
  • 网络nootropic;nootropics
  1. 目的通过对事件相关电位P300的监测,评价益智药奥拉西坦治疗轻型脑伤的疗效。

    Objective To assess the effects of Oxiracetam on mild brain trauma by P300 monitoring .

  2. 益智药阿尼西坦胶囊在人体内的生物等效性评价

    Evaluation of the biological equivalence of aniracetam capsules in human body

  3. 通过谷氨酸损伤海马神经元模型的建立,研究田七、天麻、益智仁药组对Glu损伤胎鼠海马神经元的保护作用。

    Through the establishment of glutamate injury model of hippocampal neurons , research Tianqi , Tianma , the protective effect of treating diabetes drug group Glu damage fetal hippocampal neurons . 3 .

  4. 田七、天麻、益智仁药组能达到调节神经递质的作用以保护小鼠记忆力。

    Tianqi , Tianma , treating diabetes drug group can achieve modulating neurotransmitter role to protect memory in mice .

  5. 远志为镇静安神代表药之一,虽然从古至今远志主要是做为益智安神药应用,但在国内这方面的研究很少有报道。

    Although Polygala has been mainly used as sedative drugs since the ancient times , domestic researches in this area are rarely reported .

  6. 田七、天麻、益智仁药组对东莨菪碱损伤造成的小鼠学习和记忆功能下降的预防作用进行研究。

    Tianqi , the preventive effect of Tianma , learning treating diabetes drug group for damage caused by scopolamine and memory dysfunction in mice were studied .

  7. 学习困难是儿童多动症的主要症状之一,用益智调神方药治疗能使患儿学习成绩提高。

    Difficulty in studying is one of the main symptoms in children with hyperkinetic syndrome .