
  • 网络performance anxiety
  1. 还是要饱受表现焦虑的困扰

    and still suffer from performance anxiety .

  2. 但另一面是,我当时有非常严重的表现焦虑。

    On the flip side of that , I struggled with very severe performance anxiety .

  3. 伍德•布鲁克斯在研究表现焦虑的过程中发现,将压力重新评估为兴奋能够提高结果。

    Studying performance anxiety , Ms Wood Brooks discovered that reappraising stress as excitement can boost results .

  4. 结论(1)单次应激组大鼠表现焦虑样行为增多,慢性应激可导致大鼠行为的明显抑制;

    Conclusions ( 1 ) Single FS stressed rats mainly show increase of anxiety-like behavior , while chronic stressed rats may induce marked restrain ;

  5. 每天用五分钟时间缓慢的深呼吸可降低你的“表现焦虑”水平。

    Taking five minutes here and there throughout the day to inhale and exhale slowly and deeply can decrease the " performance anxiety " you are prone to experiencing .

  6. 有些人将怠惰的状态归咎于多变的天气,有些人不堪毕业论文的重负,或因即将到来的大考而倍感压力,有些人则是为自己前半年的工作表现感到焦虑。

    Some people blamed the laziness to the unpredictable weather , some are burdened by the graduation papers , or the coming important test , some feel anxious about their work performance earlier this year .

  7. 结果发现新护士在SCL-90中的各因子分均高于国内常模,主要表现为焦虑、人际关系敏感。

    The result showed each item of SCL of newly graduated nurses was higher than domestic normal model , especially the items of anxiety and sensitivity of person-to-person relationship .

  8. 偏头痛组患者的SCL-90各因子分均明显高于中国常模(P<0.01),突出表现在焦虑、抑郁及躯体化3个方面;

    The scores of all factors of SCL-90 of the migraine patients group were higher than that in Chinese normal ( P < 0.01 ) . The distinct manifestation were anxiety , depression and somatization .

  9. 有些儿童在考试期间会表现出焦虑和沮丧的迹象。

    Some children show signs of anxiety and depression at exam time .

  10. 女孩通常表现得焦虑并出现如胃痛那样的身心失调症状。

    Girls often develop performance anxiety and psychosomatic symptoms such as stomachaches .

  11. 这些形容词都是表现了焦虑、疾病、饥饿或疲惫对身体造成的影响。

    These adjectives mean showing the physical effects of anxiety , disease , hunger , or fatigue .

  12. 某些具有热性癫痫的患者也表现出焦虑,智力迟钝和共济失调症状。

    Some patients with GEFS + also exhibit anxiety , mental retardation , autistic behavior and ataxia .

  13. 与内因性抑郁症相似,也有表现为焦虑性抑郁和妄想性抑郁。

    As depressed as internal cause sex disease is similar , also expression is angst sex depressed with covet sex depressed .

  14. 考试应激对高中生心理的影响主要表现在焦虑、抑郁、偏执、强迫、恐怖、睡眠和饮食方面。

    The effect of test stress on mental health consist in anxiety , depression , paranoid ideation , obsessive-compulsive , photic anxiety , sleep and diet .

  15. 目击者报告诸如大象和猴子这类野生动物向高地迁移,同时牛,狗及其他家畜表现出焦虑和不安。

    Witnesses report wild animals such as elephants and monkeys moving towards higher ground as well as anxiety and distress in cattle , dogs and other domestic animals .

  16. 这些形为表现在焦虑时期很典型的,而且不易消除。然而,利用文章中所列出的指示,这些都是可以缓解。

    These behaviors are typical during times of anxiety and are impossible to eradicate . However , their effect can be mitigated by addressing the guidelines outlined in this article .

  17. 参照中医与之对应的症候及病机分析,躯体化障碍患者由于情绪障碍表现如焦虑、抑郁、狂躁等不明显。

    According to Chinese medicine with corresponding disease with disease pattern and mechanism of desease , obstacle patient behave with emotional disorders obstacle such as anxious , depressed , manic disorders .

  18. 高危医务人群虽然因承担更多的压力而表现出焦虑和躯体化,但该群体能较好地使用心理资源。

    Although the high-risk SARS medical personnel showed anxiety and somatic symptoms because of higher stress , they could make better use of their psychological resources during the epidemic of SARS .

  19. 当孩子的言行惹怒家长,而孩子表现出焦虑时,治疗师可以引导孩子说说“为什么成人会对孩子如此刻薄”。

    When a child makes adult figures act aggressively while child figures behave anxiously , the therapist might ask the child to explain why older people are mean to little kids .

  20. 而且这种心理障碍和孕妇的胎产次及文化程度有一定关系。结论高危孕妇的心理障碍发生率较高,主要表现为焦虑,应予重视。

    Conclusions Pregnant women , in particular the high risk pregnant women have a high incidence of psychological disorder and the major expression is anxiety , careful attentions must be paid .

  21. 他的人生沉浮与楚国的兴衰荣辱相联,特别是在他的中晚年产生强烈的心理冲突而造成异常心理,表现为焦虑、情绪躁狂、亢奋和绝望等症状。

    The psychology conflicts were produced in his middle and later ages , which were characterized by anxiety , mania , overexciteness , and desperation , exerting profound influence on his poetic creation .

  22. 结论学龄儿童的自我概念随年龄增长而下降,行为、智力与学校表现、焦虑、合群等自我概念因子对学龄儿童的行为问题有显著影响。

    Conclusion The scores of self-concept scale decrease with the increasing of the children 's age . The factors of self-concept such as behavior , intellect , anxiety and gregariousness have great effect on school-aged children 's behavioral problems .

  23. X大学大一学生的英语学习焦虑是客观存在于学生群体之中的。这些焦虑突出地表现为考试焦虑和交际焦虑。

    Anxiety of English study of freshmen at X university had objective existence in student groups , which noted significantly as examination anxiety and communication anxiety .

  24. 这些情绪上的不适应反映在人际交往过程中就表现为社交焦虑的体验。

    So these emotions are reflected as social anxiety experience in interpersonal process .

  25. 第四部分主要分析了卡夫卡作品所表现的精神焦虑,认为卡夫卡的几乎所有重要作品都弥漫着一种焦虑的情绪。

    The next part is about the spirit anxiety what almost Kafka 's works are penetrated .

  26. 然而,维吾尔族英语专业学生在涉及自信度和英语阅读兴趣的题目上表现出的焦虑水平较低。

    Meanwhile , English-major Uyghur students showed a low level of anxiety on items concerning their self-confidence and interest in English reading .

  27. 梦境:这个梦境通常是对某个重要任务没有准备好而表现出来的焦虑,比如某个重大的展示、活动或者工作任务。

    The Dream : This one is marked by anxiety over not being ready for a big presentation , event or work task .

  28. 享有广泛赞誉的英国女王能保持与他人的距离并牢牢掌控着自己的情绪,想必如今的她也会表现出她的焦虑。

    The Queen widely admired for keeping her distance and exercising iron control over her emotions is now expected to show she cares .

  29. 2高自我价值感者和低自我价值感者在状态焦虑和特质焦虑都存在着显著的差异,低自我价值感者表现出高焦虑;

    The difference between high self-worth and low self-worth is significant on state and trait anxiety . The students with lower self-worth reflect higher anxiety .

  30. 表明冠心病患者普遍存在着异常的心理状态,女性更容易表现抑郁及焦虑症状。

    Enunciation the sufferer of the CHD be widespread existence abnormality of mental state appearance , female more easy performance suppress Yu and worry anxiously symptom .