
yì zhì rén
  • Yizhiren;bitter cardamon
  1. 通过谷氨酸损伤海马神经元模型的建立,研究田七、天麻、益智仁药组对Glu损伤胎鼠海马神经元的保护作用。

    Through the establishment of glutamate injury model of hippocampal neurons , research Tianqi , Tianma , the protective effect of treating diabetes drug group Glu damage fetal hippocampal neurons . 3 .

  2. 对益智仁总黄酮和总多糖的含量进行了测定。

    Measurement of total flavonoids and total polysaccharides Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq . content .

  3. 益智仁盐炙对豚鼠膀胱逼尿肌活动影响的研究

    Study of the Stir-heated Alpiniae oxyphyllae Fructus on Contractile Activity of Isolated Bladder Detrusor Muscle of Guinea Pigs

  4. 田七、天麻、益智仁药组能达到调节神经递质的作用以保护小鼠记忆力。

    Tianqi , Tianma , treating diabetes drug group can achieve modulating neurotransmitter role to protect memory in mice .

  5. 结果表明,Y-迷宫训练中蓝莓、菟丝子和益智仁的复合物组小鼠达到学会标准的次数显著减少;

    The results have shown that the number of times that the mice achieve the learning standard has decreased significantly .

  6. 田七、天麻、益智仁药组对东莨菪碱损伤造成的小鼠学习和记忆功能下降的预防作用进行研究。

    Tianqi , the preventive effect of Tianma , learning treating diabetes drug group for damage caused by scopolamine and memory dysfunction in mice were studied .

  7. 方法:用AlCl3-NaNO2-NaOH显色,利用紫外分光光度法测定益智仁中总黄酮的含量,检测波长为510nm。

    Method : With AlCl_3-NaNO_2-NaOH coloration , spectrophotometric method was used to analyze the total flavanone content of Fructus Alpinia Oxyphylla . Examination wavelength was 510 nm .

  8. 以上结果提示蓝莓、菟丝子和益智仁复合物促进自然衰老小鼠学习记忆功能的作用机理与提高小鼠的抗氧化性有关。

    All the results showed that the compounds of blueberry , Cuscuta chinensis and Alpinia Oxyphylla can promote the ability of learning and memory of the mice and the mechanism may be related with the elevation of the ability of antioxidant of the mice .