
shùn xù cāo zuò
  • sequential operation
顺序操作[shùn xù cāo zuò]
  1. 但是,某些应用程序使用的顺序操作比随机操作还多,因此不能像其他应用程序那样受益于SSD。

    However , certain applications tend to use more sequential than random operations and therefore are not able to benefit from SSDs as much as others .

  2. 必须按说明的顺序操作以确保观察到此回复期。

    The described sequence must be followed to ensure this rest period is observed .

  3. (计算机科学)属于或关于复运算顺序操作。

    ( computer science ) of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations .

  4. 要领:力量要逐渐渗透,要按照排列的顺序操作,不要逆返。

    Main point : the strength should seep into skin gradually in proper order of vital point , no contrary .

  5. 同样,按照顺序操作项目,而不是让个人或者团队一次参入到多个项目,可以有效地改善一些任务切换问题。

    Also , undertaking projects in sequence rather than loading individuals or teams with many projects at once can alleviate some task switching .

  6. 在高电压或复杂的系统,这些锁可能是一套组合成的钥匙联锁系统,以确保正确的顺序操作。

    In high voltage or complex systems , these padlocks may be part of antrapped-key interlock system to ensure proper sequence of operation .

  7. 单个计算机运行两个或多个计算机程序的过程。(计算机科学)属于或关于复运算顺序操作。

    The execution of two or more computer programs by a single computer . ( computer science ) of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations .

  8. 指定分包商应向承包商和业主代表证明,设施能按适当顺序操作及各零部件能满足性能要求。

    The nominated Sub-Contractor shall demonstrate to the contractor and the employer 's representative the operation of the facilities for proper sequence of operation and satisfactory performance of the individual components .

  9. 例如,生成需要处理所有数据的报告的批处理应用程序可能会使用顺序操作,因为数据库中的所有数据无论如何都需要被处理。

    For example , a batch application producing a report of all processed data will likely be using sequential operations since all the data in the database needs to be processed anyway .

  10. 经实验,该测试系统及检测结果均符合过滤器测试要求,可实现自动化检测,检测更方便,测试结果更可靠该模式可以自动按顺序操作,也可依个人情况人为操作。

    The experimental results show that the examining system and the examining results meet the testing requirement of filter . The method is easy to use and can be automatically operated , and the examining result is more reliable .

  11. WSDL不会禁止以任何顺序调用操作,使用WSDL的Web服务应用程序必须在上面的逻辑应用中迎合这一特点。

    WSDL doesn 't prevent calling operations in any sequence . A web service application , which uses WSDL , has to cater to this in its application logic above .

  12. 基于数据流模式的乱序执行AES加密集成电路采用动态数据流结构、对并发操作串行地随机服务,通过增加顺序无关操作的数量和成批处理令牌提高不确定度。

    A data flow random executing AES encryption ASIC adopted the dynamic data flow architecture and served concurrent tokens randomly and sequentially . Its uncertainty was enhanced by increasing the number of order independent operations and batch arrival of tokens .

  13. 在使用延迟的顺序写操作时,在syncd守护进程运行之前,页面并不留在内存中,这可能会导致实际的瓶颈。

    With sequential write behind , pages do not stay in memory until the syncd daemon runs , which can cause real bottlenecks .

  14. 跨系统实现顺序控制操作指导的研究

    The Research for Implement of SCS Operate Instruction over Systems

  15. 不按顺序的操作可能导致时间延误和成本增加。

    Operations performed out of sequence can cause delays and extra costs .

  16. 按照以下指定的顺序进行操作。

    Follow the steps in the exact order specified .

  17. 这个依赖关系通常是由于必须按照指定的顺序调用操作而造成的。

    This dependency typically arises because operations must be invoked in a prescribed order .

  18. 为避免气缸盖变形,请按照规定的顺序进行操作。

    Work according to the order specified in order to avoid distorting the cylinder head .

  19. 关键路径是为了解决方案对最终的用户有价值而使面向用户的功能按照一定的顺序进行操作的需求。

    Critical path is typically the requirement that user-facing functionality be operational in order for the solution to be of value to the end user .

  20. 变更生命线顺序的操作并不会更改图表的语义,但是它通常会提高图表的清晰度和美学意义。

    Changing the order of lifelines does not change the semantics of the diagram , but it often improves the clarity or aesthetics of the diagram .

  21. 当顺序写操作超出文件原长度时,在文件末端另分配给该文件的空间量。

    The amount of space to be allocated at the end of a file each time a sequential write exceeds the allocated length of the file .

  22. 文章首先利用人工智能技术在前人研究的基础上建立了油船货油装卸操作评价非数值模型,用于对学员在操作对象、操作顺序、操作时机三个方面的评价。

    Based on the former work , this article developed a non-numerical value model for the operating of cargo oil handling of tanker at the first , which is used to assess object , sequence and opportunity of the students ' operation .

  23. 对VISUALBASIC3.0FORWINDOWS顺序文件进行操作的几个通用程序

    Several general programs for operating the order file Visual Basic 3.0 for windows

  24. 使用买/卖Web服务的消费者,能以任何顺序调用这些操作。

    A service consumer , which uses the buy / sell web service , can call the operations in any sequence .

  25. 假设我们希望指定必须按照特定顺序调用服务操作。

    Let 's say that we want to specify that our service operations must be invoked in a particular order .

  26. 现在您可以使用样例应用程序,从一个空存储库开始,按照下列顺序完成以下操作

    Now you can use the sample application that starts with an empty repository and completes the following operations in the order listed below

  27. 数字控制是按照含有机床(刀具)运动信息程序所指定的顺序自动执行操作的加工过程。

    Numerical Control ( NC ) is any machining process in which the operations are executed automatically in sequences as specified by the program that contains the information for the tool movements .

  28. 基于UML用例图与顺序图模型的操作剖面构造

    Operational Profile Development Based on UML Use Case Diagram and Sequence Diagram Model

  29. UML顺序图的结构化操作语义研究

    Research on structured operational semantics of UML sequence diagram

  30. 对于顺序和随机写操作,以及顺序读操作来说,它的性能非常优秀,根据Google的性能基准测试,它能在某些测试项目中得分领先SQLite两个数量级。

    The result is good performance for sequential and random writes , and sequential reads , beating SQLite by two orders of magnitude in some tests , according to a Google performance benchmark .