
  • 网络hills;Roppongi Hills;Roppongi Hills in Tokyo
  1. 如今,这些空荡荡的办公室赫然提醒着人们,仍然留在野村的前雷曼银行家可能很快就会离开他们的新办公室,就像当初他们迅速搬出六本木新城一样。

    Now , the empty offices remain as a stark reminder that the ex-Lehman bankers it still retains could abandon their new workplace just as quickly as they moved out of Roppongi Hills .

  2. 在六本木新城的森大厦&游客们站在位于52层的观景台尽情眺望东京风光。

    Visitors at'Tokyo City View ' , the observation deck on the52nd floor of the Mori Tower at Roppongi Hills in Tokyo , Japan .

  3. 去年10月,野村收购了雷曼在亚洲、欧洲和中东的大部分业务。当时,野村不得不把数百名雷曼员工迅速转移到自己位于六本木新城以北、空间局促的办公室中。

    When Nomura acquired the bulk of Lehman 's Asian , European and Middle Eastern operations last October , it had to transfer hundreds of Lehman employees quickly to its cramped offices further north in the city .