
  1. 表面镶嵌多孔钛的人工股骨柄复合BMP后,界面间早期即有骨形成,随时间延长骨-假体界面间的骨形成的量逐渐增多,术后6周骨组织充满镶嵌材料的全层。

    After combining with BMP , implant shaft with surface modification of porous titanium had bone formation in the interface layer early after operation . Implant-bone surface bone formation was found to increase with time . Six weeks after operation , bone ingrowth had reached the whole integrated material layer .

  2. 花后60d时,脂体在蛋白体的表面呈镶嵌状分布。

    At60 days after flowering , lipid bodies were perpendicular to the surface of protein bodies .

  3. 参与橡胶生物合成的橡胶转移酶、橡胶延长因子等重要酶类和相关的蛋白质调控因子均定位于橡胶粒子的表面或镶嵌于橡胶粒子膜中。

    The crucial enzymes in rubber biosynthesis such as rubber transferase , rubber elongation factor and other proteins and so on were all located at the surface or embedded in the membranes of rubber particles .

  4. Ti、C和Ti+C离子注入钢表面纳米相镶嵌复合层的形成

    Formation of complex mosaic layer with nano-meter phase in Ti , C and Ti + C implanted steel

  5. 其次,陨石表面有金属镶嵌点,呈现金色或者银色,这表明内部可能有金属物质;

    Second , the surface of a metal meteorite embedded points , showing a gold or silver , suggesting that there may be internal metals ;

  6. 应用ANSYS的参数化设计语言APDL,研究了牙轮钻头滑动轴承表面渗碳层和镶嵌的铜合金对轴承强度的影响。

    This article applies ANSYS Parametric Design Language ( APDL ) to study the influence of carburized layer and copper alloy strips on strength of Slide Bearing for Roller Bit ( SBFRB ) .

  7. 进一步推导出了预测自由表面纳米微粒和镶嵌在高熔点基体中并与基体形成共格界面的非自由表面纳米微粒的熔解熵和熔解焓的计算公式。

    Furthermore , we have obtained the relations accounting for the size and shape dependent melting entropy and melting enthalpy of nanoparticles with free and non-free surface .

  8. 其中含有中间相小球的前驱体最利于制得高比表面活性炭,镶嵌型结构的次之,而区域型结构相对不利于得到高比表面积活性炭。

    Mesophase spheres in precursor do benefit to making high specific surface area actived carbon , mosaic structure take second place , regional structure do not benefit to making high specific surface area actived carbon .

  9. 针对石墨铜镍基合金摩擦副,在石墨铜表面采用了两种PTFE表面涂层的新工艺表面擦涂和表面镶嵌PTFE,并对其摩擦学性能进行了试验研究。

    To the friction pair of Graphite-Sinked-Copper against Nickel-base alloy , two new technique of PTFE coating , surface scrubbing and surface inlaying are introduced , experiments about their tribological behaviours are performed .