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  • 网络June Rose;JUNEROSE;penny jordan
  1. 六月玫瑰下的婚礼是简朴而又亲切温暖的。

    The wedding , beneath the June roses , was a simple , homey one .

  2. 六月的玫瑰园花团锦簇。

    The rose bushes are a mass of flowers in June .

  3. 六月,玫瑰是一个有才华的艺术家,用她的化妆技巧和专业知识,创造最美丽的婚礼当天化妆。

    June-Rose is a talented makeup artist and uses her skill and expertise to create the most beautiful wedding day makeup .

  4. 明丽的六月你吹拂玫瑰。

    Do not the bright June roses blow .

  5. 当六月过去,玫瑰凋残,别再问我,爱神在哪里。

    Ask me no more where Jove bestows , When June is past , the fading rose ;