have found some avid supporters .

  18. 我们经常和表兄弟姊妹玩球类比赛。

    We usually play ball games with our cousins .

  19. 她有六个表兄弟,其中三个已经长大成人了。

    She has six cousins , three of whom lived to grow up .

  20. 布什和克里是第9次表兄弟,两次删除。

    Bush and Kerry are9th cousins , twice removed .

  21. 还有经常处于危险境地的你的表兄弟。

    um ... your cousin , who 's always getting into dangerous situations .

  22. 我叔叔的儿子是我的表兄弟。

    My uncle 's son is my cousin .

  23. 我需要准备,表兄弟姐妹我担心它会太脆弱。

    I need to prepare , coz I fear it will be too frail .

  24. 在我母亲这一方面,我有两个舅舅和六个表兄弟姐妹。

    On , my mother 's side I have two uncles and six cousins .

  25. 他六英尺高,是我的表兄弟中最高的一个。

    He is six foot tall and the tallest one of my cousins ' .

  26. 她的爱全都倾注到她的表兄弟身上了。

    Her affections were centered on her cousin .

  27. 吹牛者和撒谎者是表兄弟。

    A boaster and a liar are cousins-german .

  28. 可能是表兄弟但你这样的战斗英雄

    Could be a cousin , but then you 're a war hero returning home

  29. 论体力上的坚韧和满足,他跟松树和岩石称得上是表兄弟。

    In physical endurance and contentment he was cousin to the pine and the rock .

  30. 把恩佐留下,把他送到长岛上我们的表兄弟那里去吧。

    Keep Enzo here , send him to hide with out cousins in Long Island .