
  • 网络Diagnostic scale
  1. 0~4岁小儿发育诊断量表的研究

    The Study of Developmental Diagnostic Scale of Children Aged 0 ~ 4 Years

  2. 目的:中医证候标准化、客观化研究的一项重要内容就是证候诊断量表的研究。

    Purpose : A major content of the standardization and objectification study of the traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) syndrome is the study of syndrome diagnostic scale .

  3. 方法:采用Young氏网络成瘾诊断量表和青少年网络应用与心理状况调查表,对1712个青少年进行测评。

    Methods : 1 712 adolescents were investigated by Young IAD diagnosis scale and adolescent internet use and psychology status questionnaire .

  4. 方法应用心理健康诊断量表(MHT)对郑州市城乡1994名中学生进行学习焦虑诊断测试。

    Methods Mental health testing was used to assess anxiety about learning among 1994 middle school students in Zhengzhou city and suburbs .

  5. 《Gesell发展诊断量表》:两组患儿在各项数据上均有提高,治疗组与对照组比较,有显著性差异(P0.01)。

    Each data in Gesell Developmental Scales were all improved in both groups , presenting the significant difference in comparison between the treatment group and the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 【方法】用中国比内测验智力诊断量表(第三次修订本)自编家庭情况问卷为工具,对200例LD儿童家庭情况、出生时情况、幼儿教育进行调查及对他们的智能心理进行测量。

    【 Method 】 Examining intelligence table Binet in China and a self-made family questionaire were applied to 200 children with LD , whose family , birth and infant education were investigated , intelligence and psychological charateristics were measured .

  7. 方法:采用中国成人智力量表(CISA)、韦氏记忆量表中国修订(WMS)、酒精依赖诊断量表(SCIDAD)和自编饮酒情况调查表对被试者进行测验和调查。

    Method : Chinese intelligence scale for adults ( CISA ), Wechsler memory scale ( WMS ), schedule of clinical interview for diagnosis alcoholic dependence ( SCID AD ) were employed to test and investigate the subjects .

  8. 在10月龄时采用Gesell发育诊断量表和日本S~M社会生活能力量表对各组婴儿的智能发育水平进行评定。

    The level of intellectual development was assessed in infants of 10-month old of each group with Gesell Developmental Schedules ( GDS ) and Japanese S-M Social Living Ability Scale .

  9. 采用日本运动心理学会会长德永斡雄研制的运动员心理竞技能力诊断量表(DIPCA-3),对高水平女足运动员进行问卷调查。

    Using the Diagnosis Measuring Scale of Psychological Competitive Ability ( DIPCA-3 ), a questionnaire was given to the elite women footballers .

  10. 《儿童认知能力诊断量表》(简称DSCAC)是编制来鉴别和诊断学习不良儿童的一个认知能力测验。它由三个分测验和八个项目组成。

    The Diagnosing Scale of Cognitive Abilities for Children ( DSCAC ) with Hangzhou norm is a test used for differentiating and diagnosing learning disability of children .

  11. 采用Gesell格塞尔发育诊断量表(Geselldevelopmentdiagnosisscale,GDDS)和婴儿~初中学生社会生活能力量表即日本S-M社会生活能力检查修订版对两组婴儿的智力发育水平进行评定。

    The Gesell development diagnosis scale ( GDDS ) and social life ability scale for children from the infants to middle school students , that was Japanese S-M social life ability scale for intellectual development ( revised edition ) were used to assess the intellectual development of all the subjects .

  12. 目的建立父母用注意缺陷多动障碍诊断量表(ADHDDS-P)的中国城市儿童常模,并检验其信度和效度。

    Objective To develop the norm of the ADHD Diagnostic Scale-Parent Version ( ADHDDS-P ) in Chinese urban children and to test the reliability and validity of this scale .

  13. 方法采用精神症状自我诊断量表。

    Method s Using mental symptom self - rating scale .

  14. 《儿童认知能力诊断量表》的编制

    The Construction of Diagnosing Scale of Cognitive Abilities for Children

  15. 精神障碍诊断量表对阿尔茨海默病的现场测试

    Diagnostic Schedules for Mental Disorders field trials for patients with Alzheimer disease

  16. 精神障碍诊断量表对偏执型和未定型精神分裂症患者的评定

    Application of Diagnostic Schedule of Mental Disorders in schizophrenia of paranoid and undifferentiated type

  17. 该自评量表分为适应性诊断量表和疾病性诊断量表两部分。

    This scale consists of two parts , adaptive testing and illness diagnostic test .

  18. 对学前儿童语言学习能力诊断量表的效度评价

    A Validity Study on the Diagnostic Tool for Language Learning Ability of Preschool Children

  19. 缺陷型精神分裂症诊断量表中文版的信效度研究

    The Chinese Version of the Schedule for the Deficit Syndrome : Reliability and Validity

  20. 布尔向量数据模式分类关键问题及中医诊断量表研制

    Key Issues on Pattern Classification on of Boolean Vector Data and TCM Diagnosis Scale Development

  21. 方法用感觉统合诊断量表和自制儿童生长发育调查表对1775名学龄儿童进行心理行为问题调查。

    Method Investigate psychological and behavioral problems to 1775 school-age children with Sensibility Questionnaire and development Questionnaire .

  22. 方法采用自编职业一般状况调查表和精神症状自我诊断量表。

    Methods A self - made inventory and mental symptom self - diagnosis scale were created for the assessment .

  23. 采用《人际关系综合诊断量表》和《主观幸福感量表》对467名大学生进行测试,旨在探讨大学生人际关系困扰与主观幸福感的状况及其关系。

    To study the relationship between interpersonal disturbances and subjective well-being in college students , 467 undergraduates in Guangzhou were investigated .

  24. 疾病性诊断量表由精神分裂症倾向、抑郁症倾向、躁狂症倾向、强迫症倾向、焦虑症倾向、恐怖症倾向、歇斯底里症倾向7个分测验组成。

    Illness diagnostic test including 7 branch-tests , namely sub-schizophrenia , sub-depression , mania , obsessive compulsive disorder , anxiety , phobia , hysteria .

  25. 实验后对两组进行两次生命意义感调查问卷、人际关系综合诊断量表的测试,中间间隔一周。

    I give two groups test twice by the meaning of life questionnaire , interpersonal relationship comprehensive diagnostic scale after the experiment . The interval is one week .

  26. 论文提出和研究了布尔向量数据模式分类中的关键问题,并将研究结果应用于中医学诊断量表研制当中。

    Some key issues of pattern classification for Boolean vector data are put forward and studied in the dissertation , and research results are applied into TCM diagnosis scale development .

  27. 适应性诊断量表由主动学习、情绪稳定和乐观、自我认知、责任感、成就动机、与人沟通、性意识、自制力8个分测验组成;

    Adaptive testing including 8 branch-tests , namely active study , steady and optimistic emotion , self-cognition , sense of duty , achievement motivation , communication ability , sex consciousness , self-control ability .

  28. 方法:随机整群抽查郑州市城区6所高中800名学生,以网络成瘾诊断量表、家庭环境量表及自编的网络使用调查问卷对所有被试进行测试。

    Methods : Totally 800 students who were sampled from six senior middle schools by cluster sampling were tested by IAD Scale ( internet addiction disorder scale ), FES-CV and self designed Internet Usage Inventory .

  29. 方法追踪观察全民食盐加碘前后出生的286名婴幼儿的发育状况。采用0~4岁儿童发育诊断量表进行发育商测量,并调查其可能的影响因素。

    Methods To test development quotient ( DQ ) weight and height of 286 infants who were born before or after universal iodized salt with the method of 0 ~ 4 years infant development diagnosis .

  30. 本研究采用《心理健康诊断量表》和《父母养育方式问卷》对196名初中生进行测量,探讨初中生心理健康与父母养育方式的影响因素及其相互之间的关系。

    This research measured 196 JSS and probed into the relationship between their mental health and their parenting style by means of " the Mental Health Diagnostic Test "( MHT ) and " Parenting Style Assessment " .